Lu Xingchen raised his eyes and saw that the red-billed blue magpie was stopping on a large branch in front of him, his mouth chattering non-stop.

In short, there is not a good word in the mouth, and the previous few sentences loop indefinitely.

Lu Xingchen was happy, it seems that he was too kind to her just now!

She bent her bow and took the arrow.

The red-billed blue magpie looked at it, and flew away with fright


Lu Xingchen snorted coldly.

Her bow and arrow were inconvenient to hold, so she rummaged through her backpack, drank the water, and took out the remaining strawberries, ready to eat them all.

She had just taken a bite of a strawberry, and the red-billed blue magpie was back.

Its mouth stinked as always, shouting: "You ugly... Oh..."

Suddenly, it saw the strawberry in Lu Xingchen's hand, froze for a moment, its wings snapped, and it fell straight from the air.

When it was almost on the ground, it woke up, quickly waved its wings, and flew again.

Lu Xingchen saw that the corner of its mouth was suspected of pulling out a water line...

The red-billed blue magpie waved its wings, flicked its saliva, and said delicately: "You... You little fairy!

Lu Xingchen "poofed" and laughed.

It turns out that this red-billed blue magpie also has a time when its mouth is not smelly.

She squinted at the red-billed blue magpie and threw another strawberry into her mouth.

The red-billed blue magpie's eyes were straight, and Lu Xingchen could almost see a thin line of water flowing out from under its mouth...

Drooling again!

The red-billed blue magpie may not speak much now, it flies around the landing stars, turning over and over and only saying: "Little fairy!" "

It's dying.

Lu Xingchen smiled and asked, "Want to eat?" The

red-billed blue magpie nodded repeatedly: "Eat!" Eat!

"That's not going to work!" Lu Xingchen said slowly, "My strawberries are so sweet, but I don't give people with smelly mouths... Don't give stinky birds! The

red-billed blue magpie flew around her while saying: "It doesn't stink, it doesn't stink!"

Lu Xingchen stopped, and she found that although this red-billed blue magpie did not know much language, it seemed to learn quickly.

She just arrived at the place where the chicken cage and rabbit cage were placed before, she pointed to the cage on the tree and said to the red-billed blue magpie: "You, go and take the cage off for me!" She

wanted to try it to see if the red-billed blue magpie was smart enough.

The red-billed blue magpie immediately flew up the tree, hooked the chicken cage with its foot, and flew down.

Seeing it, the little roosters and hens were terrified.

Lu Xingchen was surprised, four hens and one rooster also had more than ten pounds, and the red-billed blue magpie was able to take the cage down, and the strength was strong enough.

After the red-billed blue magpie put down the chicken cage, without Lu Xingchen's orders, he immediately went up the tree and took the rabbit cage down.

It flapped its wings and looked at Lu Xingchen earnestly, without blinking its eyes.

Lu Xingchen rolled her eyes, she pointed to the chicken cage, threw the strawberry in her hand and said: "In this way, you grab this cage and follow me, and when you get to where I want to go, I will give you a strawberry." The

red-billed blue magpie immediately hooked the chicken cage and flew up, and also stared at Lu Xingchen, signaling Lu Xingchen to go quickly.

Lu Xingchen was very satisfied, a strawberry, actually hired a coolie.

Still a nice coolie, not bad!

Otherwise, she carried two cages alone, although it was not hard, it was hard enough.

Lu Xingchen lifted the small rabbit cage and led the way forward.

The red-billed blue magpie followed with a chicken cage.

It's not too late, Lu Xingchen calculated, she will be able to arrive at the agreed meeting place at about half past five.

She hurriedly left, just walked for ten minutes, suddenly, a black and white round thing rolled over, and suddenly hugged her calf.

"Woooo It's a panda cub.

Lu Xingchen lowered his head, picked up the panda cub with great effort and asked, "What's wrong with you, little danzi?" Huh..."

She found that the little cub's eyes were full of tears, and she was anxious and asked: "What's wrong, who bullied you, little danzi?" The

panda cub broke free from Lu Xingchen's embrace, crawled down her lap, whined twice, walked in the direction of the bamboo forest, and turned back to call her.

"Are you asking me to go with you?" Lu Xingchen understood.

It was still early, and she said, "Okay, then you have to hurry!"

She turned around and let the red-billed blue magpie wait in the distance, and left with the panda cub herself.

The panda cub seemed to be very anxious, climbing and rolling, and quickly ran towards the bamboo forest, but it took a few minutes to reach the bamboo forest.

It took the landing star and continued to walk inside until it reached the position of the rainbow arrow bamboo.

Next to the rainbow arrow, an adult giant panda lies there dying, it is the parent of the panda cub.

Lu Xingchen hurriedly went over, and the panda cub whined to Lu Xingchen while pushing the giant panda.

Lu Xingchen looked at it.

I saw that the giant panda had a big hole in its abdomen, blood flowed to the ground, and its legs were broken.

This...... Lu Xingchen understood that the panda cub wanted to save his mother, but the giant panda was so seriously injured that he couldn't save it with gold creation medicine.

The giant panda is estimated to have lived less than two minutes.

Lu Xingchen sighed and said softly to the panda cub: "I'm sorry, little danzi, I can't help you..."

The panda cub just screamed eagerly.

Lu Xingchen was helpless, holding the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, took out a golden creation medicine and poured it on the wound of the panda's parents.

Sure enough, the wound only healed a little and opened again.

The giant panda regained some strength, it barely opened its eyes, pushed the panda cub hard, pushed the cub to Lu Xingchen, and cried weakly.

Looking at the panda cub, its eyes are full of nostalgia and reluctance.

However, it still pushed the cub into Lu Xingchen's arms.

"You said let me take care of it?" Lu Xingchen asked.

In the eyes of the giant panda, she saw the answer.

According to her guess, the beast that fought with the giant panda should be of a higher level, otherwise it would not hurt the giant panda so badly.

That ferocious beast is so powerful, the giant panda can't beat it, how can a panda cub that hasn't been weaned be able to beat?

So, the giant panda wants to take the cubs himself.

The giant panda looked at Lu Xingchen with pleading, and screamed weakly a few times.

Its voice was even quieter, almost inaudible, and its gaze began to drift, and it barely struggled, staring at the landing stars.

Tears in his eyes.

Lu Xingchen sighed: "Okay, I'll take care of it!" "

The giant panda is obviously not working, it is dead, and the panda cub is so small, it will only become food for other beasts here.

Hearing Lu Xingchen's promise, the giant panda seemed to have accomplished the most important thing, its body was soft, but it insisted on reaching the rainbow arrow bamboo, and "bang bang" knocked down the rainbow arrow bamboo.

When it was about to dig up the arrow shoots again, Lu Xingchen hurriedly stopped: "Don't, I'll come by myself!" "

She didn't have time just now, the rainbow arrows and bamboos were destroyed, and they couldn't be planted in the space, these arrows can be kept, don't let the giant panda be unable to plant the disaster."

The panda whimpered and fell to the ground.

The panda cub sat next to it, whining, and it should also know that its mother had left her forever.

Lu Xingchen sighed, touched the panda cub, took out a shovel and dug a big hole, and moved the panda mother in.

She had to bury it, lest it be eaten by other beasts, not even a whole corpse.

After burying the body of the panda mother, Lu Xingchen comforted the panda cub, then took out the iron shovel and carefully dug out the remaining rainbow arrows.

Digging up some rainbow arrow shoots and some rainbow arrow bamboo, Lu Xingchen picked up the panda cub and hurried out of the bamboo forest.

It's too late, hurry up and join Wei Lin and the others!

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