Xuanyuan was helpless and said to Lu Xingchen: "Master Lingguang, meet again, fortunately!"

Lu Xingchen glanced at him coldly and ignored him.

Chu Hongyi pinched his throat again and shouted: "The master is not happy, send gold coins to Red Six, is it stupid?"

Xuanyuan Batian handed a bag of gold coins to Lu Xingchen with shaky hands: "Master, it's nice to meet you, this is a bag of

gold coins..." Lu Xingchen glanced at it: "2000 gold coins?" Chu

Hongyi: "Hey, only 2,000 gold coins will be sent, who will be cold?" Human Lingguang masters are not rare!

Everyone looked at Xuanyuan Batian, their faces full of surprise.

2000 gold?

How to get your hands on it!

This is Master Lingguang!

Master Lingguang is very powerful, and a piece of clothing she makes can easily sell for two or three hundred thousand gold coins.

If she hadn't loved making strange wine, she would have lost her gold coins.

Can people see 2000 gold coins?

Everyone's eyes were scorching, all of them were accusations against Xuanyuan Hegemony.

Xuanyuan Batian endured the pain and offered 10,000 gold coins.

Lu Xingchen received it, and if he didn't take it for nothing, it was said that Master Lingguang would also receive the gift.

Well, she's here not to collapse.

Definitely not greed for money!

"Hello everyone!" Suddenly, Ji Lao's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at the high platform.

Ji Lao: "The owner of the lot has something to do, and he can't come back for the time being, now, I'll preside over the auction for him." "

It's finally started.

Many breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Lao: "However, the owner of the lot has set some conditions before, and we need to conduct some screening before the auction, and those who do not meet the requirements will not be eligible to bid." As

soon as these words came out, many people were not happy.

I worked hard to rush over, I waited for half a day, and now I say I am not qualified?

Elder Ji said in a deep voice: "This is Master Babu's request, please understand, this auction is not only about financial resources!" "

Master Báb?

At this time, many people are silent.

Master Babu, this guy, it is also possible to list some strange conditions.

Is it really this guy's lot? Don't really be stolen, right?

Although Master Báb has been washing his hands in the golden basin for many years, what if he becomes addicted?

Or don't you want this hot thing?

Ji Lao said with satisfaction: "Okay, now start the screening." Something

appeared in his hand, and with a slap, a glowing door appeared in front of him.

Ji Lao: "Masters who have bidding needs please walk through this door, and if they can pass, they will be eligible for auction." "

Many masters have a very ugly face.

Half of them have some identity, and walking through a door here now is very uncomfortable as passing a test.

A white-bearded master snorted and left angrily with two disciples.

The rest of the people looked hesitant and endured.

Everyone walked through the door one by one.

When an old man in his seventies, probably in his seventies, passed by, the light gate flashed red.

Ji Lao smiled: "Master, I'm sorry, you don't qualify.

The old man's face was livid, and he drank angrily: "Inexplicable! Then

left angrily.

Qi Anxin was stunned: "Aren't these people very powerful?" Why don't you make trouble, smash ah, scold people, they are too qualified, right?

Chu Hongyi chuckled not far away: "You don't know, right?" Because it is still the market period, there are certain restrictions in the frost and snow village, no matter how powerful people are, they can't mess around, otherwise, how can this market be opened?

Lu Haoyue glanced at Chu Hongyi and nodded: "Yes, the owner of the lot asked, the rest of the people estimated that there was no way, people are this rule." Chu

Hongyi: "Hehe, everyone is still suspicious of the lot, otherwise they wouldn't have left so quickly." "

What if you toss for half a day, make trouble for half a day, spend a lot of gold coins, and shoot a dirty object?

Not worth it!

Lu Xingchen was a little nervous.

She didn't know what the screening rules of this door were, for fear that she would be stuck.

One by one, people passed, some passed, some could not pass, and left.

Soon arrived at Lu Xingchen.

She collected her mood and strode into the door.

Fortunately, it passed.

The Xuanyuan Tyrant in the back also passed with fear.

