There were densely packed symbols on the godhead extraction turntable, and there was a golden pointer above the turntable.

Looking at the godhead extraction turntable in his hand, Zhang Sheng studied it for a while and soon found out how to use it.

Put a crystal core into a groove, and then gently turn the pointer on it.

After the pointer turned a hundred times, the speed began to slow down.

Finally, it pointed to a red symbol that looked like a dog.

"Get the lava giant dog godhead, please choose whether to merge?"

No way? It's really a dog?

For this godhead, he naturally couldn't choose to merge.

Then, he turned the pointer again.

This time the pointer pointed to a symbol similar to a sword.

"Get the holy sword Augusto godhead, please choose whether to merge?"


At this time, there were 3 turns left on the godhead extraction turntable.


After exhaling heavily, Zhang Sheng turned the pointer again.

Soon, the pointer stopped turning and stopped on a bird-shaped symbol.

"Get the Speed. Flame Phoenix Godhead, please choose whether to merge?"

This godhead has a prefix, which seems to be quite good.

Should I choose it?

Looking at the pointer on the turntable, Zhang Sheng fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a minute, he decided to take another gamble.

Then he stretched out his slightly trembling index finger and flicked the pointer.

The pointer began to rotate rapidly.

Soon, the speed of the pointer gradually slowed down.

Finally, it stopped on a skull-shaped symbol.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's heart was hanging.

Please come up with a better one!

At this time, the prompt sounded: "Get the Super Soul. Destiny. Overlord. Sky Wing. Hell Priest Godhead, please choose whether to merge?"

These... 4 prefixes!

When Zhang Sheng saw the name of this godhead, he was stunned instantly.

You don't need to think about it to know that this godhead must be awesome!

It's decided to be you!


He didn't hesitate at all this time and directly chose to confirm.

"The fusion of the divine nature begins, please make sure you are in a safe position!"

Suddenly, Zhang Sheng found that his body could not move, which was exactly the same as when he extracted his profession before.

Finding that only his mouth could move, he hurriedly ordered all the fighting undead and ghoul leaders: "Everyone surround me!"

"Yes, Master!"

The headless brothers quickly formed a circle and surrounded him in the middle.

At this point, Zhang Sheng was relieved.

"The match degree detection of the godhood begins. Please wait."

"Match degree = occupation match degree + skill match degree."

"Because you have learned all kinds of messy skills, the skill match degree is reduced by 10%"

"The detection is completed. The match degree between you and the godhood of Super Soul. Destiny. Overlord. Sky Wing. Hell Priest is 90%, and you can merge!"

"Since the match degree is the success rate of fusion, in order to ensure 100% success of fusion, do you remove [Fire Burning Sky], [Flame God War Spirit], and [Frost Giant Shield] from your skill bar?"

After hearing this prompt, Zhang Sheng was stunned. There is such an operation?

Although there is a 90% success rate, Zhang Sheng still dare not take risks.

He chose to give up these three skills.


"Skills are being removed!"

Suddenly, an extremely strong pain came, almost causing Zhang Sheng to faint from the pain.

Fortunately, a blue light appeared in time and wrapped him up.

This ancestor's body is quite useful. Whenever his mind is out of control, it will appear in time to wake him up.


Thinking of this, he exhaled heavily and then began to relax.

After a while, a cold reminder sounded: "The skills [Fire Burning Sky], [Flame God War Spirit], and [Frost Giant Shield] have been removed!"

"The matching degree has reached 100%, and the fusion of the godhead has begun!"

A skull flashing with black and purple light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Those empty eyes seemed to be smiling when looking at Zhang Sheng.

It looked extremely weird!

The black and purple skull was suspended in the air and slowly approached him.

Finally stopped at his forehead.


After stopping for three seconds, the skull instantly rushed towards the center of his forehead.


A piercing pain came.

It hurts!

The skull entered his forehead and flashed three times on the surface of his skin before disappearing.

At this time, Zhang Sheng's eyes were empty, as if he had lost his soul.

In fact, his consciousness had been brought to a mysterious space by the skull.

This was a place with a strong smell of blood, and the red floor was covered with purple carpet.

It was full ofWhite skulls of various shapes.

When Zhang Sheng opened his eyes, he saw an extremely strange skull throne in front of him.

Sitting on the throne was a pure white skull.

From the appearance of the skull, it was clear that it was not a human being.

There was a hole of a medium size on the skull's forehead.

Just standing at a distance and watching, Zhang Sheng could feel the oppression emanating from the skull.

The powerful energy fluctuations made him feel like surrendering.

Suddenly, an old and deep voice sounded: "If you want to become the new Hell Priest, sit on the throne in front!"

"Remember, surrender means failure, and failure means death!"

"Let's get started!"

"Your skill bar has been blocked!"

After the voice disappeared, Zhang Sheng did not dare to waste time and began to walk towards the throne with that powerful force.

Although he did not know what the new Hell Priest meant, he knew that it must be related to the godhood.

And he had to sit on that throne.

He was about 50 meters away from the throne.

One step, two steps...

I don't know how long it took, Zhang Sheng felt that he had walked for a long time, but found that he had only walked half the distance.

"Damn it!"

He looked at the throne in front of him and used all his strength.

The closer he got to the throne, the stronger the pain in his body became.

Suddenly he had an illusion that the skeleton sitting on the throne seemed to be laughing at his overestimation.

"Damn it, I don't believe it!"

Suddenly he remembered that the prompt only said to block the skill bar, and did not say that the skill effects attached to the equipment were also sealed.

He gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, and took out the double blades of the Black King from the inventory.

Then he chopped a few times in the air, and fortunately triggered the skill, and obtained the power of the Black King.

The pain in his body disappeared instantly, and a look of great joy immediately appeared on his face.

After the pain was gone, he quickly rushed towards the throne.

Although the pain in his body disappeared, the sense of oppression still existed.


As he got closer and closer to the throne, wounds began to appear on his body.

After a while, he had become a bloody man.

At this time, there was only 5 meters left.

"Damn it, I'll fight!"

Having come this far, he couldn't give up.

He no longer cared about the wounds on his body, and rushed up with all his strength.


When he came in front of the throne, the pressure on his body disappeared instantly.

The whole person became extremely relaxed.

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