Lu Xingchen deliberately made himself very embarrassed.

With dirt and snow rolling over her face, she limped to the vicinity of the station.

Soon someone saw him and shouted: "It's Ice Twenty-Six, Ice Twenty-Six is back, go and call Lord Priest."

An ice cave man immediately covered the person who shouted: "Shh, Lord Priest is tired, now he is resting, let's not disturb him, anyway, Ice Twenty-Six is back, we won't let him go." Then

, two ice cave people came up.

Lu Xingchen quickly glanced, ice seventeen ice eighteen? It is the two who have a feud with Ice Twenty-Six.

Not good, these two people have bad intentions!

The snow near the station had been cleared, and there were tall snowdrifts next to it, Lu Xingchen looked around, and then looked at the house where the old priest was.

Bing Seventeen kept staring at him and sighed: "Look at it, how flexible the eyes of Twenty-Six are dripping and turning, it turns out that he has been pretending to be a fool before!" Bing

Eighteen's voice was low, and he said viciously: "Little cub, you still dare to come back? Go, follow us! The

two people set up Lu Xingchen on the left and right, and pretended to giggle, and carried her towards an igloo.

The igloo was far from the old priest's house.

Lu Xingchen struggled for a moment.

She froze and found that she couldn't move at all.

The strength of the ice cave people is so great!

Can't she be taken away by these two guys, what if they kill her?

Lu Xingchen shouted, "What are you doing?" Let me go, let go of me, ah, you're going to kill me? You dare to kill me!

Her voice was so loud that the ice cave people not far away looked over, and two of them quickly came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Xingchen: "I want to see Lord Priest!" Bing

Seventeen was anxious: "What are you calling?" We'll let you go to the igloo to rest, wait for Lord Priest.

Lu Xingchen ignored it: "You just said, you want to pull me into the house and kill me!" Ice

Seventeen gritted his teeth: "You lie!"

Lu Xingchen's eyes lit up, and she didn't have to purr.

The ice cave people understand.

When I think about it, when the ice cave priest spoke, not all the ice cave people could understand!

It was too chaotic here, the ice cave priest picked the curtain and walked out, he looked at Lu Xingchen in surprise: "You are back?"

Lu Xingchen quickly broke free from Ice Seventeen and Ice Eighteen and ran towards the Ice Cave Priest.

The ice cave priest looked at her two more times, and nodded repeatedly: "Well, not bad, much smarter than before, good, good!"

He pointed at Lu Xingchen: "Twenty-six, follow me!"

Lu Xingchen followed the ice cave priest into the igloo.

The Ice Cave Priest looked her up and down: "You have completely learned to speak?"

Lu Xingchen nodded: "Yes, Lord Priest, the bad guy before scared me and said that he poisoned me, I didn't dare to come back with you, today they were busy sweeping snow, and I finally escaped back." The

Ice Cave Priest had no doubt, but was very happy: "Good, good, you are getting smarter, twenty-six, cough, I'm dying, I'll depend on you in the future, I... Let me teach you some skills first!

Lu Xingchen's eyes lit up, and he was just about to answer.

Ice Cave Priest: "Cough, some skills that only we ice cave people can learn!"

Lu Xingchen was stunned.

A skill that only an ice cave man can learn?

Meaning, she is not an ice cave person, so she can't learn?

The ice cave priest smiled: "You have been able to tame the white bear, rest assured, you can definitely learn!" Ice

Cave Priest: "The first skill: water and fire are not afraid, attach this skill to the ice cave white bear, you can make it not afraid of water and fire attacks, the defense is increased, it lasts for half an hour, come, read with me!" "

Ice cave priest: "

Purr in the grunt..." Lu Xingchen was helpless, so he had to read it again.

Fortunately, she has a good memory.

The ice cave priest's eyes were full of surprise, and he took Lu Xingchen outside, walked to the ice cave white bear, clenched his staff, and grunted.

The staff flashed white and hit an ice cave white bear.

The ice cave white bear's body trembled, and his mental head seemed to be much bigger.

The Ice Cave Priest handed the staff to Lu Xingchen: "Come, you try!"

Lu Xingchen took the staff and learned to read it again, and the staff flashed white and hit another white bear.

The ice cave priest coughed excitedly: "Good, good, twenty-six, I didn't expect your talent to be so good, hahaha, not bad, we are saved!" "

Lu Xingchen: ......

She was more confused than anyone, didn't she say that this skill can only be learned by ice cave people?

Why did she do it all at once?

Could it be because she was an ice cave person?

The Ice Cave Priest coughed for a long time, his body was much weaker, and he said in a hushed voice: "Cough, twenty-six, you remember twice, I... Ahem, go back to rest. "

How can Lu Xingchen let him go.

She didn't ask for anything.

Lu Xingchen followed the Ice Cave Priest to the house and asked, "Lord Priest, your body does not look very good, do you want to go back and raise yourself." The

ice cave priest sighed: "It's useless to go back, cough, my body can't get better, fortunately you are extremely talented, cough cough, we ice cave people are saved!"

Lu Xingchen: "The ice field season is early, it is a good opportunity, otherwise, we would not be able to come out." Ice

Cave Priest: "Yes, thankfully!

Lu Xingchen: "Then Lord Priest, why is the ice field season advanced?" Ice

Cave Priest: "Hehe, no one knows why this happened, but it is good for us ice cave people, maybe our people are lucky." "

He doesn't even know?

Lu Xingchen took the opportunity to ask several questions.

For example, when to kill Lu Xingchen, are there many people coming this time?

Where are they originally based?

Who knows, the ice cave priest seems to be confused, talking for a long time, and he can't say why.

Moreover, his body was weak, and once he cast a spell, he seemed to lose his strength, went back to lie on the bed, and fell asleep without saying a few words.

Lu Xingchen was worried.

This time the transfiguration, it seems that the gain is not great.

Don't waste this transfiguration card!

That's a loss!

After thinking about it, Lu Xingchen turned around and walked out of the igloo.

As soon as I went out, I met Bing Seventeen Ice Eighteen, and the two people seemed to have been waiting outside the door, seeing Lu Xingchen come out, and immediately surrounded him.

Lu Xingchen: "You still dare?" "

These two guys are quite bold, she is going to become an ice cave priest, and she dares to come and find trouble!"

Ice Seventeen: "Why don't you dare, do you think you are very powerful?" Hmph, have you forgotten our identity?

Lu Xingchen was strange: "What identity?" "

Two people look similar, fat and ugly, what good identity can they have?

Ice Eighteen: "Don't talk nonsense, come with us!" The

two people stepped forward and stopped Lu Xingchen again.

Lu Xingchen didn't struggle this time, the information of the ice cave priest had been hollowed out, there was no need to go to him again, she wanted to talk to these two arrogant ice cave people.

Although these two people have a lot of strength, she also has a lot of hole cards, if there is danger, it is still no problem to run.

The two people successfully set Lu Xingchen into an igloo.

They threw her hard, clasped their hands over their shoulders, and looked at her maliciously.

Bing Seventeen: "Say, how did you learn to speak?" Ice

Eighteen: "It must be because of that thing, I saw him eat it, and it smelled black and fragrant, twenty-six, isn't it?" Bing

Seventeen: "That is, twenty-six, you dare to eat alone, not afraid of being beaten?"

Lu Xingchen blinked his eyes: "Black? Bing

Seventeen: "Yes, it's dark outside, yellow inside, smelling very fragrant..." Ice Seventeen

began to drool.

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