After signing the Hell Contract with the two, Zhang Sheng was ready to leave.

"Lord Saint, do you need me to give you the position of Lord of the Pilgrimage City?" Ronaldo said respectfully.

"Not for now!" Zhang Sheng nodded.

The position of Lord of the City is of no use to him for the time being, and it may also attract Gerald's attention.

Thinking of this, he asked Ronaldo: "Ronaldo, is my evolution chip with you?"

"Ah, Lord Saint, I'm really sorry, I forgot to give it to you."

After the voice ended, Ronaldo handed a small evolution chip to Zhang Sheng.

This was the evolution chip dug out from his arm.

After Zhang Sheng took the evolution chip, he used the sword in his hand to dig a new hole in the scarred wound.

Then, he put the evolution chip on the wound.

After the evolution chip combined with his arm, it immediately emitted a bright white light.

The wound on the arm healed at the speed of the naked eye and soon recovered completely.

And his arm has been perfectly integrated with the evolution chip.

He raised his arm to his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir Saint, you must leave here as soon as possible. The God of Light will come here tomorrow!" Ronaldo said worriedly.

Zhang Sheng nodded, "Don't worry, I will teleport to the level 80 area through the portal later!"

With his current combat power, it is still a bit dangerous to stay in the level 100 area.

Although his profession and godhood are perfectly matched, the attributes of the combat body always feel a little bit lacking.

And he doesn't have the divine essence stone, so he can't start the divine refining at all.

With his current combat power, he can only last for 10 minutes at most in front of the Lord God.

To completely defeat the Lord God, he must complete the divine refining level 1.

After the divine refining level 1, he will become the 1st level Lord God.

Although there is a legend that the necromancer can fight the Lord God with the combat power of the sub-god, he doesn't believe this legend very much.

Because his current Hell Summoning God is a much stronger profession than the Necromancer.

But he knows that he is far from being the opponent of the Lord God.

Zhang Sheng speculated that his current combat power is a little stronger than Camille, but there is still a big gap compared to Gerald, a level 1 god.

If he guessed correctly, Camille should be a super sub-god who has completed the 6th reincarnation!

That is, a strong man at the same level as Ronaldo and the other five city lords.

Every time a reincarnation is completed, the combat power will usher in earth-shaking changes.

And as the reincarnation level increases, the number of reincarnation crystals required will reach an extremely terrifying level.

Reincarnation is limited. Under the Lord God, a maximum of 6 reincarnations can be completed.

After 6 reincarnations, if you want to continue reincarnation, you must first reach the 1st level of God Refining.

Zhang Sheng opened his evolution chip and took a look, and found that there was no shortage of reincarnation crystals inside.

These 20,000 reincarnation crystals are enough for him to raise his reincarnation level to level 6.

Since the evolution chip was retrieved, Zhang Sheng didn't need to stay here.

In order to avoid Gerald discovering him, he was ready to leave immediately and go to the level 80 area.

When Zhang Sheng was about to leave, Ronaldo suddenly called him, "Sir, do you want to take Kama with you?"

"What?" Zhang Sheng was stunned.

Although Kama was very dissatisfied with Ronaldo's words, she looked at Zhang Sheng expectantly.

After being stunned for a second, he quickly shook his head, "Uh... That's not needed for the time being. In order to avoid being discovered, Kama, you should stay here first!"

"Yes, Sir!" Kama replied reluctantly, her face full of disappointment.

Zhang Sheng could only shake his head.

Seeing this, Ronaldo continued, "Then Sir, do you need to bring some evil-inducing incense?"

"Evil-inducing incense? What is that?" Zhang Sheng looked at him in confusion.

As a contracted spirit, Ronaldo had no reason to let him bring some useless things.

"Sir, the Exorcist Incense is a prop that can stimulate the most primitive desires in the human body. As long as people smell it, the primitive desires in their bodies will burst out instantly!" Ronaldo explained to Zhang Sheng seriously.

"Primitive desires? This...?" Zhang Sheng was stunned after hearing it.

But soon, he remembered the strange fragrance he just smelled.

Under his questioning, Ronaldo explained that it was the smell of the Exorcist Incense.

"Sir, the Exorcist Incense just now has been used up. I will get you some more."

Then, Ronaldo took out a large box from the inventory.

"Sir, here."

Zhang Sheng curiously took the box containing the Exorcist Incense in his hand.

He opened the box and took out a piece of Exorcist Incense from it.

The shape of the Exorcist Incense is a thumbThe size of a rectangular block, white and gray.

Ronaldo continued to explain to Zhang Sheng: "Sir, use the flame to light it, and then put it aside."

Zhang Sheng nodded, and then put a large box of exorcist incense into his inventory.

This thing, maybe it will be useful in the future?

After telling Ronaldo and Kama a few words, he left the palace and came to the location of the portal.

He walked into the portal without any extra words.

The level 80 main city connected to the Pilgrimage City was the Tianmeng City he had recovered from the demons a while ago, and he renamed it the Hell Realm.

In this way, he didn't have to waste time returning to the Hell Realm from other places.

At this time, a figure holding a sickle stood on the roof of a nearby building.

She was Camille.

Gerald specifically asked her to come here to monitor secretly, with the purpose of preventing Zhang Sheng from returning here secretly.

She has been monitoring for many days, but has not gained anything.

I didn't expect to see Zhang Sheng walk into the portal so arrogantly tonight.

And the city lord Ronaldo and the judge priest Kama were very respectful to him.

She felt that there was a big problem.

At this time, Zhang Sheng had disappeared into the portal.

Camille stood on the roof and waited for a while.

Soon, Ronaldo and Kama also left.

She quickly came to the vicinity of the portal, but found that the portal had lost its function.

"Zhang Sheng closed the portal?"

She frowned and looked at the portal in front of her.

If the portal of the level 80 main city was closed, then the portal of the level 100 main city would not be usable.

Just as she thought, Zhang Sheng closed the portal as soon as he returned to the hell.

Camille thought about it, and then she flashed and disappeared into the night.

She had to go to the nearby Kakadost City and go to the level 80 area of ​​Liasis City or Tuomengtian City through the portal there.

As soon as Zhang Shengyi returned to Tianmeng City, he immediately felt that the atmosphere in the main city was a little strange.

First, Carlisle disappeared.

And he found that he had lost control of the hell realm!

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