
When he was about to open the golden treasure chest, Zhang Sheng suddenly sneezed.

"Who is thinking about me?"

He wiped his nose with his hand, muttered to himself, and then looked at the golden treasure chest in front of him.

"Open the golden treasure chest!"

When the lid of the golden treasure chest was opened, a golden light flew out from it.


The golden light formed a small golden ball and flew into Zhang Sheng's hand.

He opened his palm and looked at the small golden ball on it. His mind was still in a daze at this time.

The speed of the golden ball was too fast, causing him to not react at all.

"Ding!" A prompt sound woke him up from his daze: [Get a weapon extraction capsule*1]

[Weapon extraction capsule]: After opening, you can extract a gold-level weapon.

What? Gold-level weapon?

Just hearing the name, you know that it is definitely not an ordinary product. Zhang Sheng held the capsule carefully with both hands, fearing that it would fall to the ground and break.


As he finished speaking, the capsule toy broke away from his hand, slowly rose into the air, and finally hovered 20 centimeters above his head.

The golden capsule toy began to tremble in the air, like something that would vibrate, trembling wildly.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!"

After three consecutive sounds, the capsule toy suddenly cracked in the middle, and a short sword with purple-black mist flew out of it.

[Get Death Dance*1]

[Death Dance]: Gold-level weapon, the short sword of the dead warrior Rocardo, the sword body is stained with the breath of death and is extremely sharp.

Skill 1: There is a 1% chance to launch Death Dance when attacking. Enemies affected by Death Dance cannot move for 2 seconds.

Skill 2: When hitting an enemy, there is a 10% chance to put the enemy into one of the three states of confusion, curse, and silence.

What a good thing!

Grabbing Death Dance in his hand, Zhang Sheng showed an amazed look on his face.

The sword of Death Dance was constantly emitting purple-black mist, which looked extremely evil.

After waving it a few times in his hand, Zhang Sheng felt very satisfied.

He had to find a few zombies or humans to test the power of this sword!

When he thought of this, the figures of Li Xiaotian and Lu Wenbin emerged in Zhang Sheng's mind.

These two people were the ones he must kill.

He took No. 1 and No. 2 to the street and happened to encounter three zombies.

Because he wanted to test the sword, he did not let No. 1 and No. 2 take action. Zhang Sheng took Death Dance and started sprinting and rushed towards the zombies quickly.


A figure quickly passed by one of the female zombies, and before it could react, its head was broken.

It was indeed a good sword!

Looking at the purple-black mist constantly emitting from the wound of the zombie body, Zhang Sheng secretly admired the sharpness of Death Dance.

"Kill the level 0 zombies and gain 2 experience points!"


The other two zombies reacted at this time and turned to pounce on Zhang Sheng.



After swinging twice in a row, Zhang Sheng easily chopped off their heads.

Several zombies were wandering on the street, and when they saw Zhang Sheng, they immediately pounced on him like crazy.

Seeing more and more zombies rushing towards him, Zhang Sheng turned on the killing mode, and kept swinging the Death Dance Dagger in his hand.

In order to upgrade as soon as possible, he summoned two skeleton soldiers and asked No. 1 and No. 2 to kill zombies together.

He killed all the way from the road on the street to the end.

Experience progress: 320/500.

No, there are too few zombies on the road, I have to go into the city!

After making up his mind, Zhang Sheng chose to enter from the left intersection.

As soon as he entered the city, he saw a small group of zombies in front of him.

There were about 20 zombies in the group. At this time, they were gathering outside the gate of a small shop, hitting the thin iron door with their bodies.

Hmm? Survivors?

After seeing the people in the small shop clearly, Zhang Sheng frowned.


A zombie in the group found Zhang Sheng and immediately rushed towards him with a loud roar.

Seeing this, the other zombies also turned around and looked at Zhang Sheng.


First one, then two, and finally all the zombies began to rush towards Zhang Sheng.

They were like wolves that saw a little white rabbit, with their teeth and claws bared, and their gray eyes stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

"Come on!" Facing these dozens of zombies, Zhang Sheng was not afraid at all.

Order No. 1 and No. 2 and two skeleton soldiers to rush up.

He took out a metal bow and started shooting left and right, and soon he killed several zombies.

This group of level 0 zombies had no chance of winning against the level 4 skeleton soldiers and the level 4 ghoul leader.As soon as they came into contact, the zombies died instantly, leaving only 6.

At this time, the door of the grocery store opened, and several people sneaked out from inside.

After they found that the zombies had left, they had the idea of ​​escaping.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Sheng found them.

When he saw the extremely conspicuous yellow-haired man clearly, his face suddenly turned cold.

"No one can save you today!"

Raising the bow and arrow in his hand quickly and aiming at Li Xiaotian, Zhang Sheng's eyes at this time exuded a murderous intent.


The metal arrow flew towards Li Xiaotian's head.

"Be careful!"

A strong man next to Li Xiaotian saw Zhang Sheng's action, his face changed drastically, and he immediately raised the shield in his hand to block the metal arrow.


The arrow hit the shield with a muffled sound, and then fell to the ground.

The huge impact force made the strong man step back several steps, and the arm holding the shield began to tremble slightly.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, an arrow flew towards Li Xiaotian's head again.

The strong man's face changed again, but he still raised his shield firmly.


The huge impact caused a sharp pain in the strong man's arm holding the shield, and the tiger's mouth cracked, blood flowed out from the tiger's mouth, and the shield in his hand also flew out of his palm.


Seeing the shield fall off, the strong man shouted and turned around, but found that his companions had disappeared long ago.

Looking again, they found that they had run away for dozens of meters.

"Damn it!" After cursing inwardly, the strong man closed his eyes helplessly.

Just when he closed his eyes and was ready to be shot by the arrow, he found that Zhang Sheng did not pay attention to him, but raised his bow and arrow to Li Xiaotian in the distance.

After a long time, he looked at Zhang Sheng deeply, then gritted his teeth and began to flee.

Just as Zhang Sheng was about to shoot an arrow, a reminder sounded: "Please pay attention, survivors, the second wave of zombies will begin to refresh in ten seconds!"

This sudden voice scared him.

His hand trembled slightly, and the arrow flew out, but because it lost its accuracy, it did not hit Li Xiaotian.

Seeing the metal arrow stuck at his feet, Li Xiaotian was frightened and his face turned pale.

When his life was threatened, a powerful force burst out of his body and he ran away faster.

Looking at Li Xiaotian running farther and farther, Zhang Sheng's face was calm and he did not chase him.

He was not angry because Li Xiaotian escaped. Compared with killing Li Xiaotian, he had more important things to do now. .

Put the metal bow into the inventory and take out the Death Dance.

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