Then a strong zombie appeared in front of him.

Looking at its rotten face, Zhang Sheng burst into laughter.

At this time, his skill bar had become available.

Before the zombie pounced on him, he had already attacked it.

"Death Flame Slash (modified)!"

A black flame sword energy flew out from the evil demon starlight sword and chopped towards the zombie's head.


The zombie's head was instantly cut in half and died completely.

But the battle was not over yet, and 10 zombies appeared next.

"Summon the bone dragon Kahes!"

Without any hesitation, he directly summoned the bone dragon with the strongest attack power.

As soon as the ten bone dragons appeared, they immediately flew towards the 10 zombies.

It only took one second to kill them all.

However, it was not over yet, and 100 zombies appeared around again.

There were 6 seconds left at this time.

Without wasting time, he summoned all the ones he could summon.

Those zombies were no match for the undead soldiers.

At the last second, the last two zombies were torn in half by the three-headed dog of hell.

No more zombies appeared afterwards.

"The battle test has been passed!"

Zhang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this prompt.

The zombies that appeared were not difficult to deal with, but the difficulty was that the time was very tight, with only 10 seconds.

"The test of the hell priest is over!"

"The godheads of Super Soul, Destiny, Overlord, Sky Wing, and the hell priest began to merge!"


A skull instantly flew towards the center of Zhang Sheng's eyebrows.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up from his deep sleep.

When his eyes opened, two purple-black rays of light suddenly shot out, and the whole person exuded a tyrannical aura, like a beast ready to go.

"Is this the godhead of the hell priest? It's so scary!"

It was already dark at this time.

Looking at the dark scenery, Zhang Sheng couldn't help but frown.

He didn't expect to stay in the strange space of the Hell Priest Godhead for so long.

After carefully checking the character attribute column, Zhang Sheng did not find the introduction of the Godhead.

Just when he was confused, he found that he could call up another attribute column.

The information displayed on it was exactly the Super Soul. Destiny. Overlord. Sky Wing. Hell Priest Godhead.

Godhead name: Super Soul. Destiny. Overlord. Sky Wing. Hell Priest Godhead.

Number of layers: 1st layer.

Godhead attributes: Strength, speed, all attack power, and critical strike rate are all increased by 10%.

Attributes increase with the increase of the number of godhead layers.

Godhead main skill 1: Judgment of the Hell Priest. Judge the enemy, with a 1% chance of immediately judging the enemy as a capital crime. 10% chance of judging the enemy as a super serious crime. 20% chance of judging the enemy as a serious crime. 30% chance to judge the enemy as a minor crime. If not triggered, the enemy will be innocent.

Death Sentence: Immediately thrown into the prison of hell, subject to death punishment.

Super Severe Crime: Receive extremely cruel punishment from hell, instantly enter a state of near death.

Severe Crime: Receive cruel punishment, instantly enter a state of serious injury.

Minor Crime: Receive a light punishment, only slightly injured, does not affect the battle.

The probability of judgment triggering increases with the increase of the godhood level.

Godhood Secondary Skill 1: Super Soul. Super Power Three Magic Strike. Send three extremely powerful attacks to the enemy in succession. The damage increases with the increase of the godhood level.

Godhood Secondary Skill 2: Destiny. Resurrection. Resurrect immediately after death and restore to full health. Currently there is 1 time remaining. The number of resurrections increases by 1 for each increase in the godhood level.

Godhood Secondary Skill 3: Overlord. Unparalleled Heavenly Demon Body. Strengthen the body to improve combat power. The increased combat power increases with the increase of the number of godhood levels.

Godhood secondary skill 4: Sky Wing. Evil Spirit Chain. Select an enemy and put the chain on the opponent. When attacked, 10% of the damage will be transferred to the enemy caught by the chain. The transferred damage increases with the increase of the number of godhood levels.

It seems that the godhood itself has a main skill, and there are as many secondary skills as there are prefixes.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sheng couldn't help but smile.

This is simply a big bargain.

If it is simply a comparison of combat power, he probably can't even compare with Jigersto's fingernails, but in the end it was him who got this godhood.

When he called up the character attribute bar again to check the attributes, he found that there was an additional attribute of the godhood on it.

Hmm? The character attributes have been updated?

Godhood: Unknown.

What the hell? Why is it unknown?

Looking at these two words, Zhang Sheng frowned slightly.

The godhood attribute bar can clearly check the attributes of the godhood andSkills, why can the character attribute column only recognize that he has a godhood, but the detailed data of the godhood cannot be recognized? .

Suddenly, he remembered the prompt just now.

"After the time is up, you will be completely wiped out! The secret of the hell priest must not be known to anyone!"

Is the godhood of this hell priest so powerful that even the laws of this world cannot recognize it?

In an instant, he thought of many things.

The water of the godhood of this hell priest is a bit deep!

Just as he was thinking about it, a prompt sounded: "Congratulations on becoming the first survivor in the world to obtain the godhood, and you are specially rewarded with a diamond treasure box*1!"

Uh... again.

Hearing this prompt, he instantly had black lines on his forehead.

Just as he was about to open the treasure box, a voice came from his ear, "You have become the first survivor of the Blue Light Star to obtain the godhood, and a global announcement will be made!"

The system channel of the chat room soon popped up a golden message: "Congratulations to Zhang Sheng for becoming the first survivor in the world to obtain the godhood!"

As soon as this prompt message came out, everyone was stunned.

Although they have been shocked many times, every time this prompt message comes out, they are deeply shocked.

The chat channels in various regions immediately began to discuss lively.

"What kind of monster is Zhang Sheng? So powerful?"

"Godhead? What is this? I don't even know what a combat body is? And now he has another godhead."

"I suspect he is not a human!"

"He is indeed a little bit unlike a human."

"He is probably a beta player."

"It is possible. This guy is definitely not a normal person!"

"Before, someone named Lin Feihong seemed to have snatched the first place from Zhang Sheng. He is really strong."

Compared with the survivors in District H of Guangbei City, people in other districts don't know who Zhang Sheng is.

They only know that they can see his name appear in the system's notice every few days.


Diamond treasure box, the quality of the items in it must be very high.

After opening the diamond treasure box, Zhang Sheng saw a light ball flashing in gold and red colors flying out of it.

Here it comes, the golden and red skill book!

He reached out and grabbed it tightly in his hand.

[Shroud of the Abyss]: Golden-red quality. Make all enemies within a certain range fall into a state of fear, paralysis, weakness, dullness, deceleration, loss of ability to move, or pain at random. The range increases as the user's level increases.

This is a very practical range auxiliary skill.


There is no reason for him not to learn this golden-red skill.

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