No matter how Ye Qianfan looked at it, he couldn't handle it alone!

He didn't know how powerful these water ghosts were. If all these guys were allowed to go ashore, wouldn't Hunter Five and the others be in danger!


Ye Qianfan quickly searched his backpack.

He soon found another good thing. He was holding a bottle of kerosene in his hand. These were all prepared for the kerosene lamp.

He was afraid that the kerosene lamp would run out of oil when he was halfway there, so he brought more!

Unexpectedly, it came in handy!


Ye Qianfan laughed wickedly, and then decisively poured kerosene into the water.

The pale yellow kerosene quickly flowed all over the lake, making the lake surface oily, with large and small oil droplets floating, like a pot of thick water ghost soup.

Although it's not yet, it will be soon!


Ye Qianfan was still afraid that the amount of kerosene was not enough.

So he took out a few more and poured them all into the lake. Anyway, the density of kerosene is smaller than that of water, so there is no way it will not sink!

So he didn't need to be careful when pouring it. As long as he was bold and quick, he could cook a pot of water ghost soup soon!



At this time, the water ghosts couldn't stand the acid in the water.

They all came out of the water, opened their mouths wide, and bared their teeth at Ye Qianfan!

But Ye Qianfan was not in a hurry to kill the monsters!

Instead, he slowly lit a torch. He was also waiting... waiting for more and more of these water ghosts to come up!

As long as there are enough of them... it will be fun to burn them!



More than a dozen water ghosts have emerged from the water.

Some of them even used their thin and long arms to hook the rocks on the shore and were about to climb up!

Ye Qianfan knew that the time was almost up and he couldn't wait any longer!

He just waved his arm!

""Swish, swish, swish~"

The torch flipped several times in the air and finally fell into the lake.

A lake of kerosene was waiting for this.……

""Boom!" Sparks spread across the prairie!

Sparks instantly spread from one point, and then turned into a piece, sweeping towards the entire lake!

Ye Qianfan's guess was right, these water ghosts are very afraid of fire!

Although they are wet all over, they are very afraid of fire, and they can be said to be ignited at any time.

Especially the gas they exhale!

It is just like combustible gas. The first thing that the fire burns is their nose, mouth, and their long seaweed hair!

The water ghosts screamed wildly, and they began to sink into the water again!

The water ghosts that were still floating and the sinking water ghosts looked at each other, and they were a little confused about each other's. behavior.

Unfortunately... no one had time to notify anyone at this time.

So just like that, the water ghosts that were not burned by the fire were desperately floating up, trying their best!

And those that were burned by the fire were sinking desperately, trying to get rid of the damage caused by the flames, but they forgot the fact that there was acid in the water!

After they took a few more breaths in the water, the gills, which were the most fragile of mermaids, were naturally the most easily corroded!

At this time, their gills were corroded by the acid water, and they naturally lost the ability to breathe in the water.

They wanted to come up for air again!

But when they got close to the lake, they saw the flames on the lake, and they were afraid of being burned!

This kind of tangled pain made the water ghosts keep floating in the water... up and down!


Ye Qianfan watched the beautiful ghost performance in the lake! He simply sat down, took out an octopus leg, skewered it on a thin bamboo stick, and then put it on the lake to heat it up!

At the same time, sprinkle some Himalayan salt, cumin and black pepper!

He took a bite!


"It tastes really good!"

And the viewing location is also good!

The water ghosts in the lake are floating up and down, and their hair like seaweed is dancing in the wind!


Like a seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, swaying with the waves, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, dancing in the waves, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, no matter how rough the waves are, I am happy.……



Liewu also walked to the lake and reported:"We have harvested all the black oil fruits according to your request, a total of 3006"

"Well, well done!"

Ye Qianfan was very satisfied with the completion of Lie Wu and others.

However, at this moment, there was still a water ghost who was not afraid of the flames on the lake. He would rather endure the burning of the sea of fire and crawl to the lake shore!

Ye Qianfan glanced at it and saw that its hair was burnt, turning it into a bald and ugly water ghost... I really couldn't get interested at all! It was so ugly...


It was really too weak!

If he used his 49-meter dragon-slaying sword to deal with such a small thing, it would be boring!

What's the saying...

Why kill anything?

Oh, right!

Why kill ghosts with a dragon-slaying sword!


So wet, so wet, it really fits the scene!

"Liewu, you try this!" Ye Qianfan suddenly took out a skill book, handed it to Liewu and said,"You study it now, and then I can safely hand over this water ghost to you!"

"Leave it to me?"

Liewu stared at the alien-like water ghost in front of him, with a hint of fear in his eyes!

But Ye Qianfan patted Liewu on the shoulder and said,"Don't panic! At worst, I can lend you the Dragon Slaying Sword. I guarantee that you can kill it easily!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Hearing this, Lie Wu was immediately grateful!

He quickly followed Ye Qianfan's request and studied the scroll. Then his eyes lit up, and he took the machete from Ye Qianfan's hand and rushed towards the water ghost!

That posture, that speed...

It was just like a groom who couldn't wait to welcome his bride into the bridal chamber, impatient!

The water ghost, whose body was burned and pitted, and whose skin and flesh were peeling off... finally climbed onto the shore!

It shook its whole body, shook off the water on its body, and then used its hands and feet, like a wild beast, to rush towards Lie Wu!

One man and one ghost, like a magpie bridge. At both ends, they were like a couple who hadn't seen each other for a year! They ran towards each other!

However... in the end, it was Hunter Five who was a little impatient, and slid down first and lay on the ground!

Just like a delicate flower that didn't want to be pitied, waiting for the water ghost to ravage it!

The water ghost was ecstatic when he saw Hunter Five lying down in advance! He turned into a vicious dog and pounced on it!

But at this moment...

Hunter Five raised the big knife in his hand without any martial ethics, and stabbed the water ghost that was rushing towards it!

Hit the bull's eye!

The water ghost glared with anger, looking at the delicate Hunter Five in disbelief, how dare he do this to it!

How dare he do this to it!

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