"It’s evolved?"

Ye Qianfan thought of the killer bees he brought back, which seemed to be just larvae.

Unexpectedly, after being carefully fed during the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, they have evolved and even have the ability to communicate!

If the people who sent Daji back before could also have a bee mobile phone, then there would be no need to sacrifice a citizen!

Ye Qianfan quickly tried to communicate with the evolved killer bees, and tried to shout:"If you can hear me, please draw a 521 in the sky!"

"After all, today is confession day. If no one has confessed to me, then you should confess to me!"

【5 2 1]

Then, those evolved killer bees seemed to understand human words. They actually lined up three numbers neatly in the air, corresponding to the three numbers 521, as if they were confessing to Ye Qianfan!

"Can you speak Chinese?"

Ye Qianfan thought for a while, and gave the killer bees a new instruction:"Thank you, bosses, can you do this?"

Sure enough.

These mutant killer bees lived up to everyone's expectations.

Then, according to Ye Qianfan's request, they danced in the air with various Chinese trajectories!

【Thank you guys!】

【I love you all!】


""Not bad! Not bad!"

Ye Qianfan was very satisfied with the performance of the mutant killer bees.

Then he spread out his hands, and a queen bee as big as a palm flew directly into Ye Qianfan's palm. Ye Qianfan then discovered the difference of this queen bee.

【Intermediate spiritual pet - Queen Bee: She is the leader of the mutant killer bees, and can even be said to be the brain of the bee colony. The behavior and activity trajectory of the bee colony are all directed by the queen bee releasing corresponding pheromones!】

【PS: You can carry the queen bee with you to easily command the bee colony!】

"Can you talk to me directly?"

Ye Qianfan was overjoyed, and then he wanted to try whether the queen bee could communicate with him directly.

The queen bee made intermittent sounds, just like talking to a scarecrow, which went directly into his brain.


"If you can communicate with me, then you will be my contact center from now on!" Ye Qianfan raised his eyebrows and said,"How far away can you communicate with these bees?"

"In a straight line... about ten kilometers...……"

The queen bee didn't seem to be able to speak much, but was trying to send out brain waves to communicate with Ye Qianfan.

But because they were communicating directly with their brains, Ye Qianfan could easily understand what the queen bee wanted to express. He could easily contact the queen bee within a straight line of ten kilometers, which was equivalent to the queen bee with a diameter of twenty kilometers.

This was definitely enough!

"Lord, I do!"

Chu Si stood aside and saw Ye Qianfan actually ordered the bees to form the numbers of confession. She was immediately overjoyed!

She had long been attracted to the Lord, and now the Lord confessed to her, how could she not be willing, she was absolutely willing!!!

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Qianfan turned his head and looked at the red-faced Chusi with a puzzled look and said,"Leave the matters of the Beehive to me. Are you ready for dinner? Everyone is waiting for your kitchen team's dinner!"

"Huh? Lord, didn't you confess your love to me?"

"I confessed to you?" Ye Qianfan said in confusion:"I just let the bees confess to me (the readers), what does it have to do with you!"

"So that's it!"

Chusi felt a little disappointed.

But Ye Qianfan still took out a bottle of vanilla milkshake that he had left behind, froze it with freezing magic, and handed it to Chusi, saying:"But since you have done a great job in feeding Honey, I'll give you this vanilla milkshake!"

"Really?"Chu Si's expression suddenly changed from gloomy to bright, and he said with great joy:"Thank you, Lord, I will go and prepare dinner!"

""Go ahead!"

Ye Qianfan waved his hand.

Then he looked at the burnt beehive and found a red exclamation mark on it.

【Burned primary beehive: Because the killer bees consume too much fire energy, the fire energy is too high, and it needs to be upgraded to an intermediate beehive to effectively resist the fire exhaust of the mutant killer bees! Upgrade conditions: Fire beast core 137/10, advanced mud 8700/10】


【Fire beast core -10, advanced mud -10】

【Intermediate Beehive: Mutated Killer Bee Reproduction Ability +100%, Growth Degree +100%]

A flash of golden light!

Ye Qianfan saw an oval sphere about one meter high appear in the pet shed. It was almost embedded in the wall, and the widest part was about one meter.

The whole thing was khaki, with only a few red fire beast cores inside, flashing red light from time to time.

The overall look was like a low-key and luxurious alien lamp, quite beautiful.

The mutant killer bees seemed to be very satisfied with the new beehive!

They hurriedly flew into the palm-wide entrance in the middle of the beehive, and did not come out. Only the queen bee stayed in Ye Qianfan's palm, reluctant to leave!

"Go, go!"

Ye Qianfan didn't want to delay the queen bee's reproduction!

For him, a mutated killer bee is now equivalent to a wireless phone, and it's free, so the more the better!

Moreover, in this hive, the evolution speed of the mutated killer bees can also be accelerated!

Ye Qianfan is still hoping that they can mutate again!

Maybe they can mutate into something rare.

Ye Qianfan nodded with satisfaction at the new hive, and then he took out some magma octopus eyes from his backpack, took one and placed it in front of the queen bee and said:"Eat more, you can grow faster if you eat more!"

""Thank you...thank you."

The queen bee agreed.

Ye Qianfan then walked out of the pet shed and headed for the cafeteria.

When he arrived at the cafeteria, Chusi had already prepared dinner, and every table was filled with food.

With the upgrade of Ye Qianfan's ability and the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the people in the territory.

The food in the villa has become more and more!

In addition to the dumplings wrapped in goblin meat paste, there are also bread fruits from the tree spirits, blood cow cheese from the dwarves, and magma octopus meat on the table today!

Very rich!

But the fruit wine from the tree spirits was only on Ye Qianfan's table.

Naturally, other people in the territory could not have such a luxurious thing to drink without the reward of the lord.

"Really good! It looks like a buffet!"

Ye Qianfan looked at the table full of delicious food and suddenly had an idea. It would be great if he could take a photo of this scene and send it to the regional chat!

However, at this moment

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