Ye Qianfan rode his bone horse and came a few kilometers away...

Finally found the scarecrow that was knocked away by the giant sword, fell to the ground, and broke into several pieces!

Ye Qianfan leaned over and picked it up one by one.

The scarecrow tried hard to move his eyes, looked at Ye Qianfan and said:

"My Lord, do you think there is any hope for me?"

"Don't worry, you're just broken into eighteen pieces. The servicemen are very good at craftsmanship, so it shouldn't be difficult to sew you back together."

Ye Qianfan smiled and quietly put the parts of the scarecrow that could not be put back together into his backpack.

Fortunately... the scarecrow is an intelligent creature except for its head, which cannot be put into a backpack.

The other parts are all straw bags and can be stuffed directly into the backpack.

This is much more convenient!

Otherwise, if you forget a part later... hahahaha


Ye Qianfan hadn't arrived at the villa yet.

It was already completely dark!

But fortunately, the villa was within reach, and Ye Qianfan had a kerosene lamp in his hand, so he was not too panicked!

From afar...

Ye Qianfan was riding on a horse, and he saw countless dim yellow lights at the door of his villa, waiting for his return!

Suddenly... he was a little touched!

The feeling of being waited for and needed by someone is actually quite happy!

At least it's better than returning home and the house is empty, or no one is looking forward to your return at all.

"My Lord!"

"It's the Lord who is back!"When everyone saw Ye Qianfan coming back on horseback, they all walked out of the gate of the villa to welcome Ye Qianfan's return, regardless of the darkness and thick fog!

Daji had also evolved completely at this time, and the petrified hard shell on her body had all retreated!

Only a furry golden cat hair was revealed!


Daji jumped directly onto the bone horse and got into Ye Qianfan's arms.

Ye Qianfan picked it up and stroked it.

"Hey, Daji, your wounds are all healed?"

Ye Qianfan was shocked.

The effect of this intermediate evolution pill was so good that it directly repaired all the original wounds on Daji's body.

He quickly looked at the prompt on Daji's head!

【Intermediate spiritual pet - Daji: A cat-type pet that relies mainly on agility and attacks mainly with its sharp claws!】

【Status: Loyalty 100%, Petrified, Special Ability - Summoning Stone Servant]

It has indeed been promoted to an intermediate spiritual pet.

But what does it mean to summon a stone servant?

""Daji, can you summon a stone servant for me?"

Ye Qianfan asked.

Daji meowed proudly, which was considered as her agreement.



Daji suddenly raised her head and shouted.

As Daji's cat cry sounded, Ye Qianfan suddenly heard the sound of stones rolling from the garden.

He hurriedly looked towards the location where the stones were rolling, and found that the stones on the ground were gathering towards a blue magic circle, and they were automatically assembled!

Two fist-sized stones rolled together to form the body of the little stone man.

Then countless finger-knuckle-sized stones quickly formed the hands and feet of the stone man, and finally formed a 20 to 30-centimeter-tall mini stone man?

What the hell is this?

""Daji, is this your... stone servant?"

Ye Qianfan was speechless on the spot. The stone men summoned by the multi-eyed monster were at least ten meters tall, and the stone man guarding the treasure land was even bigger.

And the little stone man summoned by Daji, let alone compared with others, was at least the size of a normal adult!



Daji nodded proudly.

It looked like,"Look at how powerful I am, don't you think?

I can actually summon servants. I will be the queen from now on!"

"You are not a stone servant, you are clearly a figurine of the stone servant!"

Ye Qianfan sighed helplessly, he only knew that summoning... was unreliable!


Daji looked angry.

Then it called many times.

""Ka La~ Ka La~"

The sound of countless stones rolling was heard.

Soon, Ye Qianfan saw several stone men who were not even as tall as his calves standing up from the garden!

He felt as if... his sisters were standing up!


After Daji summoned a dozen stone figurines, she snorted coldly and arrogantly.

But Ye Qianfan found it more and more amusing, so he teased Daji,"That's it?"


"You are just a set of stone figurines!" Ye Qianfan said with a smile:"It's just that there are more of them, but their power is still very weak!"


Daji gave an order.

One of the stone man's feet turned into a sharp stone cone, and then the two stone man's arms began to open and quickly drilled into the ground.

In the blink of an eye.

Ye Qianfan saw a hole drilled by the stone man in the ground!

"Wow, this set of figurines actually has special functions." Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up and he said,"Not bad, not bad, it's just a drilling technique, isn't it too monotonous?"


Daji meowed again with disdain.

Then she gave an order to another stone man, who turned into a little servant, carrying a newly grown tomato that had begun to turn red, and walked towards Ye Qianfan!

【Fruit tomato: a fast growing, nutritious fruit, rich in vitamins ABCDEFG! Production time: 10 fruits in 12 hours】

【PS: If you add fertilizer every day, the production can be doubled! 】


Ye Qianfan just found out that the fruit tomatoes he planted in the garden grew so fast.

But there are too many people in the landlord's family. Even if 20 can be produced in 24 hours a day, it is not enough for so many people to eat. It seems that it is time to increase the area of the farm!

【Misty Farm: There are 2 farm fields, each of which can be used to plant a crop, and the crops can grow faster in this farm! Currently, up to 2 different crops can be planted! Upgrade to Level 2 Conditions: Advanced Mud 0/200 (Mud 1 + Ash/Feces 1% = Advanced Mud 1), Earth Beast Core 8/10]

I just wanted to upgrade the Misty Farm and asked the service to help plant more tomatoes.

But when Ye Qianfan saw the number of materials in his backpack...

He was sick!

The number of these various materials is too discordant, the most are six digits, and the least are not even two digits?

What's going on?

"Oh, right!"

Ye Qianfan suddenly remembered that he had lent out 160 earth beast cores when he was doing the Lord's loan this morning.

As for the mud, the reason why he had so much was because when he was dealing with those stone men before, he used the soft spell to turn a bunch of stone men into mud, so he had 21,000 more mud.

But he also remembered at this time that he asked Lie Wu and others to go to the snow mountain to kill snow monsters during the day!

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