Wei Ying nodded repeatedly: "Convinced, convinced, I don't have the ability to open so many good things!" "

These things, no matter which one of them, are very difficult to come up with.

A few people surrounded the wooden box, looked and looked, touched and touched, and finally, Wei Ying waved his hand: "Okay, Xingchen, you put it away, we have a good time."

Wei Lin and Zhong Qiang also nodded.

Lu Xingchen glanced at everyone: "You don't want it?"

Wei Ying waved his hand: "Killing this wild boar mainly relies on your weapons, traps, and arrow techniques, we have done too little, and one person has obtained a red spirit fruit, which is already very satisfied."

Wei Lin nodded: "Yes, we rely on you to go to the island, and we have also obtained other materials here, and we have already gained a lot!"

Zhong Qiang also nodded fiercely.

Lu Xingchen smiled slightly, these people are quite generous.

In this case, she will not be too mean.

She pointed to the wooden box and said: "In this way, the soft whip secret method is just suitable for me, I want it, and there is a set of camouflage clothing, let's each set of one, as for the remaining long knife drawings, the three of you will see, who needs it more."

Wei Ying was overjoyed: "Ah, ah, give me clothes, I like it so much, woo-woo, I'm too handsome camouflage clothes!" "

The camouflage clothing is the same style, but the colors are different, purple, pink, green, gray.

In the end, Lu Xingchen asked for purple, Wei Ying asked for pink, Wei Lin asked for green, and Zhong Qiang asked for gray.

Several people's storage backpacks are not rich, like this kind of thing, just put it in the bag.

Wei Lin and Wei Ying each had a large snakeskin bag, and they didn't know whether it was opened or made.

The snakeskin bag of the two of them is still deflated, and it can hold a lot of things.

As for Zhong Qiang, he made a basket with vines that didn't know what plant to do, and carried it on his back, which looked quite presentable.

In short, each has its own powers.

Seeing Lu Xingchen looking at them uncontrollably, Wei Ying lifted the bag and said arrogantly: "Xingchen, give me what you can't put down, I'll carry it for you, I have a lot of strength!"

Wei Lin smiled: "Give it to me, after all, I am a man."

Lu Xingchen smiled: "Okay, I'll give it to you if I can't pretend it for a while." She

still put her camouflage uniform and soft whip secret method in her backpack, and put her hat on her head.

Now, she only has one space.

However, not afraid, she immediately took out strawberries and divided them among everyone, and she only left a dozen for herself.

A few people simply sat on the stone, ate strawberries and drank water.

It's been a day, everyone is busy collecting supplies, and they haven't eaten.

Wei Ying glanced at the area chatting and pouted: "Cut, Jiang Wenming is screaming again!" Shhh

Lu Xingchen opened the chat light curtain, and sure enough

, Jiang Wenming was brushing the screen again: Jiang Wenming: "Haha, found a wild wolf that was left alone, a second-order mutation, we worked together to kill it, guess what we got?"

Jiang Wenming: "We found a wooden box with a weapon drawing inside!"

Jiang Wenli: "Dangdang, look at our weapon drawings - long sword drawings (elementary)!"

Jiang Wenming: "Not only that, we also found a wild fruit on the road, after eating, I felt a hundred times more energetic, and I didn't feel hungry - [Qi Replenishing Fruit (Elementary)], our team is really lucky today, hahaha!" On

the chat light curtain, the two brothers of the Jiang family screamed, and the others did not reply.

Because, in their opinion, the Jiang brothers are lucky enough, after all, one is a weapon drawing, or a long sword with strong practicality, and there is also a fruit that increases the spirit after eating.

It's all good stuff.

Jiang Wenming was triumphant: "There are too many materials on the island, there are many other fruits, wood and other materials that can fill the stomach, we not only got the above weapon drawings and fruits with spiritual buffs, there are many, many more, haha, the harvest is quite rich, by the way, what about Lu Xingchen?" Why don't you talk anymore?

Jiang Wenli: "Maybe she has been bitten to death by a wild wolf, just with her little ability, it is estimated that she will only cry when she encounters a wild wolf, hum!"

Jiang Wenming: "It's a woman after all!" When you encounter a pheasant, you may be scared to cry, haha!

Jiang Wenli: "Yes, so let's say, brother, why do you still ask her, she must not get anything, hiding in the grass and crying!" "

Lu Xingchen: ......

These two brothers, why are they so cheap!

Get used to him!

Lu Xingchen: "Hey, this ignorant person, it's really pitiful, it's just a primary ordinary weapon and a little hunger fruit, just happy that even the ancestors forgot, hey!"

Jiang Wenming: "Huh, what is acid?" If you have the ability, you can also take a primary weapon drawing out!

Jiang Wenli: "That is, if you can't eat grapes, say grape sour!" Wei

Ying: "Come, open your eyes, [Powerful Red Spirit Fruit] [Long Knife Drawings (Advanced)], by the way, this is what I have been assigned, as for the captain Lu Xingchen, who paid the most... Hehe, the materials she got were many times better than mine..." Wei

Lin: "You are not qualified to see it!"

Jiang Wenming looked at the two items sent by Wei Ying and widened his eyes.

He looked and looked, and his face darkened.

The Mighty Red Spirit Fruit can increase the strength value a little, which is what he wants to get the most, what he needs most is to increase his strength, and so does Jiang Wenli.

As for the drawings of the long knife, he was dying of hunger.

What their Jiang family is good at is a long knife, and he also wants to get a long knife drawing, even if it is a beginner.

Wei Ying is holding a high-grade long knife!

How nice it would be if you gave it to yourself!

Jiang Wenming scratched his heart and scratched his liver with jealousy, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

In the end, he really couldn't bear it: "Wei Ying, you are not very good at using long knives, it's too wasteful!"

Wei Ying said happily: "Yes, it's too wasteful, but this is a high-grade long knife, can't I practice more?" Jiang Wenming, are you too worried?

Wei Ying: "You shouldn't be drooling, right?"

Jiang Wenming's face couldn't get by: "Hmph, it's good that I use a long sword!"

Wei Ying: "Is it, is it?" Then let your brother stop talking about me privately, he begged me to trade the long knife drawings to him, haha!

Jiang Wenli was furious: "Where did I ask for it?" I'm just asking you!

Wei Ying: "Oh, haha, then I'll tell you now, I won't change!"

Jiang Wenming was so angry that he chatted with Jiang Wenli in private: "They are at odds with us, what are you looking for her for?"

Jiang Wenli: "But, brother, that's a high-grade long knife!"

Jiang Wenming was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

The regional chat has long been lively:

"Wow, Lu Xingchen, they have gained too much, envy!"

"We also went to the island, killed a second-order beast, and got the drawing of a primary spear, hey, how can the gap between people be so big!"

Wei Ying: "Haha, because we have Lu Xingchen, her luck is really good!"

"Of course, the person who can get the first place several times has bad luck?"

"Lu Xingchen, do you still need people from your team? Can I join? One thing I haven't said, actually... I'm your long-lost brother..."

"Poof, it's really interesting upstairs, Lu Xingchen, in fact, I'm your long-lost sister!"

"Dodge, dodge, what are you messing around, in fact, I am Lu Xingchen who has been lost for many years... Oh, Lu Xingchen is so young? "

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