
A stream of blood instantly gushed out from the ground like a fountain.

The mud monsters under the ground screamed miserably, and quickly retracted the remaining heads that were about to move!

"It's very simple, just drip the blood of the cursed person onto a powerful life form, and then at the same time, put the cursed object and the life form together, the moment the three come into contact at the same time!" The scarecrow said vividly:"Boom!"

"The cursed object will be deceived by the blood of the cursed person and take effect directly, killing the designated life form!"

"However, this method has several specific requirements. First, the living being must be stronger than the cursed body, otherwise part of the curse cannot be consumed and will still cause harm to the cursed person!"

"Secondly, the cursed object, the living being, and the blood of the cursed person must come into contact at the same time to be effective!"

"If the cursed object comes into contact with the blood of the cursed person first, the curse will quickly recognize that this is not the real body of the cursed person, because the energy of a little blood is too low.���However, the curse effect of the cursed object cannot be triggered!"

"But if the cursed object comes into contact with a living being first, the cursed object will quickly discover that the living being is not the cursed one, and naturally it will not initiate the curse!"

""You're talking too much nonsense!"

Ye Qianfan complained to the scarecrow,"It's nothing more than that the cursed object can recognize the cursed, so a drop of blood is needed as a trigger to deceive its trust and attack other life forms to transfer the curse! That's it? You need to talk so much nonsense?"

"Hehe, isn't this meant to be explained clearly?"

"It's explained too clearly, it's just water!" After hearing this, Ye Qianfan jumped out of the earth pit and said,"You stay here first, I'll go find the cursed object to get rid of this thing!"

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"I'll go get your bride and let you spend your wedding night together!"

Ye Qianfan complained, then rode on the returning bone horse, waving the reins and left!

The scarecrow's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief!


Then, it roared even more!

"My Lord, how could you do this to me!"

"Why not?" Ye Qianfan smiled and responded to the scarecrow's words in his mind:"After all, 520 is coming soon, you have to find a girlfriend and stop being a single dog!"

"Otherwise, when you look at other people’s Moments and see only photos of holding hands and kissing, how sad it would be!"

"I think you and the baby are a perfect match. Anyway, you two are not human!"

""My Lord!" The Scarecrow roared,"I think you are even less human than the two of us!!"

"Oops! It's too far... too far... too far... The signal is bad, I won't talk to you anymore!"

Ye Qianfan blocked out the scarecrow's cursing in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, he had arrived at the place where the puppet was shot down.

Fortunately, the puppet was still there, and the split arrow had nailed it to the ground. The puppet, which had been lying quietly and motionless, suddenly struggled after seeing Ye Qianfan coming!

At this time, Ye Qianfan noticed... there was a piece of paper burned to ashes next to the puppet's fingers, and there were three red exclamation marks on the ashes!

❗️ ❗️ ❗️

What's going on?

Usually one exclamation mark means there is a tip.

Three exclamation marks mean an important tip!

As for the overwhelming red exclamation marks, it means extreme danger!

Ye Qianfan only encountered the overwhelming red exclamation marks once when he was fighting the magma octopus. It must be said that the classification of the exclamation marks is very considerate!

But this piece of paper that was burned to ashes was actually classified as important, which made Ye Qianfan dare not take it lightly!

Ye Qianfan stared at the three red exclamation marks!

【Communication Scroll: This is a communication scroll that has been burned to ashes. It looks like it sent a location to someone. There are several numbers on it (✧3·A·007·888) Apart from this, the rest of the content is unrecognizable!】

""Communication scroll?"

Ye Qianfan stared at the number displayed on the prompt.

✧What is 3?


Ye Qianfan didn't understand the first number.

But the second one was exactly the A district where he was, 007 was the district where he was, and 888 was his ID number.

It goes without saying that this message scroll should be the one to whom Ye Qianfan sent the message!


Ye Qianfan was furious.

He really didn't expect that this shabby doll had so many thoughts!

He had only been away for a while, and this guy actually sent a text message to someone and told the other party his location?

But the doll didn't realize that Ye Qianfan had cracked the contents of her communication scroll.

It just let out a barbell-like laugh and said,"Ha ha ha, are you still reluctant to leave me?"

"Yes, I really can’t bear to part with you!"

Ye Qianfan took out the Dragon Slaying Sword, pointed it directly at the doll’s eyes and said,"Who did you communicate with, and what is the meaning of numbers A007888?"


Wawa was a little surprised and said,"You can actually see the numbers above, that's not easy!"

"But it doesn’t hurt to tell you, you will definitely die today anyway!"

"These numbers represent coordinates."

"I have sent your coordinates to my master's sister. Since I can't kill you, she will have to avenge my master herself!"

"Isn't 888 my ID?" Ye Qianfan frowned and asked,"Why is it the coordinates?"

"888 is the coordinate number of your villa, you can't run away." After saying this, Wawa laughed like a barbell again:"Ha ha ha ha……"


Hearing this news,

Ye Qianfan felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

But things have already happened, and there is no point in regretting it.

It is better to solve the current problem first!

"Ho ho ho……"

The doll laughed wildly again,"You will definitely die today! You will definitely die today! Hahahahaha……"

"I don't know whether I will die today, but I will send you to death first!"

Ye Qianfan said, and then he raised the dragon-slaying sword and pointed it at the baby!

"Come on! I can’t wait!!"

The doll was not angry at all, and even had a very mean expression on its face.

It was trying to provoke Ye Qianfan so that Ye Qianfan would attack it, so that it could release a death curse on this human!

"You rubbish human, please don't pity me just because you love flowers, please whip me hard, hit me hard! I like you to treat me like this!"

"Because only if you hate me so much that you want to eat me, then I can stay in your body, turn into your nutrition, and eventually become a part of your body!"

"Come on! Come on, ravage me hard!"

"Ho ho ho……"

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