Survival [End Times]

85, Real World 08

There was no other way. He stayed in bed for a while before he got up to wash and wash up, intending to go outside to find some materials as planned.

But before that, he wanted to do something. He had an idea in his mind: the balance of the fire point could not afford both the [Full Plant Encyclopedia] and the [Full Animal Encyclopedia] at the same time, so he could only choose to buy one first.

From the current point of view, the role of the [Full Plant Encyclopedia] seems to be more urgent. Not to mention the immediate, he went out to find materials today, and planned to find some vines that could be used. He already had his eyes on one, and he just needed to figure out whether it was dangerous.

In the long run, their family still had enough food, and there were still supplies in the supermarkets and shopping malls outside. It was far from the time when they needed to rely on hunting to make a living.

But now all kinds of plants have filled their living space. Although he has not been injured by poisonous plants several times when he went out, he cannot be lucky and still needs to take precautions in advance.

After thinking about it, Yu Heng bought the [Full Plant Encyclopedia].

The balance of the fire point was gone by more than half at once. After buying it, he saw a green, well-packaged book projected in the void in front of him, and then he opened it one by one, first the catalog, then the main text, with pictures and texts very detailed.

After turning the pages, the words and pictures on it turned into light green light and shot into Yu Heng's forehead.

Time seemed to have passed for a long, long time, so long that he seemed to have spent a long time in the universe before he suddenly woke up.

He couldn't see his soul, nor could he see the newly integrated green dots on it - after magnifying countless times, it was clearly the shape of a book. But he could feel that there was something more in his mind.

As his mind moved, he "saw" the book, very clearly, and as his mind turned, the book turned by itself, and every word and every picture was right in front of him.

"It's amazing." It turned out that this was the feeling engraved in the soul.

The book looked only one centimeter thick, but no matter how he turned the pages or skipped pages, he couldn't turn to the end.

What made Yu Heng most satisfied was that the book also had an automatic search function. As long as he concentrated on reading a certain plant from the beginning and formed an image in his mind, the book would automatically turn the pages until he found the page of the corresponding plant and it would freeze. If it was a species that was not included, the book would automatically close at the end.

Yu Heng had read the instruction manual, and there was an important item on it: If you encounter a plant that is not included, you can use the scanning gun of the sub-exchange system to form a data image, and then summarize it by observing the growth characteristics, reproduction and other information, and provide it to the system. After review, you can get a certain amount of reward points.

He did an experiment with the cactus on his desk, and it was really easy to find it: aliases such as fairy palm, fire palm, etc.... Various information is very specific, including planting and breeding, practical application, etc.

However, this kind of query is not endless, it will consume the mind and cause fatigue to the soul, so the query should be moderate.

After getting ready, Yu Heng set off. He didn't go far. He followed the previous route and successfully found the vine forest. He found this tree in the [All Plants Encyclopedia]. This tree has different names in different planes, such as yellow vine, snake-ignoring vine, and insect-repelling vine... From most of the names, it can be seen that an obvious feature of this vine is that it can repel insects and snakes.

Non-toxic, inedible. He climbed up and startled many small animals to flee frantically. He also saw an animal with a fluffy big tail. He couldn't see its face, but only saw the tail shaking and disappearing in the bushes.

It seems that this tree is quite popular.

He cut off a vine to check and found that its external tissue is quite tough. The most important thing is that there is a core inside, and the diameter accounts for one-third of the diameter of the entire vine. The toughness of the core is even better, which shows that the vine is strong.

[All Plants Encyclopedia] says that this vine not only has a long-term insect and snake repellent effect, but the internal core root can be made into a rope, which is indestructible after drying.

It seems to meet Yu Heng's requirements. His plan was to weave some nets, weave them firmly, and nail them outside the windows. As for the large balcony at the back, it was also simple. He just needed to cut a few thick branches and tie them up vertically, then set up the net, so that he could initially build a protective cover.

Later, he would go cut some more branches and reinforce them.

But now the problem was right in front of him - these vines were really strong! They were very tough, and you had to use both brute force and skill when cutting them. Well, skill was useless and could not protect the kitchen knife. After looking at the four vines, there were several notches on the knife. I believe that if I cut a few more, the knife would be scrapped.

He needed a new knife, or a saw.

Yu Heng recalled where the nearest hardware store was at home. It seemed that there was one on Keyun Road. He had been there to buy a faucet before.

Steel nails were also needed to reinforce the house. The toolbox at home only had small screws, pliers and wrenches, so a hammer was also needed. He decided to go to the hardware store.

He rolled up the three vines on the ground and stuffed them into the rice bag, and then stuffed them into the storage ring. He tied the remaining one around his waist.

Then he walked towards Keyun Road where the hardware store was located.

In just a few days, many people had walked on the path. I don’t know if it was the effect of the yellow vine, but Yu Heng clearly saw that the moths and mosquitoes flew away from him when he stepped on the grass.

