Survival Game: Random SSS Talents

Chapter 25 Three major guilds

"The game we are currently in should have a goal besides being the last to survive."

"Get the fragments of divine power from this battlefield."

"Fragment of divine power? What is that?"

"It is the source of power in this battlefield. Its value is equal to Holy Grail points. It is very precious."

"Of course, it is very difficult to obtain it. How about you cooperate with me to obtain this fragment of divine power?"

"Equal in value to Holy Grail Points?"



Although Zhou Wen didn't know what it was, the value was equal to the points, so he agreed to the deal with Zhao xx.

"Continuing to talk about Noah's Guild, Noah's Guild is a relatively old guild."

"They have collected hundreds of fragments of divine power. According to rumors, there are god-level players in the Noah Guild."

"That's the top level among 10,000 gamers, basically 1/1000. Even the current big guilds can't compare with them. They were the first to establish guilds!"

"But then for some reason, Noah's Guild crazily recruited players, brainwashed them, and enslaved players to earn tokens and points for them."

"So Noah's Guild is the embodiment of evil in the eyes of old players."

"No players are willing to join the Noah Guild now, so the remaining Noah Guild players are very intimidating."

"That's all the information on Noah's Guild. Now let's get the fragments of divine power..."

Zhou Wen followed.

Zhao xx was secretly happy that he had found a gold medal fighter.

It happened that he couldn't enter that temple, but now that Zhou Wen was there, he was determined to get the fragments of divine power.

When he gets the fragment of divine power, he will kill Zhou Wenyin. His talent is A level!

Fragments of divine power...

Zhou Wen kept talking, and he was now full of curiosity about the fragments of divine power.

Noticing Zhou Wen's gaze, Zhao XX couldn't help but darken his face and said to him: "Even if you are strong, I still have principles and bottom lines."

"You return my badge to me first, and I will tell you about the fragments of divine power."

Zhou Wen smiled, took out the badge from his arms and threw it to Zhao xx.

After Zhao xx confirmed it, he nodded with satisfaction and said as he walked: "You can regard the divine power fragment as a one-time prop. It is a territorial prop. After using it, a certain area around you will become a battlefield. rule."

"For example, in this gigantic battlefield, after you obtain the gigantic divine power fragment, as long as you use it, it will change the rules of the battlefield around you into the rules of the gigantic battlefield."

Each divine power fragment can only last for 10 minutes. Divine power fragments with different attributes will cause confrontation or some unknown changes.

"The fragments of divine power are used in guild battles and are relatively precious."

Is it a one-time field prop?

Suddenly Zhou Wen thought of something and continued to ask: " those god-level players have their own domain?"

Zhao xx immediately gave Zhou Wen a roll of his eyes and said to Zhou Wen: "What is really popular among players is talent. It is said that the talents used by god-level players in every match are SS-level."

"I don't know about the field..."

After hearing this, Zhou Wen looked strange.

He confirmed again: "Are you sure it's SS level?"

Zhou Wen was completely stunned!

Zhao xx looked at Zhou Wen's dazed look and felt funny in his heart.

This scared him silly. It seemed that his talent level was not very high.

Then Zhao xx became depressed. He really couldn't understand why Zhou Wen was so strong.

Zhou Wen was thinking in his heart.

The talent of a god-level player is SS level, and my current talent is SSS level.

This is a bit too much...

Zhou Wen had an inexplicable smile, and Zhao xx on the side was startled.

Zhao xx muttered: "Why are you so crazy?"

"Let's go! It's not far ahead."

Under the guidance of Zhao xx, Zhou Wen came to a dense gray forest.

Due to the huge size, this so-called dense forest is actually a mushroom forest.

Colorful big mushrooms are very close to each other.

Zhao xx led Zhou Wen through the mushroom forest, and a huge bronze door that reached into the clouds appeared in front of them.

This gate looks very huge, one or two hundred meters high.

"Is this where the fragment of divine power you said is located?"

Zhou Wen was shocked.

The scene before him really shocked him.

Zhao xx nodded.

"This is it. This is the entrance to the temple."

Zhou Wen ran towards the door.

Zhao xx followed, and as the distance got closer, Zhao xx's face showed a trace of solemnity.

"Stop it!"

Zhao xx reminded him loudly.

Under the bronze door, three people were sitting around.

Two men and one woman.

A man who looked quite mature was wearing a brown coat and was sitting there smoking silently.

The other man next to him was very young, wearing at least B-level armor. He was sitting there with a golden sword and his eyes closed.

The woman was sitting cross-legged on the ground with her eyes slightly closed, with a mantis knife across her legs.

This is not what scares Zhao xx the most.

Zhao xx was alarmed that each of them had a badge on them.

People from the three major guilds: Order, Ten Thousand Flowers, and Balance!

The three noticed Zhou Wen and Zhao xx, and the middle-aged man and the woman who were smoking opened their eyes.

Zhao xx took out the Noah badge Zhou Wen gave him, pretending to be calm and said to the three people: "Everyone, what's the current situation of the temple?"

The man in the brown coat glanced at the badge in Zhao xx's hand, and when he saw that it was Noah, he ignored it.

Zhou Wen noticed the middle-aged man smoking, and the badge was a silver cross.

The young man in gorgeous armor didn't even look at Zhao xx, still closing his eyes,

The woman holding the mantis knife seemed to have sensed something.

His face changed and he said to Zhao xx: "We just went in to explore."

"There is a very powerful B-level wild monster inside, even the three of us can't defeat it."

"So we're waiting here for people from other guilds."

The young man on the side stretched.

"Why talk so much to them?"

"Kill them both, 6 points of all attributes is much better than wasting words with them here."

Then the young man looked at Zhao xx and Zhou Wen.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, Zhao xx suddenly felt a chill all over his body, a feeling as if he was facing an executioner.

Zhou Wen didn't feel anything, which came from his confidence.

He believed that his current skills had no CD and each punch could do triple damage.

Each punch was a critical hit.

Which player could resist him?

The knife-wielding woman saw that the situation was not good, and immediately stood up and took the initiative to extend an olive branch to Zhao xx and Zhou Wen.

"Team up..."

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