Ye Qianfan quickly protected his head with his hands!

He knew that this thing would definitely eat people, and he still said it was a passenger car?


At this moment, the sound of bells rang in Ye Qianfan's ears again!

As for the pain he imagined, and the situation of being swallowed by the lantern spider, it did not happen.


Something just fell on his head.

Ye Qianfan reached out and touched it...

It was sticky and smelly!

Could it be...

Ye Qianfan looked up!

He saw countless big fangs shining with cold light on his head!

The lantern spider did not bite it off, but hung its huge head in the air, just staring at Ye Qianfan with its two rows of red eyes.

In its wide-open mouth, saliva dripped from its fangs onto the top of Ye Qianfan's head!

Because of its huge size...

So its saliva is not as simple as a drop, it can almost be regarded as a basin!

And the lantern spider's saliva, like the stench produced by the fermentation of several tons of rotten fish and dead shrimp, almost made Ye Qianfan faint!

"Don't be rude to your guests!"


Suddenly there was a sound coming from the lantern spider.

Then a long whip hit the lantern spider's head, and the lantern spider felt pain!

""Squeak!" The spider screamed.

Then it shook its long neck, and then it lay on the ground obediently, opened its mouth wide, and put away its sharp teeth!

""Dear guest, it's getting late, please get in the car!"

A man with a deep voice on the lantern spider was speaking.

Ye Qianfan looked up... and saw that there was actually a man wearing a top hat sitting on the back of the lantern spider, holding a long whip in one hand and a very dim kerosene lamp in the other!

But because the distance was a bit far, and the light was not bright...

Ye Qianfan could only see that the man had a circle of big beard, as for what he looked like, he couldn't see clearly.

When the man saw Ye Qianfan looking up, he took off the hat on his head very politely, then put the hat on his chest, and politely bowed slightly to indicate:

"Dear guests, please get on the bus quickly! Don't wait until those troublesome guys come out. If you want to leave then, it will be a bit troublesome!"

"Get...get in the car?"

Ye Qianfan looked at the big black mouth of the lantern spider, and there was a dark purple long tongue in its mouth, which looked like it was poisoned...

He really couldn't get in!

"It’s okay to get on the bus, but can I sit on it?"

"Haha, if you are not afraid of being taken away by the things in the fog, I don’t mind." The driver said with a smile, and then asked,"Do you want to get in?"

"Forget it, I'll just go to the car."

Ye Qianfan swallowed his saliva. He really didn't want to experience the feeling of being frozen by the cold again!

If he was going to die anyway, he might as well give it a try!

""Dear guest, please come in!"

The driver made a gesture of invitation!

At this time, the spider shone the light on its head on the road where Ye Qianfan was going.


Ye Qianfan swallowed silently.

It's true that the road ahead is difficult and there is always light on the rugged road!

Scary is just two words...

I will only say it once……


Ye Qianfan took a deep breath.

Then he took a step forward and tried to step on the mouth of the lantern spider.

The mouth of the lantern spider was soft. It was not known whether it was the meat in its mouth or its tongue. The touch was like stepping on a thick layer of moss.

It was soft and at the same time it felt like water was coming out of it!

To use Taobao's adjective... it was the feeling of stepping on shit!

The feeling of stepping on shit immediately rushed from the soles of Ye Qianfan's feet to the top of his head, making him feel so nauseous that he got goose bumps all over his body.

Σ( °△°|||)︴

Fortunately... the spider didn't react at all.

It seemed to have accepted Ye Qianfan's behavior, neither moving nor resisting!

Ye Qianfan could only bite the bullet and put his other foot in. When both of his feet entered the stinky mouth of the spider, the ground under his feet suddenly moved, and then a big tongue rolled towards Ye Qianfan. Before Ye Qianfan could react, he was sent into the stomach of the spider!


Ye Qianfan was knocked unconscious.

But when he stood up again and looked around, he was shocked by the scene in front of him!

Originally... he thought that the stomach of the lamp spider would be filled with disgusting gastric juice, or sticky internal organs.

But what he didn't expect was that... the stomach of the lamp spider was actually quite clean!

It was a place similar to a small private room, about five or six square meters in size.

The ground was covered with a furry red carpet. Although the walls were covered with fist-sized tumors, it actually installed benches on all four sides for guests to rest. The seats were also covered with thick fur cushions, which looked quite comfortable. But

Ye Qianfan didn't dare to sit over there, for no other reason... he was afraid of leaning against the purple-red tumors behind the seats. Not to mention bursting, even touching them would be a bit disgusting!

However, at this moment……


The lamp spider seemed to move suddenly.

Ye Qianfan was jolted suddenly, and he couldn't stand still, and fell to the side!

He quickly reached out to hold the wall, trying to balance his body!


Ye Qianfan felt an indescribable feeling on his hand.

It was like pressing on some soft flesh, but the outer layer of the soft flesh had a layer of sticky stuff, which directly covered Ye Qianfan's hand!


Ye Qianfan hurriedly shook his hands.

He tried to shake off the sticky stuff on his hands!

But this stuff stuck to him strangely. After shaking off the big ones, there were still some small ones sticking, as if he couldn't shake it off!

And at this time... the damn lantern spider was still crawling non-stop, and the whole body of the lantern spider was shaking violently.

It was difficult for Ye Qianfan to stand without holding on to the wall.

In desperation, he simply sat down on the carpet!

At least the carpet was not that dirty, at least it wouldn't be sticky!

But when Ye Qianfan sat down... he realized that he was wrong. It turned out that these on the ground were not furry carpets at all, but some kind of meat fibers, each one like a red coral on the seabed, and it was moving!

"Damn it!!"

Ye Qianfan was about to collapse.

Outside the lantern spider, the sound of whips could be heard from time to time, as if the driver was whipping the lantern spider, or driving away the monster in the fog. It was definitely impossible to get out now, and Ye Qianfan could only bite the bullet and endure it.

In order to make himself less scared, Ye Qianfan simply closed his eyes!

Out of sight, out of mind!

But... the body of this lantern spider just made him worry.

He could always hear that kind of"rustling" sound, as if something was crawling around in the carriage!

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