[Trading Channel]

Ye Qianfan glanced at the things that had just been posted.

Except for a few sets of materials, nine copies of [Skill Book·One Sword Style (Fake)] and seven top-grade dragon bone knives that had not been lent out, all other things had been cleared out.

It seems that starting from tomorrow, he can actually sit at home with his feet up and wait for the rent to be collected!


The life of the first generation of rich people is too boring!

But mom is right, people can't not work, if they don't work, they will be useless!

So Ye Qianfan decided to find someone to collect rent every day, so that he would have something to do every day!

Ye Qianfan was about to close the magic book and find the service to tell him something!

He saw that the information on the regional channel suddenly surged to 99+.

What happened?

【Regional Channels】

"Who has ten portions of meat, ten portions of water, and ten portions of dried grass that you can lend to me?" Player No. 0101 said,"Tomorrow, I can pay you back half the interest! Who wants to lend me? Hurry up!"

"Aren't two portions of meat enough for you? Why do you need so many portions of meat?" Player Qian Tiao said puzzledly:"Besides, you can't even take out 10 portions of meat now, who can expect you to give half the interest when the time comes? Aren't you here to make fun of me?"

"I have a way. Do you want to lend it to me or not? If not, don’t say anything!"

"0101, you need so many materials, there must be a reason, right?"Player Liu Xigua said:"Share it! If you can give a reason why you can pay it back, there should be many people who can afford it!"


Player No. 0101 was forced to the point of being unable to bear it.

He could only helplessly explain:"A caravan passed by my house and said that as long as they gave them ten portions of meat, ten portions of water, and ten portions of dry grass, they would trade with me!"

"Caravan!(¯﹃¯)!!"Player Zhang Yimu:"What can I exchange for? If you are willing to give me half of what you exchanged, I am willing to lend you the materials interest-free!"

Player Shada suggested:"0101, you can go to Mr. Ye to borrow, maybe you can borrow it!"

"I lent it, but Boss Ye never got back to me!" 0101 was furious and said,"Forget it, the caravan left when they saw that I couldn't pay it back. You guys are so boring! We are from the same district, but you didn't even lend me a hundred dollars, humph!""

"You actually let the caravan go? It's true that a penny can make a hero fall!" sighed the player Shang Ying!


Ye Qianfan looked at the content of the regional channel with a confused look on his face.

When did you ask me to borrow it?

Private message 99+


It turned out that there were too many people who sent private messages to him, and he didn't notice it at all.

But since the caravan had left, it was meaningless for Ye Qianfan to worry about it. It was a pity that he missed the opportunity to get rich.

And just when Ye Qianfan was regretful

""My Lord!"

Wei Qi, who was in charge of guarding the villa, came to report:"There is a caravan outside, coming to the door of our villa, asking to come in and rest for a night! My Lord, should we let them in?"


Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up immediately when he heard this!

Isn't this the caravan that player 0101 mentioned?

Could it be that these caravans can fly?

They actually came to him so quickly!

""Let's go! Follow me to greet them."

Ye Qianfan was actually a little curious about what this so-called caravan was like, so he quickly brought Wei Qi to the door of the villa.

There were a few humans at the door of the villa. The leader was tall and thin, but he looked a bit like a foreigner with a turban, but Ye Qianfan was sure that he was definitely a human.

Behind him were a few businessmen dressed in Arabic style, with a few bone horses beside them, and behind the bone horses was a two-wheeled wooden cart covered with a large piece of white canvas stained gray by sand and dust.

And there seemed to be a lot of goods on the wooden cart, and I don't know what they were selling?

""Hello, Lord. I am Bai, a businessman passing by here!" The leading businessman bowed to Ye Qianfan, saluted and said,"You can also call me Mr. Bai!"

"Hello, Mr. Bai!" Ye Qianfan smiled and said,"You are very welcome in my territory!"

"That's great!"

Mr. Bai laughed happily, but did not enter the room immediately. Instead, he continued,"We are very tired after passing through here. We need a place to rest."

"If the Lord does not mind,……"

"If you can give us ten portions of meat, ten liters of clean water, and ten portions of dry grass for us to rest, I will be grateful for your kindness, Lord!"


Ye Qianfan sneered in his heart when he heard this.

If I didn't know that you were the predetermined caravan, I would have no idea.

Ten portions of meat, ten liters of clean water, and ten portions of dry grass for free, whose things were blown by the wind?

But in order to see what he could exchange from the caravan...

Ye Qianfan nodded and said,"Mr. Bai, of course no problem!"

""The fourth day of the New Year!"


Ye Qianfan called over the fourth day of the New Year who was watching the fun on the side and said,"Go and prepare ten servings of roasted snow monster meat for Mr. Bai, and get ten liters of clean water at the same time!"

"Yes, Lord."

Chusi took the order and went straight to the kitchen to prepare.

After Mr. Bai heard what Ye Qianfan said, he was overjoyed and said,"Lord, you are so hospitable! I am very happy!""

"My Lord, you don't know……"

"We actually met quite a few people along the way, but although they were very welcoming to us, they couldn't give us any food, which was really disappointing!"

"Please go inside and rest while we talk slowly!"

Ye Qianfan asked Wei Qi to open the door and let all the merchants in.

Mr. Bai followed Ye Qianfan and they all walked towards the cafeteria. As for the bone horses...

Ye Qianfan asked Wei Qi to send someone to take the bone horses to the pet shed.

After all, there were���It can be sheltered from the wind and heated.

However, Ye Qianfan didn't care whether the bone horse needed it or not. He just wanted to show his respect for the businessman!

After hearing what Ye Qianfan said, Mr. Bai also went to the pet shed to take a look. Unexpectedly, they were quite satisfied with the environment of the pet shed and said,"Lord, I wonder if we can rest directly in the pet shed at night?"

"Because it is both windproof and warm here, we don't need the extra hay you provided, lord."

"If you like it, of course it's fine!"

Ye Qianfan nodded repeatedly.

He saved as much as possible. Although ten portions of dry grass were not worth much, it would be best if they were not given for free.

Hearing that Mr. Bai said no, Ye Qianfan simply put the ten portions of dry grass back into the warehouse. But just as Ye Qianfan put away the dry grass,

Mr. Bai suddenly said,"Wait!"

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