When Lin Feihong's announcement came out, chat rooms all over the world were in an uproar again.

Some people were so excited that they burst into tears.

Just because of this global announcement, someone finally broke Zhang Sheng's monopoly.

Since other people can be on the announcement, it means that they can also.


Chengbei District G, Bloody Building Copy.

This copy is a level 10 copy in Chengbei District G.

In fact, each district will have a level 10 novice copy.

The monsters in the novice copy of each district are the same except for the challenge BOSS.

A man with a short haircut and a black robe is standing by the door of the challenge BOSS.

At this time, his face is extremely relaxed, and the skull tattoo on his face looks extremely hideous and weird.

And the challenge BOSS in front of him, a monster with a snake body and a human head, is besieged by hundreds of zombies.

These zombies are mutants and ordinary zombies, some are thin but very flexible, and some are as strong as a cow.

Without exception, they are all of high level.

Besieged by many zombies, even the powerful ones who challenged the BOSS could not bear it, and were soon beaten to death by the zombies.

Looking at the body that fell to the ground with a plop, the man walked over slowly.

A thin figure quickly rushed in front of him, and then circled around him.

Looking at the long tongue in front of him sticking out its tongue like a dog, he touched its head with his hand.

After taming this long tongue, Lin Feihong's self-confidence was greatly improved.

He looked at the BOSS corpse on the ground, and a proud look was revealed in his eyes.

"This zombie summoner profession is so powerful! I, Lin Feihong, will definitely become the master of this world!"

Damn Zhang Sheng, you wait for me!

Thinking of this, two golden lights shot out of his eyes.

Although Zhang Sheng had stolen the limelight before, he once thought that he was just a supporting role.

But after taming the long tongue and appearing on the global announcement, his confidence returned again.


Zhudong City J District, abandoned subway copy.

Challenge the BOSS room, a group of people are besieging a woman with blood mist all over her body.

The woman has long white hair, pale skin, and a fang on each side of her mouth.

But this does not affect her delicate and beautiful face at all.

She is wearing a red and extremely revealing long skirt, which fully shows her tall figure.

She is simply an angel's face and a devil's figure.

After seeing her beautiful face and sexy figure, some men are about to bleed from their noses.

The beautiful woman's face is extremely indifferent, and she stretches out her left hand towards a man in the distance.

A strong suction force instantly sucks the man in front of her.

In the horrified eyes of others, the man's body quickly collapsed, as if his body was sucked dry.

It took less than 1 second to become a skinny corpse.


The beautiful woman exhaled a breath of turbid air with satisfaction.

She licked her lips with reluctance, "I haven't tasted blood for a long time, it's so delicious!"

After saying that, she looked at everyone with a fierce look, as if she wanted to devour everyone.

Everyone shuddered involuntarily.

"Hehehe, before you die, I'll tell you my name, my name is Aimi, people used to call me the Bloody Queen!"

Looking at Aimi's beautiful face, everyone suddenly wanted to escape.

"You disturbed my sleep, but you have to pay the price!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Aimi's body disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind a yellow-haired boy in the next second.

Before the yellow-haired boy could react, he had become a skinny corpse like the previous man.

"The taste of blood is so delicious, I want more!"


Soon, her figure disappeared again, and in the next second she sucked another person's body dry.


After the remaining people reacted, they rushed towards the gate in a panic.

However, their speed was no match for Aimi's, and they were caught up in a blink of an eye.

In less than a minute, more than 20 skinny bodies were lying on the ground.

In the end, only a very beautiful yellow-haired woman was left.

"Hehehe, don't be afraid, little sister!"

Aimi looked at the yellow-haired woman who was lying on the ground and slowly walked towards her.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Seeing Aimi slowly approaching, the yellow-haired woman was trembling a little when she spoke, and her body was shaking all the time.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but the premise is that you have to be obedient!"

Yellow-haired womanLooking up at Aimi's face, I found that although she was smiling, there was no emotion in her eyes.

"I...what should I do?"

After hearing Aimi's words, the yellow-haired woman's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had grasped the hope of survival.

"Well, that means giving your body to me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Aimi hugged the yellow-haired woman tightly, opened her mouth, and bit her neck hard with her fangs.


Because of fear, the yellow-haired woman's body kept struggling, but after a few seconds, she slowly felt a numb feeling in her body, which was very comfortable.

Then, she gave up struggling, closed her eyes and began to slowly enjoy this comfortable feeling.

Soon, Aimi's body became motionless.

When the yellow-haired woman opened her eyes, a blood-red light shot out from them, instantly covering the entire room.

Her body slowly exuded a blood-red mist.

She pushed Aimi's motionless body away, raised her wrist and carefully looked at the chip embedded in it.

Feeling a little curious, she slowly reached out and touched the chip on it.

A string of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

Name: Huang Yadan.

Race: Human.

Evolution level: Level 12.

Occupation: Fighter.

After seeing this information, the yellow-haired woman smiled, "From now on, I will be Huang Yadan, and also Aimiya!"

Her eyes flashed, and then she put Aimiya's body into the inventory.

After doing this, she looked at the gate not far away, her eyes full of excitement.

One step, two steps, she came to the front of the gate.

As long as she stepped through the gate in front of her, she could realize her dream.

Her body trembled slightly because of excitement.

When she thought of the vast world outside, she closed her eyes, raised her feet and walked out with great excitement.


Turning around and looking at the gate behind her, she began to laugh out loud.

After laughing, she began to observe the surrounding scenery carefully.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath of the air nearby.

"Ha, that's the feeling, this is the taste of freedom!"

She couldn't remember how many years it had been since she had breathed the air outside.

When she thought of this, she began to use her nose to madly inhale the air around her.

After exhaling a satisfied breath, she took Aimi's body out of the inventory.


Aimi's body instantly turned into a pool of blood floating in the air.

Then a change occurred, and the pool of blood quickly rushed into every pore of her body.

At the entrance of the abandoned subway copy, there were many survivors waiting to form a team.

Suddenly, a beautiful yellow-haired woman walked out of the subway door.

"Who is this?"

"A person?"

Everyone began to discuss Aimi's identity.

For Aimi who suddenly came out from inside, and was still alone, it made everyone feel a little strange.

"I remember her, she is Huang Yadan!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the crowd.

"Huang Yadan? Could it be the goddess of the Holy Legion?"

"Yes, it's her!"

Looking at the chattering crowd, Aimiya smiled.

"Turn all into my food!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her body suddenly turned into a beautiful woman with long white hair, an angelic face and a devilish figure.

The two men beside her had no time to react and turned into skin and bones in an instant.

Facing Aimiya's sudden attack, everyone was stunned and then picked up their weapons.

But it was too late, Aimiya had already started to move.

Five minutes later, the ground was full of skin and bones.

There was not a drop of blood on the ground.

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