This sheep is quite good-looking!

"Meh~" The little lamb cried and arched Lu Xingchen.

"Meh~" The lop-eared white sheep barked again.

Lu Xingchen didn't know the name of the sheep, and the system didn't give a hint, so she had to name it lop-eared white sheep herself.

The lop-eared white sheep walked a few steps, arrived at Lu Xingchen's side, and arched her with his mouth.

What does that mean?

"Meh~" The little lamb bleated suddenly broke away from Lu Xingchen, jumped onto the back of the white sheep, and turned back to Lu Xingchen and shouted.

Lu Xingchen was stunned for a moment, blessed to his heart, and asked: "You let me ride it?" "

Meh~" The lamb responded, and nodded.

The corner of Lu Xingchen's mouth curved, not bad!

As a child, she rode horses, donkeys, pigs, but sheep.

What a novel experience!

She hugged the neck of the white sheep, rolled over and rode up.

The hair of the white sheep is soft and thin and long, which is quite comfortable.

Although there was no saddle or anything like that, Lu Xingchen didn't feel bad at all.

Unfortunately, without the reins, Lu Xingchen simply held the two soft ears of the white sheep, and hugged the little lamb bleating.

Aries is very docile and has no opinion at all.

Of course, it may also be the fear of bleating lambs.

Lu Xingchen at first guessed whether this white sheep was the elder of the lamb, but later, she felt that it was not, because she obviously felt that the white sheep was very respectful to the lamb, and even a little afraid.

It is more like a slave to a master, a subordinate to a superior, and a courtier to a king.

The origin of the lamb bleating is not simple!

Lu Xingchen touched the little lamb bleating, secretly proud in his heart, maybe this time he received a divine beast.

With Aries, Lu Xingchen doesn't have to walk by himself, it's much easier.

The white sheep was fast, and Lu Xingchen was afraid of his dizziness, so he deliberately slowed it down.

Even so, the original two-hour journey took less than half an hour.

Lu Xingchen arrived at the agreed place.

When she arrived at the meeting place, Wei Lin, Wei Ying, and Zhong Qiang were already there.

They were sitting on a tree stump and talking.

Lu Xingchen rode the white sheep and came to them at a gallop.

The three were stunned.

After a long time, Wei Ying stammered out a sentence: "Ride... Sheep riding girl? Lu

Xingchen turned over and got off the white sheep.

Don't say, although Aries is fast, it is quite stable.

Wei Ying and Wei Lin circled around the white sheep.

Wei Ying: "Wow, this sheep is so white and soft, so clean, and it looks good!"

Wei Lin pulled the white sheep's ears: "Its ears are so long!" Soft and comfortable to the touch!

Wei Ying also hurriedly touched it, and was surprised again and again: "Hey, it's so soft, the hair is so long, wow, can you make a wool felt when you cut it?" "

The white sheep meekly let them touch it.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore and "bleated".

At this time, the little lamb snow bleated and bleated.

The white sheep "bleated", turned his head, and ran away with a "click".

"Huh, why did it run?" Wei Ying was very sorry.

Lu Xingchen looked at the little lamb bleating, and she guessed that it let the white sheep go.

Let's go, she will collect supplies in a moment, she will carpet search, and she will not have to ride sheep.

The little lamb showed its little head, and Wei Ying saw it at a glance: "Wow, it's so cute, is this a lamb?" So small! The

crowd marveled at the lamb for a long time.

After all, the lamb is really too cute and cute, and those beautiful emerald-like eyes are too eye-catching.

After making trouble for a while, Lu Xingchen said: "There is no one nearby, right?"

Wei Lin nodded: "I haven't found it for the time being!"

Lu Xingchen said: "In this way, let's look around to see if there are any good things, just walk within half an hour, talk to each other in the group, and support each other, if the situation is urgent, call the card with me." "

She still likes to take risks alone, four people together, it's too wasteful of time.

Wei Ying, Wei Lin and Zhong Qiang shared the same views as her, since everyone did not kill, they had to hurry up and collect materials.

Four people separated, one in one direction.

Lu Xingchen walked directly forward.

Unfortunately, the four people searched for more than three hours, and found nothing other than various wooden stones.

Lu Xingchen really understood that this was a desert island, but it was really deserted, and there was nothing good.

The bananas, pumpkins, and wheat she got before were all lucky.

Later, they met the hunting team, some hunting teams saw them alone, they would besiege, a few people were close, and the force was good, so, usually one person dragged down, the other three rushed to support, and then solved the hunting team in one fell swoop.

In three hours, they encountered two sets of battles, but still killed many people.

At this time, it was already dark, the moon had risen, and under the moonlight, the shadows could see the figures.

Lu Xingchen looked at his watch, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

Due to the light, many people stopped moving, and the chat light curtain became lively again:

"What to do? It's so dark, I don't dare to move!

"You know what? I huddled in a tree hole motionless, the desert island hunt is over, I want to go back to my raft, woo-woo!

"It's really worthless, don't hunt, forget it, you at least cut down the tree, so instigated, how did you survive?"

"I survived by instigation! Kiss!


"Oh, by the way, or see how many people are left in our district now, dear!"

In the commando chat group, Wei Lin suddenly said: "When I first entered the desert island to hunt, there were 71,021 people in our district, and now there are only 62,690 people, and in just 10 hours, nearly 10,000 people died!"

Wei Ying sighed: "So, everyone knows how cruel the hunt is, right?"

Lu Xingchen said faintly: "I remember that at the end of the third day, there were 71,233 people in our district, and 71,021 people before entering the desert island, and in this week, only one or two hundred people died. "

More than 10,000 people died in 10 hours.

Probably because the player elimination is too slow, there is a desert island hunt.

Lu Xingchen was silent, who is the game designer?

He designed the gameplay of killing explosive materials, set the hunting points leaderboard, and deliberately made the points obtained by killing people higher than killing beasts, in order to watch humans kill each other.

Is it so that mankind can realize its own ugliness?

"Ugh!" Suddenly, Wei Ying exclaimed, "I'm attacked, a bat, it's a group of bats!"

Wei Lin hurriedly said, "I'll go over right away!" "

The four people teamed up, although they were scattered, but they could know the positions of each other, and Wei Lin immediately passed.

On this side, Zhong Qiang was also in distress, and he ran into a leopard.

Lu Xingchen, on the other hand, encountered a huge goat, a black goat, its size was larger than an elephant, and its two huge horns were shining with a cold light.

At first glance, you know that it is a powerful character!

Its eyes were like copper bells, and as soon as its head was lowered, it was about to attack Lu Xingchen.

At the same time, Lu Xingchen heard the prompt: [Second-order black goat, the attack is fierce, the temperament is hot, please be cautious, if not, run. ] The

second order!

Don't be afraid!

Lu Xingchen pulled out a soft whip and flicked it in the air with a "pop".

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