[Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: After being frozen, is it possible to revive?]

The iceberg boy felt very upset.

Although it was too cold here, at least there was no threat from wild beasts.

As long as he could go out and break the ice, he could make a lot of money from the dead beasts.

But now it suddenly said that the frozen beasts might revive after breaking the ice, and they would hurt people directly after reviving....

This situation is so scary!

There is not only that unreasonable fish-like creature near his home, but also many ferocious beasts.

There are many kinds, both familiar and unfamiliar, and there are almost no small ones....

【Me: Try to become stronger. If there are any animals that are unsealed, try to run away if you can't beat them. According to our discussion, some people are speculating that the sealed animals, in addition to being hungry and irritable, may be stronger than the same species in terms of strength after being unsealed.

Ye Fei looked at the chat channel on his side and told the boy about the ongoing speculation.

Although he was not sure, the frozen...


Ye Fei suddenly turned his head and looked at the window of his house.

What the little fox had told him before was that he dug the egg out of a block of ice?

Was the pet egg of the Eclipse Puppy frozen?

Did he see the living creature after being frozen earlier than others, and it was still alive?...

Is it already your own?

【Me: I think I can be sure that Bingfeng will not die. The pet egg that hatched the puppies was dug out of the ice by my fox.]

Ye Fei told the boy and assured him that Bingfeng can really come back to life.

So, boy, you have to be more careful!

【Iceberg/6666-6155-6999: Pet eggs? Frozen pet eggs? I think I've seen them. I saw one on my way back today. I thought it was just a rock. I'll dig it out tomorrow! 】

The boy was surprised, but then he thought, there are some near his home!

Although he knew that raising a pet was very troublesome, when he had the opportunity to make a choice, he still wanted to keep a living creature at home.

Meditation is a good thing, but it does not conflict with raising a pet. In addition, the pet can be used to watch the house, which makes it more reassuring when practicing.

【Me: I wish you good luck, and be safe! 】

Ye Fei smiled at the message. He seemed to want to take a troublesome boy on a road of raising a cub.

Although this cub may not be a certain species, these few in his family have made him very sure that no matter how strong or weak the fighting ability is, he should not be lazy when taking care of them....

The two chatted for a while, and then went back to practice peacefully.

Ye Fei had just finished tempering his body in the afternoon, and now his spiritual energy was insufficient, so he could only immerse himself in practice.

The night was very quiet, and the excessive tranquility of the past few days made the little fox feel at ease, so after sleeping for a while, he asked Feng Bai to take Eclipse Moon out to play.

It was called playing, but in fact it was just going out to get food for the puppies.

Ye Fei finally entered an immersed state of practice in the middle of the night, and when he woke up in the morning, he saw two little balls, one gray and one white, sleeping beside him.

Only the little fox was still lying on the fence, looking back and forth outside the courtyard wall.

""Qingxue, good morning!"

Ye Fei reached out and touched the heads of the two sleeping little buns, then stood up, walked to the wall and picked up the little fox.


The little fox raised its paw and patted Ye Fei's arm, in a very good mood.

Last night, it was not at home, Feng Bai went out to have a big meal, and Eclipse Moon ate too much. It was not too full, but when it came back, Feng Bai dragged Eclipse Moon back with his paw in his mouth.

The little fox looked at Feng Bai's innocent eyes and rolled around on the mat with a smile.

However, its human was practicing at that time, so it could not see Feng Bai's grievances, and the silly look of Eclipse Moon when he was dragged back from the snow after eating too much.

"They ate a lot last night, and it will probably take a while for them to wake up. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first?"

Ye Fei looked at the coquettish little fox and touched its little head.

The two little balls on the futon were both advancing. It was obvious that they went out hunting secretly last night, and they ate a lot before returning home.


The little fox shook his head. He was not in a hurry to eat. He wanted to wait until the two guys woke up before eating.

"Go play, I'll go sweep the snow first."

Ye Fei looked at the thin layer of snow in the yard, put the little fox on the mat, and picked up the broom to sweep again.

Last night's immersive practice made his spiritual energy grow rapidly, and so far he has accumulated 100 points.

But even if he can temper his body again, Ye Fei doesn't want to do it now. He needs to save some spiritual energy for protection when needed.

The use of the primary golden shield is getting more and more convenient, and he has also realized that this technique is really a life-saving treasure in the early stage.

With the replenishment of spiritual energy, the golden shield can continue to defend until the spiritual energy is exhausted.

【Tidy yard: You are diligent and have cleaned the yard 50 times, and you will be awarded 50 survival points.】


Ye Fei had just cleaned all the places in the yard that needed cleaning when he suddenly received a reward reminder.

Now it has been more than a month, and he can't clean twice a day, and sometimes the cleaning is not so complete, and those incomplete cleanings are not recorded.

Therefore, the number of recorded yard cleanings so far is 50 times.

Although this reward appeared strangely, after all, it was points given for free under unknown circumstances, so Ye Fei was still very happy.

Putting the broom back, Ye Fei walked to the wall of the courtyard with the axe, looked at the four mature pine trees, swung the axe and started chopping the trees.

【[Primary wood 200, pine needles 188, reinforced wood (green) 60, resin (blue) 32]

After the four mature pine trees were chopped down, a lot of things were dropped.

The primary wood and reinforced wood were placed in the storage cabinet, which were all the materials he needed. He didn't know what to do with the pine needles himself, and there was not much energy to smelt them, so he put them up for sale.

Pine needles are still 4 for 1 point, and there is not much to put up for sale.

However, the price of resin has increased.

He remembered that the last time he sold it was 50 each, and the current lowest price is 66. Ye Fei took a look and thought the lowest price was not bad, so he also put it at this price.

This item alone is more than 2,000 points. Ye Fei looked at his current more than 5,000 points, plus these...

Almost, I can make a spirit gathering array.

Thinking that others can strengthen the spirit gathering array, but I can't even make a basic spirit gathering array, Ye Fei sighed again, he is really poor!

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