Soon, he found a magic spell with a magical name from the witch's pinky ring [Soft Spell: It can make some things soft, and is a must-have spell for housewives. ]

I don't know if it will work against petrification? Anyway , more skills are better!

Ye Qianfan didn't care whether he could use it or not. He first used the replicator to copy ten copies, and then used a forged skill book.

The rest was kept as a backup, or given to the subordinates for use. The next second , Ye Qianfan's brain had some more soft skills. But the only problem is that the spell of this [Soft Spell] is too long, almost two hundred words, and it takes more than a minute to read it! And the spell is like a tongue twister, very convoluted! I really don't understand... Isn't it just a soft spell? Why is it more troublesome than the Fireball Technique and the useless freezing spell?

""It would be great if there was something that could shorten the spell time!"

Ye Qianfan thought.

At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and thought of a piece of equipment that dropped when he defeated the Nightmare Rat King a long time ago.

That equipment seemed to be a treasure that could be used to shorten the spell chanting time!

【Spell Staff: It can increase the success rate of spell casting and shorten the chanting time. It is a good primary staff! Spell casting success rate +20%, chanting time -3S]

Ye Qianfan took it out and saw that although it was only a primary staff, it seemed pretty good!

How many seconds can be saved!

"Gah, blah, blah, blah……"

Ye Qianfan held the scepter and tried to cast a spell on a stone next to him.

Then he chanted for a full minute...

Oh, no.

It was one minute minus three seconds, a total of fifty-seven seconds!


A beam of red light suddenly shot towards the stone.

Then the originally hard stone began to melt softly, like melted chocolate!

Ye Qianfan poked it lightly with his finger.


It's a bit disgusting, this feeling of poking shit!

Moreover, the temperature of the stone that became soft did not rise or fall, it was still the original temperature.

The only thing that changed was the material of the stone, which was originally hard and became soft, as if some of the molecules inside had changed, and a qualitative change effect occurred!

Of course... the above reasons are just Ye Qianfan's guesses. This world is weird.

So no matter what happens, it's normal!

"Boom boom boom……"

Just when Ye Qianfan had just finished studying the soft spell, there was a sound of earth-shaking in the distance, as if something huge was running wildly on the ground and causing the vibration!


Mu Ba and the others were shocked.

Ye Qianfan also frowned and hurriedly prepared to send the White Eagle to investigate.

But before the White Eagle set off, Ye Qianfan saw two things, one big and one small, breaking through the fog and running towards them!

The small one was naturally Daji, and it was running wildly on all four legs!

Behind Daji, there was a huge stone man, nearly ten meters tall, with a gray body similar to the color of rocks, and a lot of moss and green plants growing on some rocks!

And at its heart, there was a ball of green light shining through its body!

【Ruins Stone Man: A creature petrified by the Many-Eyed Monster, whose soul is parasitic on the stone and gradually condenses into a Ruins Stone Man, which will automatically become the guard of the Many-Eyed Monster!】

"Dig the hole!"

"This multi-eyed monster actually has guards!"

"And judging from his size, I'm afraid his fighting ability should be quite strong.……"


Ye Qianfan hadn't finished speaking when the stone man raised his huge stone arm and swung it in front of him!

With her flexible body, Daji quickly jumped out of the stone man's attack range!

But the ground where Daji stood didn't have such good luck. The stone man's huge stone arm smashed a two-meter-wide hole in the ground!

Suddenly... dust and fog filled the air!

Stone chips and sand flew everywhere!


Daji took advantage of the moment when the stone man swung his stone arm and quickly jumped onto the stone arm, using the force to jump onto the stone man's head!

Then she stretched out her sharp claws and scratched the stone man's head!


Everyone heard the sound of metal and stone colliding.

Ye Qianfan even saw that under Daji's claws, the stone man's face was lit up with lightning!

The effect was just like chopping electric wires with a kitchen knife, with sparks and lightning all the way!

But despite this... the stone man was not moved at all!

After all, it was stone!

Daji's claws were just like tickling it, and there was no damage value at all!


Although there was no damage value, the stone man was still successfully angered by Daji.

It immediately waved its huge stone arm and slapped it towards its face, trying to slap Daji, the little fly, to death with one slap!


The passionate collision between the stones.

Suddenly, flames burst out, and a lot of broken stones fell off the stone man's head and arms.

But fortunately, Daji escaped!

""Lord, what should we do?"

Mu Ba was stunned when he saw the giant in front of him.

This stone man was too huge. With their fighting power, could they really defeat him?

"How about we team up and slide and tackle. If one person can't do it, the ten of us can definitely kill it, right?"

Yao San suggested.

Upon hearing this, Ye Qianfan didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said,"Just forget it! Just the few of you are not enough for them to beat us. One punch each will do the trick!"


Everyone was a little frustrated when they heard this.

Before, when they were just ordinary people, they couldn't help, but now they have learned skills and changed equipment, but they still can't help.���That's a bit sad.

"" Retreat quickly! Everyone, retreat to the side!"

But Ye Qianfan didn't have time to listen to what they said at this time. He just watched the stone man rushing towards him with earth-shaking momentum, and quickly waved away everyone and said,"Let me deal with this stone man!"

"But Lord, how can we let you take the risk alone?"

Mu Ba was a little worried.

After all, the stone man in front of him was not something that the Lord could handle. A stone man over ten meters tall could probably blow the Lord away with just one sneeze, right?

""Stop talking nonsense, just retreat!"

Ye Qianfan kicked them all aside one by one, and then he quickly took the scepter and chanted to the stone man!

Before he finished chanting the long spell... the stone man finally ran to a distance of only about ten meters from Ye Qianfan. For ordinary people, it might take several steps to get there, but for the stone man, it was just one and a half steps!

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