There are also 100 pieces of magnetic ore collected by the dwarves.

If Ye Qianfan collects it himself, it will probably take him half a day to dig out 100 pieces!

What a bargain!

【Make burn medicine!】

【Pain-relieving fruit - 2, golden sore grass - 1, scar-removing flower - 1】

【Burn Medicine +1]

Ye Qianfan is now in a burning pain all over his body, let's get a can of medicine and try it first!

A golden light flashed, and a can of yellow ointment in bamboo joints appeared in front of Ye Qianfan.

Ye Qianfan didn't care about anything.

He quickly picked up the ointment and applied it to the red and swollen parts of his body.


That kind of cool feeling hit the soul directly, and the whole body was refreshed!

Moreover, the redness and swelling on his body were even disappearing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was really much better!

Much more comfortable.

Until the injuries on his body were dealt with.

Ye Qianfan then checked today's harvest.

In the sophisticated trap, a total of two rabbits and a chicken were caught. Ye Qianfan observed the chicken and found that the chicken had no comb or big tail, and it was confirmed that it was a hen.

So Ye Qianfan didn't rush to kill the chicken, but stayed to see if the chicken could lay eggs.

As for the two rabbits.

Ye Qianfan killed them without hesitation, bled and skinned them, and obtained a total of [rabbit meat +4, animal skin +2].

There was no rabbit blood. The quantity was too small, so it was directly ignored by the system! There wasn't much stuff. Each rabbit only had two pieces of meat.

As for the beast core, there wasn't even one.

This made Ye Qianfan almost certain.

Not all prey have beast cores. For example, super weak prey like rabbits and squirrels don't have beast cores.

At least, only prey like wind snakes, which are more aggressive or threatening, will have beast cores.

Two rabbits were dealt with.

Ye Qianfan was just about to put the rabbit meat on the campfire to roast, but the white eagle on the side suddenly chirped.

When Ye Qianfan ran to the cabin, he let the white eagle stay in the cabin, so it was naturally not harmed by the acid rain, but looking at the bright eyes of the white eagle at this time, it was obvious that it was hungry again.

"You want to eat this?"

Ye Qianfan pointed at the rabbit meat.

Bai Ying nodded repeatedly, but his eyes were looking at the pile of residues left by Ye Qianfan after killing the rabbit, rabbit heads, and rabbit viscera and other garbage.

But Bai Ying was much more interested in this pile of things than the rabbit meat in Ye Qianfan's hand.

At this time.

Ye Qianfan suddenly remembered a popular science on the animal channel.

It is said that birds of prey and wild beasts eat the viscera first after capturing prey, precisely because the viscera contain a lot of fat.

Especially for wolves, only the wolf king is qualified to eat the viscera of animals every time.

And the meat left at the end is for other wolves!

So... the viscera not only represents high energy, but also represents status.

However, Bai Ying and himself are in a master-servant relationship, so naturally it has nothing to do with status. Ye Qianfan was eager to save some meat.

So he nodded to Bai Ying and said:

"That pile of internal organs and rabbit heads are all yours!"


The white eagle happily ran to Ye Qianfan's feet and rubbed his legs with a happy face.

Ye Qianfan rubbed its furry head, and it ran to the rabbit slaughter site with satisfaction and ate the internal organs in big mouthfuls!

Moreover, when the white eagle was eating, it would pick up the internal organs and throw them into the sky, then open its beak wide and let the internal organs fall into its mouth.

‘It started eating with a"crunch, crunch" sound!

However, Ye Qianfan was just curious about how it was going to eat the rabbit head. After all, the rabbit head was not small, as big as an adult's fist. Ye Qianfan didn't believe that the white eagle's mouth was so big.

However, the next second,

Ye Qianfan found that he had underestimated this foodie!

The white eagle pecked the rabbit's head with its hard beak and cracked it open. Then it began to eat the rabbit brain inside. After eating all the rabbit brain, the white eagle pecked the entire rabbit skull in half.

It picked up one of the ears, threw it into the air, and opened its mouth to catch it!



Half of the rabbit head became a crisp bone in the mouth of the white eagle, and he swallowed it in two crunches.

Two bites for one rabbit head, four bites for two rabbit heads.

Ye Qianfan's rabbit meat was not yet cooked, and the white eagle had already cleaned up the rabbit residue.

But fortunately, this little guy... well, it can't be called a little guy, after all, the white eagle is about one meter tall.

After eating the rabbit residue, this big guy began to take a nap while standing, and a snot bubble came out of his nostrils from time to time. It seems that he must be tired.

After all, within one day, he hatched, grew up, and participated in the battle.

Not to mention an eagle, I'm afraid a person would be tired.

While Ye Qianfan roasted the rabbit meat to solve his dinner problem, he opened the magic book to read the chat content of the [Regional Chat Channel] to learn more about the world.

"Online help!! The acid rain falls on my straw hut and keeps corroding my roof. What should I do?"

"My roof is full of holes! It's not rain at all, it's sulfuric acid! I saw it falling on the wood next to me, it was smoking, and it burned the bark directly!"

"Woo woo woo ~ I haven't returned yet, and the rain is starting to fall suddenly. What should I do now?"

"I just ran a few steps slower and got soaked by the rain. Now my whole body is painful and itchy. I don’t know what to do?"

"The guy upstairs, please wash it with water quickly, otherwise you will get your skin peeled off!"

"You think I don't want to? But I have no water. The water I exchanged for wood is not even enough to drink. Can someone be kind enough to exchange some water for me?"

"The rain was so heavy where I was that the printed patterns on my clothes melted and flowed down!"

"Fortunately, I didn't go out all day today and slept until now. But I'm so hungry, is there any big brother who will give me a meal? Whoever gives me a meal will be my big brother from now on, and I'll ask my dad to give you one million when I get back!"

"Forget it! The food you eat now is so expensive, who knows if you can go back. Besides, with your lazy character, I'm afraid you will die before you can go back? It's better to throw money away than to invest in you, at least you can hear the sound!"

"I haven't offended you, what do you mean?"

"If anyone has the medicine, can you give me some support? I am willing to buy it at a high price!"

"My whole body is itchy and painful, am I disfigured?"

There was a lot of wailing in the chat channel.

In addition to all the crying, there were also many people asking for help.

But at this time, who can help whom?


Ye Qianfan saw a new business opportunity in this pile of calls for help!

This acid rain caused many people to be burned. If he made the remaining 49 portions of burn medicine into ointment...

Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up!

This should make a lot of money!!

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