"What's the point of sleeping? I'm going to blow it up today!"

Looking at Brother HK, Zhang Sheng's mouth corners slightly raised, and he nodded with satisfaction.

The moment he saw the introduction of HK's skills, he thought of using it to summon zombies to kill him.

As for the combat power of 15,000 zombies, he didn't care at all.

So the core function of Brother HK is to provide a large amount of experience.

Based on the average level of 16, each zombie gives 1,600 experience points.

15,000 zombies is 24 million experience points!

Thinking of this, Zhang Sheng was so excited that he shouted directly: "I'm going to get rich!"

Then, he took Brother HK and jumped on the back of the bone dragon.

Ordered Brother HK to summon the zombies.

Soon, more and more zombies gathered behind the bone dragon.

The dense zombies moved at the same time, causing the whole area to vibrate.

Fortunately, there were no survivors in this area, otherwise they would be scared to death by this scene.

In order to prevent the zombies he just killed from being picked up by others, he planned to go back first.

When Zhang Sheng returned to his residence, the fighting undeads such as the headless brother immediately greeted him happily.

But when they saw the dense zombies following the bone dragon, they were stunned.

"Little ones, let's get started!"

Zhang Sheng, who was standing on the bone dragon, waved to the fighting undeads on the ground.

When the bone dragon stopped, the group of zombies behind it also stopped moving.

This was HK ordering the zombies to stop moving.

"Master, this..."

As soon as he saw Zhang Sheng fall from the back of the bone dragon, the headless brother immediately stepped forward with a questioning expression.

He looked at the huge group of zombies behind him with his head on his hand, and immediately looked at Zhang Sheng in confusion.

"Let me introduce you, this is Brother HK, he is my baby, everyone must protect him!"


All the fighting undead looked at Brother HK in confusion when they heard this.

"Hello...everyone...I am...Brother HK!"

Maybe he had been unable to speak before, and suddenly he had the ability to speak, so he spoke very stiffly.

"Hello, Brother HK, what kind are you? What did you do before? Why does the master treat you as a baby? Why..."


Zhang Sheng interrupted the Headless Brother's ten thousand whys.

Hearing Zhang Sheng's scolding, the Headless Brother immediately shut his mouth.

"Brother Headless, let's talk about this later. Now we have important things to do. Go up and kill those zombies!"

After he said that, he summoned a large group of summons.

Skeleton soldiers, hell claws, hell three-headed dogs...

"It's the master!"

After receiving the order, the fighting undead immediately started to act.

This group of zombies, whose average level was only 16, stood there motionless, staring at the undead soldiers rushing towards them.

Soon the undead soldiers began to slaughter.

The zombies fell in rows like straw.

The development of the facts was exactly as Zhang Sheng had expected, because with Brother HK there, these zombies with lower levels than him could not move at all.

"Brother HK, the higher your level, the more zombies you can control, right?"

"Reply... to the master... Yes!"

After hearing its answer, Zhang Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

As the zombies continued to fall, Zhang Sheng's experience began to rise "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh".

This is simply too cool.

"Brother HK, you don't have to fight in the future, just summon zombies for me!"

"Yes, master."

I have to say that Brother HK's skill is really awesome.

Since HK's level is synchronized with his level, as long as he can keep his level ahead of the zombie level that is refreshed every day, it will be fine.

Ten minutes later, all 15,000 zombies fell to the ground without missing a single one.

Character: Level 30, 600/10 million

Energy value: 400

During this period, he leveled up 3 times in a row, and his level directly reached level 30.

At this time period and this level, it is obvious that he will definitely be the best in the world.

"This is too cool!"

Looking at this level, Zhang Sheng's eyes showed an excited expression.

Leveled up 3 times in a row in ten minutes, this speed is like riding a rocket, which makes him really excited.





Because HK's level has been upgraded, the number of zombies it summoned this time is much larger than the wave of zombies it summoned at the beginning without turning into combat undead.

The most painful one is Zhang Sheng.He had to collect the corpses of zombies one by one.

"Damn, when will there be a collection of all the props!"

Looking at the pile of corpses on the ground, Zhang Sheng showed a helpless expression on his face and felt very speechless.

After reaching level 30, his combat power has been qualitatively improved again.

The newly learned professional skill is [Blood Absorption].

[Blood Absorption]: A large amount of blood is required on the ground. After using it, the power of absorbing the blood on the ground can instantly recover its own injuries and enhance its own and summoned creatures by 20% attack power, 10% speed, 30% defense, and 40% critical strike rate, no matter how serious the injury is, for 1 minute. The cooling time is 5 minutes. The value increases with the level.

This is an extremely powerful auxiliary skill.

Not only can it improve 4 attributes, but it can also heal wounds. It is simply invincible.

"It is worthy of being a level 30 professional skill!"

After seeing the introduction of the skill, Zhang Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

The number of summoned undead soldiers of all types has been increased again, from 20 to 30.

The number of summoned bone dragons Kahes has increased from 3 to 5.

The number of reincarnated combat undead has reached 30.

The number of resurrected undead that can be resurrected by the resurrection of the dead has increased to 100.

In addition to the increase in the number of undead soldiers, their appearance and combat power have also been greatly improved.

For example, skeleton soldiers, skeleton sword and shield knights, and skeleton spear knights have been wearing armor with a black aura.

The weapons in their hands have also changed from bone weapons to metal weapons.

These are all changes brought about by the upgrade.

After reaching level 30, Zhang Sheng's speed is very fast, and he can collect 10 corpses per second on average.

During the collection process, he did not intend to let Brother HK idle, but let the bone dragon take Brother HK and Xiao Jin out to summon zombies.

"Xiao Jin, no matter what happens, make sure to ensure Brother HK's safety!"

Xiao Jin replied very obediently to Zhang Sheng's instructions: "Yes, Master!"


The purpose of letting Xiao Jin follow was to ensure Brother HK's safety.

The reason why he didn't use the stronger gorilla brother and gorilla brother as guards was because they were too heavy.

The skeleton of the bone dragon would probably fall apart if they sat on it.

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