Wei Ting's tone was not good: "You are really inexplicable, what's wrong with me canvassing for my friend?"

Zheng Yuan held back his anger and said to everyone: "I'm canvassing for myself, Wei Ting is canvassing for her friends, which relationship is closer, everyone should understand, right?"

Wei Ting immediately said: "The night talk around the stove is also my sister's work, please everyone!"

She just said it casually, and she didn't know that there were also Wei Lin and Wei Ying in the night talk around the fire.

Zheng Yuan looked at the time, it was only twelve minutes before the voting deadline, but his work actually reached the sixth place.

Although the difference between the sixth and fifth places is only one place, the difference is a reward.

That's one less piece of land.

Zheng Yuan was even more anxious.

He was so anxious that his eyes were red, and he couldn't stop canvassing in the regional chat.

However, the people who are towards him have already voted, and those who feel that the night talk around the fire is too lazy to vote instead, and the people who are towards Wei Ting ignore him even more.

Zheng Yuan was really anxious: "Please vote for me, you can find me to get five logs after voting!"

"Really? Give it immediately after the change? Someone quickly asked.

Zheng Yuan vowed: "Yes, after changing the vote, bring a screenshot to me, and I will immediately give five pieces of wood." "

Just vote for it, you can get 5 woods, so that many people still like it, and immediately someone will change the vote, and then find Zheng Yuan."

Zheng Yuan gave the wood one by one.

Two minutes later, Zheng Yuan returned to fifth.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Zheng Yuan looked at the first place with fiery eyes.

That's the position he always wanted!

The reward for first place is 5 top plots of land, the top land can accelerate plant growth by 10 times, the reward for second to fifth place is 2 pieces of senior land, which can accelerate plant growth by 4 times, and the reward for sixth to tenth place is 1 piece of intermediate land, which can accelerate plant growth by 2 times.

The difference between the rewards of first place and second to fifth place is too big and too big.

He must get those 5 top plots of land.

Gritting his teeth, Zheng Yuan said: "Please continue to vote for me, you can give me a screenshot after voting, I will give 10 pieces of wood!"

Wei Ting said faintly: "Zheng Yuan, where do you have so much wood?"

Some people are also not happy: "That is, you just said that you switched to 5 woods, so quickly the price will increase, by the way, you haven't given 5 woods just now!"

"Yes, I didn't give me wood!"

"Zheng Yuan, you said that you can give 10 pieces of wood instead, so what about the people we voted for you before? You deserve not to get anything?

"That's it, cast you for nothing!"

"I revoked the vote, Zheng Yuan, hurry up and give me 10 pieces of wood, otherwise I won't vote for you!"

This is just said, those who have benefited from Zheng Yuan, are embarrassed to say this, but there are also some silently canceled the vote.

On what basis? Someone voted for 10 woods, someone got 5 woods, and they had supported him before, and there was no benefit.

Isn't Zheng Yuan going to buy a ticket? Then buy them one by one!

Zheng Yuan was in a hurry, and he actually made such a big mistake.

He watched his vote go all the way down, and in the blink of an eye, it had dropped to tenth place.

What happened?

He thought for a moment before turning the corner.

It's over, he did something wrong.

The eleventh place was already trying, his goal was to replace the tenth place, seeing this, he hurried to canvass in his own district.

When Wei Ting saw this, she couldn't help laughing.

Squeezed Zheng Yuan from the first place to the tenth place, and even the tenth place, she felt too cool.

Suddenly, Wei Feng chatted with her privately: "Sister, the first place night talk around the stove is the work of which sister of our family?"

Wei Ting smiled: "I lied to them, I don't know the author of the night talk around the fire."

Wei Feng hesitated and said, "Does Sister Wei Ying's index finger have a scar, I carefully looked at the night talk around the hearth, and I felt that one of the hands was particularly similar to Sister Wei Ying's..."

Wei Ting's face changed.

She quickly opened the night talk around the hearth and carefully looked at the first picture.

Next to the hearth, there was a hand on the white pottery teacup, which looked like a girl's hand, but it was a little rough, especially the index finger, which had a small scar on it.

This scar is not big, ordinary people do not notice, so Wei Ting did not find it at first.

She looked at that hand carefully, and the more she looked, the more it looked like Wei Ying's.

Most of the girls now have ten slender fingers, at least the skin is delicate, only the Wei family, because of the practice of martial arts, even if it is a girl, most of the hands are rough.

Could this picture really be related to Wei Ying?

Wei Ting's heart was surging, and she couldn't help it.

She slid to the comment area below the picture, casually browsed the comments below, and suddenly, several new comments attracted her.

Double Knife Woman: "Night talk around the fire is the best work of this competition, absolutely, what I said, do not accept rebuttal, hahaha!" The

two-knife woman: "Faceless guy, you can't even keep the second, haha!"

Wei Ting's heart was shocked, the double knife woman was Wei Ying's screen name before, and this tone was the same as Wei Ying.

Unexpectedly, meeting the Wei family so soon, Wei Ting was excited in her heart, and she tentatively replied: "**..."

She found that she could not enter Wei Ying's real name.

By the way, it seems that the comment area cannot use your real name.

Wei Ting changed her words: "Ying-Ying, is that you?" I'm Tingting. The

double-knife woman quickly replied: "Ah, Tingting, it's me, which district are you, I'm in District 33."

Wei Ting was overjoyed, sure enough, it was Wei Ying, she quickly replied: "I'm in District 34, Yingying, do you have any other Wei family members in District 33?" I was with Feng and Kei.

Two-Bladed Woman: "District 33 is just me and Pro. The

two of you came and went and chatted in the comment area.

Lu Xingchen's fireside night talk is now in the first place, there are many people in the comment area, and there are many comments, and they quickly brushed them down, they chatted quietly, and few people found it.

Lu Xingchen watched his night talk around the hearth become more and more stable, and finally relaxed.

There were still five minutes left, and now, the night stop wine had been squeezed to the eleventh place, and Lu Xingchen no longer paid attention to him.

While staring at the ranking of the night talk around the fire, she chatted with them in the commando team

: Lu Xingchen: "Do you know where the rumor that the night stop wine is my work came from?"

Zhong Qiang: "It's hard to find the source of this, but the Jiang family brothers have always been a little abnormal, maybe it's related to them."

Lu Xingchen thought for a while: "I guess too, you have time to help me find out if it's them."

Zhong Qiang: "No problem!"

After chatting for a long time, Lu Xingchen found that Wei Lin and Wei Ying, who were usually the most active, had been silent.

She was just about to ask them, suddenly

, the quality of life competition ended, and the game announcement began: [Game announcement: The first quality of life competition in the 31-40 district ended successfully, and the winning works are as follows

: First place: fireside night talk, reward 5 top land;

2nd place: XXX; Third place... 5th place: XX, reward 2 high-level land;

Sixth place: XXX... 10th place: XX, reward 1 intermediate land;

Note: Rewards will be distributed later, so have fun playing! 】

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