After pouring the cream melon...

Ye Qianfan cut open another vanilla fruit.

This vanilla fruit was about the same size as a fruit called passion fruit he had eaten before, but passion fruit was reddish brown, while this vanilla fruit was dark brown. Just from its skin, you could smell a strong vanilla flavor!

When Ye Qianfan cut it open, the smell became even stronger!

Suddenly... his entire stall was filled with the aroma of vanilla!

This fragrant smell even made the dwarf in the stall next to him move his nose and unconsciously take a deep breath!

"smell good!"

"It is indeed fragrant, but this kind of vanilla fruit has no taste"

"I heard that in the city, orcs use it to make perfume, and elves use it to make tea! But they definitely don't eat it directly because it doesn't taste good. In fact, it has no taste at all, only the fragrance!"

"What’s the point of a fruit without taste?"

"Yes, I think this big profiteer is going to collapse this time!���The angry cow milk, butter melon, and vanilla fruit he bought all smelled good but tasted terrible. He even mixed them together!~"

"It doesn't taste good at first glance, let alone let me buy it, I'm too lazy to even try it!"

Just when everyone was complaining.

Ye Qianfan had already successfully prepared the universe-level delicacy!

He made a big iron spoon, and then scooped the drinks into the bamboo cups one by one, filling each cup with only half a mouthful, which is about 20ml!

Then he raised his head and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Free drinks! Welcome to try them!"

"To thank all new and old customers for their patronage of my business and their love for my teppanyaki takoyaki!"

"For this purpose, I have specially launched free digestive drinks for everyone to taste, one cup per person, first come first served, while stocks last!"


The owner of the ore stall rubbed his ears in disbelief and said,"Did he just say it was free? Did I hear it right?"

"You heard it right, he really said it’s free." The boss, who was just talking about not even wanting to try me, said eagerly:"Since it’s free, why don’t we give it a try?"

"Just give it a try, it doesn't cost any money anyway."

The two said this, but their hands were not slow at all.

In addition, they were right next to Ye Qianfan's stall, so they were close to him and got the upper hand. They took a cup and poured it into their mouths!

They didn't think it would taste good, they just wanted to take advantage of it for free!

Besides... didn't the black-hearted stall owner say that it helps digestion!

So it's a waste if you don't drink it!

But when that sip of the drink entered the mouth of the ore boss!


At this moment, it suddenly felt something, deeply hitting its heart!

What exactly is this thing in its hand?

It has a cool taste. It has a soft and slippery texture!

The aroma of vanilla and cream is completely blended with the milk, plus that sweet feeling!


At this moment, the ore boss really felt that he was going to die! He was captured by this delicious drink and died!

He couldn't believe it...

How could there be such a delicious thing in the world! It is a hundred times better than the holy water of the holy spring, and a thousand times better!!

"Oh my god!!"

"What a divine taste, it's so delicious!!"

""Woo woo woo~"

The two stall owners beside Ye Qianfan were simply perfect stand-ins.

All of a sudden, all those who had originally disdained the drinks made by Ye Qianfan, all gathered around. They were all a little curious about what kind of drink it was... that was so delicious that these two dwarves could not get up from their knees and cry bitterly!

"I want one too!"

"Could you give me a cup, too, please?"

"I want two cups!"

All the people in the free market gathered around again.

Ye Qianfan had already brought a full cup of drink to the butler and said,"I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to maintain order!" The butler had not originally planned to take over the task!

But its disobedient nose kept moving again, and it smelled a scent that it couldn't stop!

Then... it accidentally stuck out its tongue and licked it!


The butler was so delicious that he couldn't help but bark!

Then, he couldn't help himself any longer, picked up the cup and gulped down the cool, sweet, delicious drink in the cup!

"Everyone, line up... burp!"

The butler drank too fast and suddenly burped halfway through shouting, but he still tried his best to shout:"Whoever doesn't line up, get out of the market immediately!"

"Just queue up, what’s the big deal!" The onlookers muttered,"If it wasn’t for free, I wouldn’t queue up!"

"Humph! I only queued up because it was free!"

"It doesn't cost any money anyway!"

Under the coercion and inducement of the butler, everyone lined up in a long queue! The pigmen relied on their strong bodies and finally got ahead!

"I want two cups!"

The Pigman held up two fingers, but Ye Qianfan smiled and shook his head and said,"Sorry, each person can only taste one sample of the product! If the guest thinks it tastes good, you can buy extra, and there is no limit on the amount of extra purchases!"

"What, you want to buy more?" The Pigman frowned and said,"Forget it, just give it to me for free!"

Ye Qianfan smiled like a profiteer and handed over a free milkshake.

He was not afraid that others would not buy it, he was afraid that others would not try it!

Sure enough.

After the Pigman drank the drink, he immediately widened his pig eyes and said,"Gugu~ What kind of drink is this, it's too delicious! I want to buy it! I want to buy ten cups!!!"

"This is called Vanilla Milkshake, 10 Dragon Coins per cup!"

Ye Qianfan directly reported the name and price.

This time... not to mention the Pigmen, all the races behind them were shocked by the price Ye Qianfan reported, and their pupils were shaking!

They all took a hundred breaths of cold air!


"How many dragon coins did he just say?"

"10 Dragon Coins per cup!"

"What? They actually want 10 dragon coins per cup. Even if it's a robbery, you wouldn't charge that much!"

"This is too much. Even the holy water of the high priest only costs one dragon coin. Is this better than holy water?!"

Just when everyone was convinced that the heavily indebted pigman would just turn around and leave... the pigman actually trembled with his hands and took out a deflated purse.

"Ding ding ding~"

It poured out the last ten dragon coins and said with tears in its eyes:"Boss, please give me one!"


PS: Let me explain a little bit here about dragon coins and spending power.

The spending power of one dragon coin is roughly equivalent to one dollar in our 1990s, which is about the price of a bowl of noodles, and grass cakes are relatively cheap food, which can be understood as large biscuits, ten for one dollar.

As for takoyaki, relative to barbecue, one dollar for a skewer of meat is not particularly expensive.

Some people would say that 10 dragon coins for a vanilla milkshake is too expensive, but in fact it is only 10 yuan, although it is a bit expensive for the poor races in the tourist inn. But when you enter the city, 10 dragon coins for something is really nothing.

After all, a junk coupon scroll sells for 50 dragon coins, and a better scroll starts at 200 dragon coins...

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