Shrink the island and increase the chances of player encounters.

Teleport separately and let players go it alone.

The purpose is to make everyone play more lively.

Soon, the effect of shrinking the island this time came out.

Because, many people have already met and fight, and the light curtain began to be bloody again:

"Refreshing, just now I met a member of the hunting team, who was chased by them before, and now I killed him, haha!"

"Shivering, just like that, I have seen two people passing by in the stone cave."

"MD, take two steps to meet a person, meet and kill, I am a life player, it's good not to participate in the fight, you have to force me to kill!"

"It's either a beast or a murderer, the outside world is so terrible, I dug a hole and buried myself, no one should find it, right?"

"Zan, you have a good method, I also plan to dig a hole in the ground!"

Lu Xingchen closed the chat light curtain.

The mess has nothing to do with her, let's hunt for treasure first.

She took out the treasure orb from her storage backpack.

Unlike the previous dimness, now, the treasure hunting orb emits a flashing glow.

【Treasure Hunt Orb Validity Time: 3 hours, do you want to use it?】


The treasure hunting orb suddenly shone brightly, broke away from Lu Xingchen's hand, and floated up.

Away from Lu Xingchen's hand, her light weakened slightly, emitting a soft orange light, fluttering and dripping around a few times, flying along the stream towards the north.

Lu Xingchen quickly hugged the lamb and chased after him, and Lan Lan also flew around.

The treasure hunting orb walked along the stream all the way north, and Lu Xingchen chased all the way.

Lu Xingchen found that the treasure hunting orb was always a meter away from her, she goed, it also goed, she stopped, it also stopped and waited for her.

In this way, she will not be lost.

At first, she was a little worried about what if she met someone and wanted to grab the orb, or follow her.

Later, she was quickly relieved.

Because, just ten minutes after walking, she met a person, a skinny girl, but eighteen or nineteen years old, she was digging a hole in the hillside near the creek with an iron shovel.

Seeing Lu Xingchen rushing over, she was frightened.

It was as if she couldn't see the treasure hunting orb, just looking at Lu Xingchen, and Lu Xingchen also looked at her strangely.

The skinny little girl clenched the shovel in fear and said in a hushed voice: "You... You don't come over!

"Can you see me?" Lu Xingchen compared the distance between the two people, and it stands to reason that the girl should not see her.

She can see the girl because of the light of the treasure orb, but what about the girl, she can also see the treasure orb?

In that case, why did she never look at the Orb?

A flying glowing bead is eye-catching.

The girl shivered: "You... You yourself shine while walking, don't you know? "

A person who can shine is terrible, he must be a very capable person.

I hope she's not a murderer!

The skinny little girl was about to cry in fear.

She just wants to dig a hole to hide, in order to avoid people, she also specially chose a dark place, gently try not to make a sound to dig the hole, how can someone bring their own light source!

"Can't you see anything else?" Lu Xingchen fiddled with the treasure hunting orb.

"What else?" The skinny little girl was so frightened that her legs went limp, "There is... Are there ghosts? Seeing

that the girl didn't look at the beads, Lu Xingchen was relieved.

It turns out that others can't see the treasure hunting orb, only see the light around her, then it's fine.

In this way, she is just a little more high-profile, now everyone has not had time to form a team for the time being, one or two people, three or four people she can still deal with.

Lu Xingchen waved at the skinny girl and continued to walk.

Of course, because she was glowing, she still met one or two people on the road, and the force was very different from Zhu Yongma and others, and Lu Xingchen quickly cleaned up.

In this way, she chased the treasure orb and walked a long way.

The treasure hunting beads kept following the stream, and after about an hour, they followed the stream to a canyon, and when they arrived at this place, the stream eased a lot.

Lu Xingchen was tired of walking and wanted to sit down and rest for a while.

After she stopped, the treasure orb did not stop, but suddenly accelerated and flew towards the center of the stream.

"Hey, wait for me!" Lu Xingchen was anxious.

The treasure hunting orb didn't listen to her at all, flew quickly to a short distance, and then stopped moving, dripping and turning in place.

Under the light of the treasure hunting orb, Lu Xingchen faintly saw bushes and trees, as well as stones and dirt.

Hey, it's a piece of land!

There was a piece of land protruding from the middle of the stream.

The light of the treasure hunting pearl is not too bright, and it is far away, Lu Xingchen can only vaguely see the outline of the point, and the others can't see clearly.

The treasure hunting orb is not moving, is it at the treasure point?

【If you find the treasure of the Báb, please go as soon as possible! 】 The

treasure of the Báb?

Who is the Báb?

Lu Xingchen was puzzled for a moment.

Hey, whoever he is, find it and it's mine, go get the baby!

But how did it go?

Lu Xingchen looked at the flowing water and fell into deep thought.

Is the water not deep? Is there a beast in there? To say that ordinary streams should not be too fierce beasts, but this is a game, everything can happen....

Lu Xingchen only struggled for half a minute.

Forget it, don't care, on!

When you encounter a beast, kill it! Grind the baby again, it's gone!

It has to be more than 30 meters from here to there, there is no boat, and there is no time to set up a raft, so you can only swim through.

Lu Xingchen no longer hesitated, left the lamb and Lan Lan on the shore, she coiled the horse's tail into a ball head, and jumped into the water with a "poof".

The water was not too cold, and she quickly adapted and quickly swam towards the treasure hunting orb.

When I was a child, there was a pond in front of my grandparents' house, and in the summer, children swam and played in it, and Lu Xingchen also went there.

In college, she learned to swim again because she swam well and competed.

Her water nature is still good.

All the way smoothly, Lu Xingchen arrived on the land where the treasure hunting orb was located.

On the shore, Lu Xingchen took off his clothes and twisted them, quickly put them on again, and ran to the treasure hunting orb.

At this time, the treasure hunting orb was stopping near a bush, and not far away there was a large tree, and under it was a cloud of weeds.

When Lu Xingchen arrived there, the treasure hunting beads dripped and turned, jumping up and down.

Watching the beads keep jumping around in place, Lu Xingchen understood: "Baby is below? "

Orb hunting or jumping.

That's it, dig!

Lu Xingchen quickly made a decision, took out an iron shovel, leveled the weeds, and began to dig down.

After digging about a meter deep, the shovel made a "ding" sound and hit a hard object.

Lu Xingchen dug up the surrounding soil and found that there were cyan stone bricks underneath, and the shovel could not dig it.

【If you find stone bricks, you can dig them with an iron pickaxe!】

Lu Xingchen immediately took out the iron pickaxe and dug a few times.

[Obtained a stone brick and put it in the storage backpack.] Can

you even get some supplies?

Lu Xingchen came energized and dug up excitedly.

After obtaining a dozen more stone bricks, the iron pickaxe was light, and a deep hole appeared underneath.

Under the light of the treasure hunting pearl, Lu Xingchen could probably see that there was a cellar below.

I don't know how deep.

At this time, the treasure hunting orb lit up, suddenly jumped down, and fell into the pit.

The light is gone!

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