"That's right! I haven't dared to go out these past two days. There's a pack of wolves howling at my doorstep day and night! If the lord is really capable, he should come and help me kill the wolves, and he should send us some weapons and food so that we can all tide over this difficult time!"

"Someone come and save me, I am running out of water and food! But I don’t even have a torch, I don’t dare to go out!"

"Alas, there is no difference between having a lord and not having a lord. I feel like I can't even survive tomorrow.……"

The regional chat channel was filled with wailing.

Of course, there were also some people who were insulting Ye Qianfan for being a lord but not helping, being heartless, and being an ungrateful person!

Ye Qianfan took a quick look and realized that there were always such people in this world who advised others to be saints.

Anyway, as long as others were richer than them, they should unconditionally help the poor, and as long as others lived better than them, they should unconditionally give them some!

But as long as you ask them to set an example and be saints first, they will only run faster than anyone else!


Drag those people who blackened him directly into the small black room.

Although the more people in his area live, the higher the ranking, Ye Qianfan believes that having a few bad apples in the team will only affect the final result!

So it is the right way to eliminate these real ungrateful people first, and then find ways to help other players in the area!

"Ahem, I’m Ye Qianfan!"

Ye Qianfan spoke directly in the regional chat:"Because too many things happened in the past two days, I haven’t had the time to come online and talk to you all!"

"While there is still some time before sunrise, let me tell you about the extreme weather that will occur in 40 hours!"

"You must build the stone house and the fireplace today or tomorrow at the latest!"

"This way you will have the initial ability to protect yourself before the extremely cold night arrives. Otherwise, when the extreme cold arrives 40 hours later, you will most likely be frozen to death in the house!"

"I don't need to tell you that everyone has already felt the cold front two days ago. The extreme cold nights to come will be even worse! So, I hope everyone can take this seriously and don't lose their lives here!"After

Ye Qianfan finished speaking, the entire regional channel was silent for nearly a minute.

Until a woman named Bai Tiantian sent a message!

"What kind of extremely cold night is coming? Upgrading the wooden house has already exhausted all my savings and all my inventory. Now I can hardly survive, how can I upgrade the stone house!"

"My Lord, I know you have a lot of people in your territory. Could you please help them dig some stones for us? Otherwise, we really won’t be able to build a stone house!"

"Yes! Lord, please find a way to help us!"

"It’s not that I don’t want to go mining, but the monsters outside are really scary. They look like gorillas. I feel like I will be torn to pieces as soon as I go out!"

"It's so difficult! I finally saved up 100 stones these days, but I see that upgrading the stone house requires not only glass, but also some earth-type beast core! What should we do?"

"Oh my god! This is going to destroy the district!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Many people also thought that even if Ye Qianfan was the lord, it would be difficult for him to collect all these things by himself, let alone help them, which was impossible!

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Ye Qianfan sent out the second paragraph again,"I do have people under my command, and I have indeed found a mining area where I can dig up a lot of ores, as well as a lot of other materials! Whether it's glass or animal cores, I have them all!"

"That's great! The Lord is indeed the Lord, you are so awesome!"Bai Tiantian immediately interrupted Ye Qianfan and flattered him crazily,"Then can the Lord lend us these things?"

"Yes, Lord, please lend us all your extra materials! I promise to return them when I am able to do so!"

"And me, my lord, count me in!"

"Lord, you are such a good man in the universe. I want one too. I will set up a longevity tablet for you at home and worship it day and night! I will remember your kindness every day!!"

All kinds of flattering words to borrow materials immediately filled the screen!

There were also people who had been madly filling the screen in the regional channel before, insulting Ye Qianfan for being unscrupulous and ungrateful. Seeing that Ye Qianfan actually had materials, they also wanted to speak up and ask for things!

But after he prepared a long paragraph of flattering and in-depth article that would make men silent and women cry, he found that he couldn't send it out at all!

【System prompt: The other party has blocked you, and you will not be able to speak in the regional channel within three days!】


Comrade Baiyanlang was stunned on the spot!

He hurriedly tried again, and the result prompted that the number of speeches for that day had exceeded the limit and he could not speak anymore!


Comrade Baiyanlang was dumbfounded on the spot! He could not speak within these three days. After three days, if he still wanted to speak, he could only dream!

Originally, he thought he was just talking casually, but who would have thought that the lord would hold a grudge and directly blocked his mouth!

This time he was scared to death, and could only quickly run to the world channel @Ye Qianfan to ask for his forgiveness.


Ye Qianfan was brewing the third important paragraph at this time, how could he have time to care about a fool?

【Regional Channels】

"Everyone, I know that a stone house requires a lot of materials, but even I can't provide you with these things unconditionally! Because I'm not God, I'm just an ordinary businessman!"

"But in order to take care of the players in this area, I will still relax some of the rental conditions appropriately!��

"You can rent various materials for upgrading the stone house from me, including stone, mud, wood, vines, glass, and beast cores!"

"I can even rent you hunting tools, skill books, hunting equipment, etc.!"

"But you must follow my rental conditions!"

"All materials are rented for three days. If you repay within three days, you only need to pay a 10% handling fee. If you repay after three days, an additional 10% handling fee will be charged for each day of delay!"

"As for mining tools, hunting tools, etc., there is no handling fee, but we will charge you 10% of your harvest for the day!"

"Isn’t it quite cost-effective?"

【Attributes of profiteers++++】

【Warning, the profiteer attribute has exploded, and has been directly upgraded to a freeloader! 】


Ye Qianfan didn't expect that he had only said a few words.

This profiteer attribute has exploded?

And it has been upgraded to a freeloader.

What the hell is this skill? Why are the names of skills in this world so weird?

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