[Get Red Evil King Summoning Technique*1, Get Red Evil King Armor Design*1, Get Red Evil King Skin*100]

He doesn't need this Red Evil King Summoning Technique at all.

And what the hell is this Red Evil King Skin? He was given 100 copies.

The only thing worth looking at is the Red Evil King Armor Design.

[Red Evil King Summoning Technique]: Consume 100 energy points and summon a Red Evil King to assist in the battle. There is no cooldown time, but only one Red Evil King can exist on the field at the same time. It disappears after the energy is exhausted and can be summoned again.

"It has been detected that your profession is a necromancer, which meets the learning conditions. Do you want to learn it immediately?"

By the way, after I have the Combat Necromancer, I can summon another one to form a double sword combination!

When he thought of this, his face was no longer so disappointed, but turned into a surprised expression.

"Learn now!"

I thought it would be the same as learning skills before, I could learn immediately, but I waited for a long time but didn't get the cold reminder.

What happened?

Just when he was full of questions, the cold reminder finally sounded, "It has been detected that you already have a permanent summon of the same type, Brother Gorillas."

Hmm? Then what?

I thought there would be a follow-up, so Zhang Sheng waited quietly.

But the voice didn't speak for a long time.

Damn it, no way? Eat my skill book now?

"Get out of here!"

When Zhang Sheng thought about his hard-earned skill book being eaten, he immediately refused to do it, and his face showed an extremely angry expression.

Just when he was about to get angry, the voice sounded again: "Since you have obtained a permanent summon at the same time, that is, the main body and the temporary summon. The Red Evil King Summoning will randomly become a skill of the same level and related to the permanent summon."

"Random skill extraction!"

This continuous change caught Zhang Sheng off guard.

However, after hearing the last sentence, he temporarily put his mind at ease.

"[Get Red Evil Spirit Soul Shackles*1]"

[Red Evil Spirit Soul Shackles]: Link the soul to the red evil spirit or the red evil spirit king through the soul chain. After the master dies, in the absence of resurrection skills and resurrection props, you can immediately snatch the associated summoned creature and give your soul to the summoned creature's body to achieve the purpose of resurrection.

This skill is simply...

Seeing the introduction of this skill, Zhang Sheng can no longer describe it as shocking.

"Brother Gorilla, come here!"

After hearing Zhang Sheng calling him, the gorilla brother with a silly smile on his face left the headless brother who was still talking nonstop and walked over happily.

"Master, what are you calling me for?"

After saying that, it continued to smile silly.

Zhang Sheng was speechless for a while about its expression.

"Red Evil Spirit Soul Shackles!"

Without extra words, he released the skill directly.

An illusory chain emitting green light emerged from the right ventricle of his body and passed through the body of the gorilla.

Although the gorilla that was pierced by the chain was not injured, it was obvious that the expression on its face was frozen for a moment.

But soon, a silly smile appeared on its face again.

At this time, the illusory chain slowly disappeared.

Then, Zhang Sheng waved his hand to let it go.

Looking at the back of the gorilla, Zhang Sheng showed a solemn expression on his face.

This is his trump card to save his life, and he must not lose it.

But the gorilla looks thick-skinned and strong, and it is not so easy to die.

Moreover, even if it dies, Zhang Sheng can actually come to brush this large team copy and reincarnate a red evil spirit king again.

However, this is more troublesome.

By chance, he got a life-saving skill, and he always had a happy smile on his face.

[Red Evil Spirit King Armor Design]: Orange armor. It can be used by permanent summons and battle pets. Increases defense by 20% and speed by 10%. When on the verge of death, there is a 30% chance to enter the immortal state.

Indestructible state: Despite being seriously injured, it never falls. Duration is 30 seconds.

After seeing this introduction, Zhang Sheng immediately understood why the Red Evil King was so seriously injured but did not die.

He carefully checked the properties of the Red Evil King and saw that it had an immortal passive skill.

To make the Red Evil King Armor, you need crystal cores*1500, metal pieces*3000, and skins of the Red Evil King*5.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Sheng directly made 20 pieces of Red Evil King Armor.

One piece was given to each fighting undead and ghoul leader.

The remaining 2He kept it for the fighting undead that would be reincarnated later.

There is a large team dungeon, maybe I can reincarnate another red evil spirit king?

Thinking of this, he was ready to brush this large team dungeon as soon as he went out.

Then, he took out the last reward for completing the task, [Secret of the Police Station].

This is a black bag covered with blood. It is covered with dried blood.

Doubtfully, Zhang Sheng opened the bag.

There was a note and a strange-looking key inside.

The note read: "Lucky man, welcome to the Demon Gate! Do you want to gain powerful power? Then bring the key to the Demon Gate to the basement of the police station!"

As he finished reading the information on the note, the note slowly burned and finally turned into ashes and disappeared.

Looking at the key with several skulls engraved on it, Zhang Sheng frowned unconsciously.

After thinking for a moment, he still came to the basement of the police station.

As soon as he stepped into the basement door, Zhang Sheng smelled a strong smell of blood.

He thought to himself: "I never thought that the basement of this police station would have such a strong smell of blood!"

Entering the basement, the scene in front of him shocked him so much that he was completely stunned.

What came into view was a portal with black flames, and a huge stone tablet stood next to it.

On the stone tablet were written four scarlet characters: "Devil's Gate".

Hmm? This is the Devil's Gate? It's terrible.

Standing in front of the Devil's Gate, Zhang Sheng felt an extremely strong suction.

There seemed to be a voice in his ear that kept shouting: "Go in, go in and you will gain powerful power!"

The voice was extremely charming, it was the whisper of the devil.

His eyes slowly closed, and his whole body began to slowly walk towards the Devil's Gate.

Just as Zhang Sheng was fascinated by the voice, his body suddenly emitted a blue light curtain.


A black shadow was ejected from Zhang Sheng's body by the blue light screen and flew back into the Devil's Gate.

His body shuddered and Zhang Sheng woke up immediately.

"Damn, that was a close call, I almost got into trouble!"

Looking at the Devil's Gate that looked like an abyss, Zhang Sheng's face turned pale.

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