Chapter 20 gourmet Show? (5, please give a reward for flowers~)

Lin Han is quite satisfied with the first piece of yellow antelope liver he fried. After all, there is no seasoning and the tools are extremely simple. It is very good to be able to fry at this level.

At this moment, the cooking skills have also been upgraded to Lv4, which can be regarded as a master level.

“Come on, Xiaohua, this piece is for you.”

The first piece is just a trial. Lin Han believes that he will do better later.

Seeing Xiaohua staring at Huang Linggan drooling, she threw it to it.


Xiao Hua cheered, her pointed face showed a humane expression, as if she was thanking her master for the gift.

“Eat quickly.”

Lin Han smiled and stroked its head.

Then, another piece of yellow antelope liver was taken out to make the next one.

“My friends, the first step in frying lamb’s liver is to soak it in cold water for an hour. The purpose of this is to completely dilute the blood in the lamb’s liver. I have done this step just now. You can see that I I can no longer see a trace of blood on this piece of lamb liver in my hand.”

Lin Han picked up the yellow antelope liver and placed it in front of the camera, and showed it to everyone.

Then, grease the “iron plate”.

When the oil is hot, he continued, “Then drain the water and cut into a thickness of about 1 to 1.5 cm, making it evenly thick.

But I don’t have a knife, and the cut is uneven. ”

Lin Han was cut with shells, naturally pitted, with varying thickness.

“Actually, there is one more step before frying, which is marinating. Marinating for half an hour with red wine, black pepper, salt and ginger powder will make the meat more tender and more flavorful.

The oil is hot and ready to fry. But remember, be sure to use medium and small fire. Because the liver itself is very tender, it is easy to get old and burnt on high fire. ”

He is like a food anchor, who introduces how to cook while working by himself.

Although the tools are very leaky, even two non-straight wooden sticks in his hands can play the role of a spatula.

“Administrator, I want to report, this is not survival in the wilderness!”

“I thought it was a food show when I first came in, but after watching it for a while, I realized that it was really a food show!”

“Why do the anchors use such simple tools to make things, I actually drool.”(Read more @

“Mom asked why my keyboard was wet, and I dared not open my mouth to answer.”

“The anchor is definitely fortunate to have graduated from Dongfang for participating in the festival.”

“Anchor, fortunately how much Dongfang gives you, my male Xiang will double!”

“What the hell is Nan Xiang…”

The temperature of the slate is just right. Fry one side for three minutes, less than ten minutes, a piece of fragrant lamb liver with better color and stronger fragrance will be done.

Of course, one piece was not enough to eat, so Lin Han cooked and fried two more pieces in the same way.

The florets next to him had already finished eating, staring pitifully at the three pieces of lamb liver in Lin Han’s bowl.

Those big eyes are dripping with cute water.

People couldn’t refuse, Lin Han had no choice but to lose another piece of it.

“The little guy is not big, but his appetite is not small.”

Lin Han touched his head dozingly, the latter was quite enjoyable.

“My friends, lamb liver is rich in iron and vitamins. Even without seasoning, it has a faint sweet taste.

The lack of iron in the human body will make people tired more easily. A piece of sheep liver can solve this well.

In addition, the vitamin B2 inside can promote metabolism, and vitamin A can effectively prevent night blindness and vision loss, and help in the treatment of various eye diseases. It can be said that it is a food with high nutritional value.

However, the cholesterol content of sheep liver is extremely high, so patients with hyperlipidemia should not eat. ”

Lin Han is too boring by himself, he needs to talk to relieve his boredom.

Although there is no way to interact with the audience, you just need to know that someone can hear what you say.

Instead of roasting his hands like other challengers, he used a taro leaf as a bowl and two straight branches as chopsticks.

In the limited range of conditions, make yourself more comfortable.

“Does this guy really want to make survival in the wilderness a food show?”

In the guest room, several celebrities were a little dumbfounded.

Lin Han not only made the delicious food himself, but also taught everyone how to cook and eat, and even introduced the effects of food in such detail…

However, it seems that the performance of the program is very good.

The popularity that was lost in the morning has not only risen back at this moment, but the popularity has almost reached three million.

Several other popular players are just over one million people at this moment!

“I just turned back from other players, but Lin Han is more interesting.” Xiao Yi said with a smile.

“The other anchors are so miserable.”

Yixiang is a little sympathetic and authentic.

“Isn’t it? Several players haven’t eaten anything yet. In comparison, Lin Han is so rich.”

“It’s lunch time, why can’t we just drool here, I invite everyone to eat lamb liver!”

Long Ge suggested.

The audience in the live broadcast room also cheered up.

“I want to eat lamb liver!”

“Sheep liver +1!”

“There happens to be sheep liver and red wine at home. I’m going to try the poison. If it is not online after half an hour, please kindly call 120 for me, thank you.”

“It’s over, the price of sheep liver is going up.”

“Tomorrow morning news: A certain wilderness anchor induced viewers to produce toxic sheep liver, which has caused hundreds of people to be poisoned and hospitalized. The case is currently under investigation, and the police have gone to the island where the anchor is located…”

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass encouragement from Boring & Yang and dyy20**!

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