The man who brought the golden beast core to exchange for medicine is named He Feng.

His avatar is an image of a special forces soldier holding a gun, with a flat head, a square face, and a somewhat stern look.

Ye Qianfan:"You want to exchange the golden beast core with me for medicine?"

He Feng:"Yes! Can I?"

Ye Qianfan:"Sure. But can you tell me what you killed to get the golden beast core?"

He Feng:"What a coincidence!

There happens to be a cave near the lawn where I live, and there are many stones that can be mined, so I went to collect them.

At that time, I saw a stone that looked very strange, like...

like a bat, but because I was in a hurry to exchange the stone for food, I didn't think much about it.

Anyway, I saw that the stone of this big bat was easier to mine, so I chopped it down with an axe, and the system reminded me that I killed a small stone monster and got a golden beast core.

" Ye


He Feng:"Brother Ye, may I ask, what is the use of this gold beast core?"

Ye Qianfan:"I don't know either. Anyway, I have a lot of other materials, so I just collect some of them. This one looks very beautiful, like a gem, so I'll collect some and keep it for now. Maybe I can sell it for some money later."

When he learned that He Feng got a beast core by accident, he was a little speechless.

It was probably because the gargoyle fell asleep, so it didn't notice He Feng.

As a result, He Feng got a big bargain with an axe.

As for He Feng's desire to know the purpose of these beast cores, Ye Qianfan naturally would not tell him. While no one in the market knows the preciousness of these beast cores, it is the right thing to collect more!

He Feng:"Is that so! Then when Brother Ye knows the use, please let me know privately."

Ye Qianfan:"No problem."

He quickly sent a request for private transaction and ended the awkward chat

【Burn medicine -1, gold beast core +1]


Except for the remaining 11 medicines that require spiritual stones to exchange, which have not been touched.

Ye Qianfan's 39 burn medicines have been sold out. The remaining 10 burn medicines that can only be traded with spiritual stones, Ye Qianfan directly posted them on the world's trading channel.

It is not difficult to obtain other materials, but Ye Qianfan has a hunch that this kind of spiritual stone should be an extremely important material.

When players know the use of this spiritual stone, it will be difficult for Ye Qianfan to collect it.

So you must take advantage of the beginning of the game.

When everyone has a high chance of opening a treasure chest, but there are few survival resources, take the opportunity to collect a wave!

Not long after posting to the world trading channel.

The remaining ten burn medicines were all sold out.

Ye Qianfan sold medicine this time, and a total of 1 gold beast core, 100 wood, 200 stone, 180 mud, 20 vines, and 20 spiritual stones were harvested. After a wave of buying and selling, the materials for the second-level tool bench were also gathered!

【Stone 219/100, Wood 143/20, Earth Beast Core 2/2].

If the stone house wants to be upgraded, it still needs 2 Earth Beast Cores, and the most important thing is 4 pieces of glass, which is more difficult to get.

Ye Qianfan has not even seen it on the trading channel.

He also tried to exchange a can of medicine for a piece of glass, but no one was interested.

It seems that no one will have glass for the time being.

In desperation.

Ye Qianfan had to choose to upgrade the tool bench first!

【Stone - 100, Wood - 20, Earth Beast Core - 2】

【Level 2 tool bench upgraded successfully! 】

A golden light flashed.

The black stone tool bench in Ye Qianfan's cabin instantly turned into a large stone table!

Moreover, there were a lot of hooks on the wall side of the table, which Ye Qianfan could use to hang things. Various tools were neatly placed on the table.

It finally looked like a place to work.

【Level 2 tool bench: can make double-edged axe, stone axe, short bow, arrows, rattan armor, cotton clothes, intermediate backpack, primary arm guard……】


That's right.

He had received a blueprint for an excellent arm guard before.

But because of insufficient materials, Ye Qianfan did not make it. Seeing it in the Level 2 tool bench, Ye Qianfan quickly clicked on the description of the primary arm guard.

【Primary Arm Guard: Increases the protection of your fragile arms, overall defense +0.1. Remember to make two at a time, after all, you are not Yang Guo! Animal skin 4/2, hemp rope 11/1】

【Excellent arm guard (need to learn the blueprint): can increase the protection of your fragile arms, overall defense +1, remember to make two at a time, after all, you are not Yang Guo! Animal skin 4/2, hemp rope 11/1, gold beast core 2/1]

There are four animal skins?

Didn't he only get two animal skins?

Sure enough, after a look, it was a dwarf's backpack, which was completely damaged and automatically decomposed!

Since it has been decomposed, Ye Qianfan will not be entangled...

He continued to look at the conditions for making arm guards.

There are two types of content about making arm guards under the tool bench.

The first one is the skill that comes with the level 2 tool bench, making primary arm guards. Although the materials used are one less gold beast core than the excellent arm guards.

But its protection is only one-tenth of the excellent arm guards!

If it is two hands.

The difference in protection is nearly ten times, which is too bad.

Choose without hesitation, make excellent arm guards!

【[Excellent Armguard +1: Animal Skin -2, Hemp Rope -1, Gold Beast Core -1]


Ye Qianfan had a golden armguard on his wrist.

The material felt soft, but the golden luster told of the armguard's unusualness. In order to determine the degree of protection of the armguard.

Ye Qianfan took out the rusty axe and slashed the golden armguard!

Not only was the golden armguard fine, there wasn't even a scratch.


Ye Qianfan immediately made another armguard.

In this way, his hands had an extra layer of protection. Not to mention the extra protection bonus, in an emergency, he could even use it as a shield.


A venomous snake biting towards him!

When Ye Qianfan couldn't attack, he could raise his arm as a small shield to buy himself some time to attack!

Two armguards done!

Ye Qianfan was overjoyed.

The rabbit meat was also roasted at this time.

Ye Qianfan picked up a piece of roasted brown rabbit meat and took a bite.

The texture is tender and the taste is good.

Unfortunately, it lacks some seasoning. If there is a little salt or other black pepper, cumin, chili powder, or white sesame, it should be more delicious!

I should have saved some medicine for seasoning. What a mistake! What a mistake!!

Ye Qianfan felt a little thirsty after eating a piece of rabbit meat.

He then remembered that he had poured 10L of filtered water into the water purifier before going out in the morning.

He walked to the water purifier.

At this time, there was a red exclamation mark above the water purifier!

【Lack of charcoal, please replace with new charcoal! 】

Ye Qianfan took a look and found that the charcoal in the water purifier had disappeared strangely.

But there was still one-ninth of the sewage left in the water purifier. Ye Qianfan then remembered that he had filtered 1 liter of water yesterday, so he still needed 0.3 parts of charcoal to complete the filtration.

He quickly collected another 3 parts of charcoal from the firewood pile and added them in, and the water purifier started working again.

Anyway, the remaining 2.7 parts of charcoal can be used to filter the next wave of water.

It’s not a waste!

About ten minutes later.

The remaining one liter of water was finally filtered.

Ye Qianfan suddenly had [9L of drinkable pure water! ]

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