The entire conference room instantly turned into a large-scale massacre scene of Aimi.

People were constantly sucked dry with astonished expressions.


After seeing Aimi standing on the table with a smile, everyone had only one thought in their mind, that is, escape.

But their escape route had long been blocked by Aimi. As long as anyone dared to act rashly, they would be discovered by Aimi in an instant.

In desperation, they had to gather beside Li Huadong and anxiously think about countermeasures.

Looking outside through the window behind them, they were on the 10th floor.

Thinking of this, they immediately felt very regretful.

They regretted why they chose the 10th floor as a conference room.

This made it impossible for them to escape by jumping out of the window.

Facing the people gathered together, Aimi still had a weird smile on her face.

Suddenly, her figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

After seeing her disappear, everyone was scared pale.

The next second, Aimi appeared above their heads.


Some sharp-eyed people saw Aimi's figure, but it was too late. One of the yellow-haired middle-aged men was instantly sucked dry by her.

Looking at Aimi who disappeared again and reappeared on the table, Li Huadong calmly thought about countermeasures.

It must be said that he did have his own extraordinary qualities and his mind was different from ordinary people to become the supreme ruler of a large organization with tens of thousands of people.

No matter at any time and under any circumstances, he always maintained absolute rationality.

"Don't worry, everyone, this monster only has a single skill!"

After hearing Li Huadong's words, everyone was relieved a little.

They were the ones who followed Li Huadong from the beginning, so they naturally knew how powerful he was.

Although Li Huadong pointed out Aimi's attack method, it was useless to stop it.

Ignoring their doubts, Li Huadong walked straight forward with the long sword in his hand.


Seeing that Li Huadong dared to stand face to face with her alone, Aimi was stunned for a moment.

"Hehe, you are very brave, but you still have to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Aimi's body instantly appeared behind Li Huadong.

"Captain, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, everyone shouted anxiously.


However, the scene of Li Huadong becoming skin and bones did not appear, only a sound of metal collision was heard.

"Oh? You can actually block my attack, interesting!"

Looking at the damaged nail on her hand, Aimi's eyes showed a trace of surprise.


"Captain blocked her attack!"

When everyone saw that Li Huadong was fine, they all showed pleasantly surprised expressions.

Unlike their mood, Li Huadong's face became extremely ugly.

Just now, Aimi's casual attack almost shook out his internal organs.

But at least it was blocked, which means that they still have a chance to defeat Aimi.

"That's it, you monster!"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?"

After hearing what Li Huadong said, Aimi was confused.

"I have seen through your attack method, and you are not to be feared now!"


After listening to his explanation, Aimi looked even more confused.

"Summon the Dragon Spirit!"

Without waiting for Aimi to react, Li Huadong used his strongest skill directly.

This is a red skill.

A white dragon flew out behind him, floating in the air for a second and then quickly rushed into his body.

The words he just said were naturally used to confuse Aimi. He didn't think that Aimi's attack method was only that one.

"So that's it."

Looking at Li Huadong, whose momentum was gradually rising, Aimi still had an unchanged expression, just standing on the conference table and watching quietly.

At this time, with Li Huadong taking the lead, everyone began to use their strongest skills to improve their status to the strongest.

"Are you done?"

Looking at the full momentum of the crowd, Aimi asked with a smile.

"Go to hell!"

Li Huadong snorted coldly at the disdain in Aimi's eyes, and rushed to Aimi at a very fast speed.

"You are the ones who deserve to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Aimi opened her mouth.

A ball of red mist spit out from her mouth.

Seeing this ball of mist, Li Huadong's face changed instantly, but it was too late.

As soon as he touched the red mist, Li Huadong's body exploded instantly and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Finally, it was absorbed by the red mist.

After absorbing Li Huadong's blood mist, the red mist grew a little bit again.

Seeing Li Huadong was killed instantly, everyone was frightened and took a few steps back.

Some people evenPrepare to jump out of the window and escape from here.

The speed of the red mist did not slow down, and soon enveloped everyone.




For a while, screams continued to ring.

A minute later, the blood-red mist became very large and could already cover the entire conference room.


At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

"Captain, something bad has happened!"

After a group of people rushed into the conference room, they were instantly frightened by the scene in front of them and froze in place.

"What's the matter? My food?"

As Amy turned her head, everyone's face suddenly turned pale.

They realized that the massacre at the base was caused by this person.

The blood-red mist instantly enveloped them.

Soon, the volume of the blood-red mist increased again.

"Go! Grab everyone's blood!"

As Amy pointed her finger at the window, the blood mist suddenly broke the window and rushed out.


In the urban area of ​​H District, Guangbei City, Zhang Sheng led the Undead Squad from the south of the city to the north of the city, and almost killed all the zombies wandering on the streets.

The difference between zombies in the daytime and zombies at night, in addition to the different attributes, is that they will not form a group of zombies.

This gave Zhang Sheng the opportunity to hunt them.

After killing the last level 15 mutant, his level finally reached level 15.

Character: Level 15, 100/450,000

Energy value: 250

After reaching level 15, he once again gained a new professional skill.

[Shadow Undead Archer Summoning]: Can summon powerful Shadow Undead Archers, and the number of summons changes with the summoner's level.

Currently, the number of Shadow Undead Archers he can summon is 7.

In addition, after he reaches level 15, the number of summons that can be summoned by other skills also changes.

For example, the number of summons of ghouls, skeleton soldiers, skeleton sword and shield knights, and skeleton spear knights has all become 7.

The number of undead souls that can be converted has also become 7.

The number of souls that can be resurrected using the dead resurrection skill has become 40.

In addition to the increase in number, the combat power of the summons has also been greatly enhanced.

After upgrading to level 15, Zhang Sheng's strength has been qualitatively improved.

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