It was indeed easier to do things with a map.

Soon he found Daji and others in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Lie Wu and others saw Ye Qianfan appear, and their faces suddenly lit up and said,"Lord, you are finally back!"

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me here?" Ye Qianfan asked curiously,"Why are you all here?"



""Meow meow meow~"

Daji saw Ye Qianfan coming back, and she didn't know whether she was excited or what.

She kept circling around Ye Qianfan, rubbing her head against him from time to time, and spinning in circles from time to time. Her movements were very strange.

""Daji, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Qianfan rubbed Daji's little head and picked it up again.

He saw that Daji's face was red, her eyes were also red, and there were even tears hanging in the corners of her eyes, about to fall!


Daji made a sound that sounded like she was aggrieved.

Ye Qianfan was so heartbroken when he heard it that he quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked the villagers,"What's wrong with Daji?"

""My Lord, a very strange sound suddenly sounded before, which frightened Lady Daji so much that she ran here madly, so we could only follow her all the way."

Lie Wu explained:"Later, we followed her all the way to this cave, which had many strange plants. Lady Daji took a bite and became like this!"

Ye Qianfan finally understood the whole story.

As a cat demon, Daji's hearing is naturally more sensitive than that of humans. The sonic attack of the magma octopus may not have much effect on the people below, but it still has a great impact on Daji.

So Daji wanted to run into a place to hide, but ended up eating something she shouldn't have eaten.

As for what Daji ate, Ye Qianfan had to go to the cave to see what made Daji look so pitiful, so that he could help her!

"Come on, follow me in and take a look."

Ye Qianfan held the poor little Daji in his arms and walked into the cave.

It turned out that there was a different world inside the cave!

There were snow-capped mountains outside.

But inside the cave, it was actually a beautiful scene of a paradise!

Not only was there a large forest, but there were also countless plants growing outside, and there were all kinds of birds and insects chirping. The most important thing was... in the center of the cave, there was actually a steaming lake!

Hot spring?

The moment Ye Qianfan saw it, his heart skipped a beat!

What could be more comfortable than taking a good hot spring bath after a hard day's work?

""My Lord, this is what Lady Daji ate!"

At this time,

Liewu suddenly spoke, attracting Ye Qianfan's attention.

Ye Qianfan turned his head and saw that Liewu was pointing at a red plant. It looked like a pepper, but it didn't look like one.

Its shape was more like a sweet pepper, a little round, but wrinkled in the middle, like a flattened lantern with many wrinkles.

And this plant smelled faintly of fish!

No wonder Daji ate the wrong one!

【Magma pepper: It absorbs the fire element of magma all year round. It grows into a very spicy pepper. When cooking, remember to put only a little bit, otherwise a large amount of fire element will burn you directly from the inside out! Special effect: increase the ability to resist cold]

No wonder! Ye Qianfan finally understood that Daji was in such a bad mood because she ate the pepper! Hahaha... At this moment. Ye Qianfan was not distressed, but even felt a little funny.


Daji looked up with a face full of resentment!

Ye Qianfan thought for a moment and said,"Originally, when it was spicy, drinking milk was the best way to relieve the spiciness, but I don't have any milk on me now. Can you drink Coke?"

However, Ye Qianfan had just taken out the Coke.

Daji didn't say anything, and directly cut off the bottle cap with her claws, and started drinking it!

Ye Qianfan was also surprised when he saw Daji holding the Coke bottle and drinking Coke!

Is this still a cat?

But with Daji's current physique, nothing should happen.

As for the magma pepper in front of him, since it has been discovered...

Ye Qianfan naturally can't miss it!

【Collect the lava pepper!】

【Lava Chili +10000】

【Should I collect the ungrown lava peppers?】

Ye Qianfan thought about it and finally gave up.

After all, it is not easy to find a second pepper field for this kind of lava pepper. He left some small ones to grow slowly. When he finished eating the ones in his hand, Ye Qianfan could come and pick them again.

As for growing them by himself...

Ye Qianfan would never consider it, because this kind of lava pepper needs magma to grow. Where can he find a pile of magma to grow peppers?

As for other plants...

Ye Qianfan looked around and unexpectedly found something called black oil fruit.

That thing has a long neck with a round green ball on the top. The ball is as big as a palm, a bit like a certain unspeakable flower of the 嘤 tree!

【Black oil fruit: a top-grade sauce, a favorite of the dwarves, it tastes a bit like soy sauce, whether it is used to dip fish or meat, it tastes great! 】

Soy sauce!!

Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up.

He had almost finished the soy sauce he had exchanged for lightning leopard meat.

Unexpectedly, there was such a good thing here. He hurried forward and prepared to pick these black oil fruits to try how they tasted! However...

Ye Qianfan had just taken two steps.

He saw the red exclamation mark in front of him, which seemed to be shaking!

He quickly glanced at it, and then he found that there were some things that were not called black oil fruits, but looked very much like black oil fruits, hidden inside!

【Corpse-eating fruit: It looks almost exactly like the black oil fruit, the only difference is the white spots left by the corpse poison on the rhizome and fruit of the corpse-eating fruit! Its fruit is not just a fruit like the black oil fruit, but a flower that bites people! The thorns of the flower are highly poisonous and can make people comatose and die, and eventually become its nutrients!】

【PS: People often lose their lives because of mistaking corpse-eating fruit for black oil fruit! 】


If he hadn't noticed that the red exclamation marks seemed to move, he would have almost fallen for the corpse-eating fruit!

Ye Qianfan picked up a dead branch, walked to the vicinity of the fruits, and quickly stretched out the dead branch!


Several corpse-eating fruits opened their mouths in an instant and attacked Ye Qianfan!

Ye Qianfan could see clearly that the fruit on the rhizome of the corpse-eating fruit was not a fruit at all, but a kind of trap similar to a pitcher plant, which could be opened!

And inside it was covered with dense hard thorns, which could even directly pierce dead wood!

The corpse-eating fruit soon discovered that what it had bitten was inedible.

It immediately opened its mouth again and spit it out!


Then, those corpse-eating fruits quickly shrank back!

Ye Qianfan then discovered that this piece of black oil fruit field was actually full of densely packed corpse-eating fruits!

This thing is specially used to trick people, right?


I have never been afraid of anyone!

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