

A faint sigh sounded behind Ye Qianfan.

Ye Qianfan turned his head and saw a large patch of thick fog sweeping towards him like a surging tide.

In an instant, he was caught in the fog.

Even the kerosene lamp in his hand seemed to be suppressed by something! The kerosene lamp that could usually illuminate the surrounding ten meters could not even illuminate half a meter at this time. Ye Qianfan looked down and could not even see his own hands. He could only see the dim light of the kerosene lamp swaying in the silky fog.

And around him, there was only fog, and Ye Qianfan could not see anything.

A cold feeling like being soaked in ice water... came from all around, drowning Ye Qianfan and causing large goose bumps on his skin.

That kind of cold was not like the cold weather, nor was it like a normal drop in temperature, but more like a chill that penetrated into the bone marrow, penetrating into your bones and your blood little by little... as if to freeze you!

Ye Qianfan exhaled���He breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to touch his self-heating fur coat. It was still warm inside and was still releasing heat.

But even so... this temperature couldn't seem to warm Ye Qianfan's body at all.

Even when Ye Qianfan touched his fur coat, only the skin on his fingertips was warm, and the rest was icy cold! His hands were instantly frozen!

Then came his legs, feet, and his face and neck, which had no warming measures.

Everything happened so suddenly. The chill and the fear of the unknown were eroding Ye Qianfan's courage and perception.



The sound in the mist was getting closer and closer.

From the beginning, it seemed to be heard in the distance, but now, the breathing sound seemed to be ringing in the ear.

Ye Qianfan turned his head suddenly, but there seemed to be nothing around him except the mist. Ye Qianfan bravely stretched out his hand and waved it around.

Only the light mist was stirred, nothing else!

But Ye Qianfan could feel... his body seemed to become a little stiff again!

The monster in the mist is coming, faster than Ye Qianfan thought.

But he still hasn't found a hiding place until now. Is he going to be exposed to the monster's sight?

Ye Qianfan hurriedly lowered his head and looked at the snow under his feet.

He was able to escape by hiding in the snow before, maybe this time he can?

【It's too late! Don't waste your energy! You were buried deep enough in the snow before, and there was a big snow monster on top to help you block the monster's attack. Now don't expect to escape the monster's detection range!】

"Damn! What a stupid tip!"

"Is there anyone who has this kind of hint? At least give a solution. Is it fun to just leave it there and attack people?!"

(ノꐦ ⊙Song┻━┻

Ye Qianfan was really angry and speechless!

He couldn't burrow into the ground, and he didn't have any invisibility cloak, nor any escape skills!

Is this a dead end?


Impossible, I have a fucking golden finger!

In novels, anyone with a golden finger is usually a hero, and they can't die!

Could it be that... the author of this story is a stepmother?

Or is it like the author of"A Song of Ice and Fire", whoever becomes the protagonist dies?

Did he change countless protagonists in the middle?




The breathing sound was getting closer.

And along with the breathing sound, there was also a very light footsteps.

Or it was the sound of something stepping on the snow!

The monster is coming!

Ye Qianfan turned around and wanted to escape...

Since my stepmother didn't save me, I can only rely on my agility to save myself!

But when Ye Qianfan was about to turn around, he found that his whole body seemed to be cast by some freezing magic, or petrification magic!

His whole body was instantly unable to move!

He was hard!

( ○ Д ○)

So... those snow monsters were hardened in an instant.

That's why they couldn't escape or resist and died. Was I going to be tortured to death by my stepmother like this?


A chill came over him!

It instantly eroded Ye Qianfan's limbs and bones, causing him to involuntarily take a breath of cold air!

The coldness was like a needle piercing Ye Qianfan's flesh, blood, bones, and even his brain.

Ye Qianfan was clearly wearing a self-heating fur coat, but at this moment he only had one feeling.

It was so cold!

So cold that his blood was frozen!


Something patted Ye Qianfan's shoulder gently.

It was light, yet heavy!

It was light because Ye Qianfan didn't feel his shoulder sinking, as if the thing that patted his shoulder had no substance!

But it felt so heavy because that thing seemed to have fixed his shoulder, making Ye Qianfan feel powerless to resist!

It was like... sleep paralysis!!

Or something was suppressing him!

"Boom boom!"

""Boom, boom, boom!"

Ye Qianfan heard his heartbeat getting faster.

At this moment, he couldn't move his whole body. The only thing that was still moving was probably his heart!

The thing that hit his shoulder seemed to be extending forward, and soon it reached Ye Qianfan's neck. The thing was like a boneless tentacle, wrapped around his neck.

Although Ye Qianfan couldn't lower his head to look, he could feel the touch of his neck... and the coldness that could freeze his skin!

If he could see his own skin...

Ye Qianfan believed that there should be a thin layer of white frost on his shoulders and neck at this time!

Just like the kind of frozen in the refrigerator���The drink that had been stored for a long time was suddenly taken outside and was affected by the hot air, and the condensed white frost was like that!

It was icy and biting!



At this moment, Ye Qianfan felt something poking into his nostrils!

This made him want to sneeze, but he was frozen... He couldn't even sneeze!

That thing directly blocked his nose, making him unable to breathe, and it seemed to be draining some kind of energy from his body, making him feel very uncomfortable!

There was a strong sense of foreign matter and tingling in the nostrils!

Ye Qianfan felt that the thing seemed to be going to pierce directly into his brain or somewhere else from his nose!

Unable to move, unable to resist!

Fear instantly flooded Ye Qianfan like a tide! It was even more painful than a nightmare. Ye Qianfan had only experienced this feeling once a long time ago when he was in a state of sleep paralysis. But even that time, he was just unable to move. He had never felt such a realistic state of sleep paralysis, especially the pain of piercing... It was simply making him feel like he was dying!

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