But this is not the most amazing thing. He encountered snakes three times along the way, and he was not attacked every time - this probability can no longer be explained by good luck. One of them was poked by him when he was exploring the road with a broom. As a result, the snake was halfway in its attack posture, and the next moment it retracted its head and slid away.

"Is this kind of vine really so effective?" Yu Heng touched the vine around his waist. But he also sprayed himself with insect repellent and floral water when he went out today, so maybe these things also worked.

After arriving at Keyun Road, he found that many houses here were destroyed.

Towering trees rose from the middle of the buildings, completely destroying a famous tea restaurant here.

He walked a few steps and saw a chair falling from the sky, breaking into several pieces with a clang.

"Chirp..." Yu Heng looked up and saw a brown animal still stepping on the back of the chair. It can be predicted that this chair will fall down soon.

He found the location of the hardware store in his memory. The door was not blocked. The door was locked. It was an ordinary drop-down iron door. He knocked on the door first, and when no one answered, he squatted down and opened the lock embedded in the ground.

When he opened the door, he found that the hardware store, which looked intact on the outside, was covered with a kind of red flowers.

The moment he opened the door, a flower branch trembled and came to touch his face, and the fragrance was fragrant. He immediately pushed it away and avoided the flower branch.

This flower is quite beautiful, half a meter high, with rounded leaves and big flowers like pots, which looks rich and gorgeous.

Yu Heng learned from the [All Plants Encyclopedia] that this flower is called Sunflower, with several other aliases. It is non-toxic, but contains a lot of growth hormones. It forms a two-way food chain with a rock-foraging mouse, and they feed on each other.

Except after being eaten by the rock-foraging mouse, it is usually not aggressive.

Seeing this, a fragment of his long-lost memory suddenly emerged... By the way, when he was taking care of her mother in the hospital, he met this kind of flower and mouse outside. At that time, he called a classmate of his in the news agency, and later received a WeChat red envelope from his classmate, saying that he was thanking him for the material.

It turns out that this is called Sunflower… Since it is not poisonous, Yu Heng dared to go into the store, but he still took a broom to test it first to see if there was a snake inside. Later, a black snake slid out from the gap.

After entering the hardware store, Yu Heng began to look for what he wanted. He found the steel nails he wanted, and took some other types of nails. He also found hammers and saws in the flowers. As for other screwdrivers, glass glue, etc., he took a little of each one he saw, just in case they were needed in the future.

He left the hardware store with a great deal of gains. While it was still light, just after three o'clock in the afternoon, he planned to continue cutting vines.

This time with a saw, it was much more convenient to cut, and the speed was also faster.

Halfway through the work, he suddenly heard a familiar squeaking sound. Yu Heng wiped his sweat and looked up. Sure enough, a yellow figure appeared on the tree in the distance. It was the group of monkeys again.

A group of monkeys kept jumping and approaching from the distant tree, calling friends and making unusually lively sounds. Yu Heng saw them stop for a long time after jumping onto the yellow rattan forest here, grabbing the rattan to rub each other's backs, or holding the rattan to rub themselves.

Like taking a bath?

Yu Heng glanced at it for a few times, then lowered his head and continued to do his own thing. After cutting this one, he changed another tree. As he was climbing up, three fruits fell on his head in succession.

Hearing the squeaking sound above his head, he hugged the trunk with one hand and grabbed several rattans hanging beside him with the other hand, shaking them hard.


The monkey was knocked down, rolled in the air and grabbed a rattan, barely stabilizing himself.

At this time, Yu Heng had already climbed up and was standing on the uncle tree. Here I want to talk about the appearance of this yellow rattan tree. In fact, it is very much like an upside-down mop. The trunk is very straight, long, and bare, and then there is a huge sac at the top. Countless rattans grow from here and hang down to the ground.

Now the monkey was hanging near the ground, howling.

The monkeys over there ran over, grinning and climbing up the vines, and soon surrounded Yu Heng.

"Get out of here."

He had a bad impression of monkeys. The monkeys he met before stole his things, and the monkeys he met later were always doing trivial things. He really had no patience.

The deterrence of the Corpse King was pulled, and the aura around him was very dangerous, mixed with despair, destruction, killing and blood.

The monkeys slowly retreated, and then climbed down quietly. One by one, the monkeys pulled the vines and jumped into the distance, not daring to look back.

Animals are most sensitive to the breath of danger. The instinct in their blood makes them feel as if they have encountered a powerful beast seen in the winter oasis, making them tremble!

Yu Heng closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the hostility in his eyes disappeared. He looked calm, but his hands were actually shaking. After putting away both guns, he took out the saw and continued to cut the vines.

This was the first time he used the threat of the Zombie King. At that moment, he was full of anger and the strong murderous emotion covered all his thoughts, but there was always a clear mind in his mind, which made him watch "himself" coldly and violently.

He did not experience the feeling of the Zombie King for a second, because he had died at that time. But this feeling is very wonderful and very dangerous.

I hope that after those monkeys run around and tell others, no more monkeys will bother him.

When the sun was about to set, Yu Heng quickly packed up the last batch of rattan sticks, carried them on his back and walked towards home.

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