After the screening, one-third of the people did not pass, originally there were twenty-five or six waves of people in the square, but after this screening, only seventeen or eight were allocated.

There were many fewer people at once, and the square was empty.

Lu Xingchen secretly observed, remembering one by one those who did not pass and had to leave, and found that they were all imposing old people.

Strange, how exactly is this door screened?

Not only him, but also the rest of the people also have this doubt: "What is the standard?" Ji

Lao was embarrassed: "This is Master Báb's order, I don't know, but it is said that there is an element of recent luck."

A middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, the person who obtains the market construction order is likely to build the market by himself, luck is particularly important, remember the last time the market construction order was auctioned, this screening was also carried out."

Lu Xingchen couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged man twice.

This person knows a lot!

In any case, everyone reluctantly accepted this screening.

Is there any way, can I question the Báb?

Why do you put this gas?

Master Lei Jin ignored these at all and left directly.

Hearing that the lot was a city building order, he was not interested, but stayed for a while.

Now seeing that the auction is so troublesome, I went directly with the doll.

Bubu stayed because of the blue blue.

Lu Xingchen looked at the people who stayed one by one, and these people who passed the test felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, she received a strange message.

It's Chu Hongyi.

Chu Hongyi: "I looked, those who left have status, if they are there, they will be the biggest competitors in the auction!"

Lu Xingchen was taken aback: "How can you talk to me privately?" Chu

Hongyi: "Hehe, high-level cross-regional chat card, I can chat with you privately without your consent, duration: 24 hours, can transmit materials!"

Lu Xingchen: "Rich woman! "

This premium cross-zone chat card is awesome!

Chu Hongyi: "You know, in order to cooperate with you, I have sacrificed a lot."

Lu Xingchen quickly turned back to the topic: "I also feel wrong!" "

It's just bidding for one thing, why bother?

She felt that from the very beginning deliberately covered the news of the auction of the bazaar construction order; and then to the hasty auction, not giving other masters time to come over; Then to the rumor that the lot just now was a swag; And then to the current screening.

One item at a time.

It's all for one purpose - to get more competitive people away!

So, who the hell wants to get this bazaar construction order? Layers of screening, using various methods to squeeze out competitors?

Ji Lao!

Who is Ji Lao helping?

Lu Xingchen suddenly thought of the conversation he had overheard before?

It's a pity that the man's face was not seen at that time!

Lu Xingchen observed the people at the scene in turn, unable to confirm which one.

Don't worry, though.

Elder Ji will definitely let that person pass all the levels!

Lu Xingchen slowly said his guess.

Chu Hongyi: "It's over, don't be screened down!" Ji

Lao: "Okay, now, there is one more request... The person bidding must be at least sewing apprentice level!

As soon as Ji Lao's words came out, many people at the scene were angry:

"Why is there such a request? Since there was a request, why didn't you say it at that time?

"Is that just, playing us?"

"It's just a bidding, why do you need a sewing apprentice? Who has nothing to learn to sew?

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, where is Master Lingguang?"

Ji Lao smiled slightly: "Don't be angry, really, in this auction, in addition to gold coins, the owner of the lot needs other items." Someone

asked, "What item?" Ji

Lao: "Hehe, those who are qualified can continue to participate in the auction!" "

This time, most people were screened again.

That's the phrase, who has nothing to learn to sew ah!

Among the scenes, there were six more people who were eligible.

Lu Xingchen is one, after all, she is Lingguang - a master sewing.

The other is Xuanyuan Batian, the reason why Red Six has always been an idol is because she learned sewing, and now she has taught herself to become a junior sewing master.

Luo Jincheng, an intermediate sewing master, is a middle-aged man.

Another is Ji Jiu, Ji Jiu is extremely excited: "Hahaha, it seems that it is still useful for me to teach myself to sew, hahaha, I am a sewing apprentice!" Ji

Ba: "Hahaha wife is so good!" "

There is also a silent pirate named Bai Thirty-three, who is said to be a member of the White Swan Pirate Regiment and is a sewing apprentice.

The last sewing apprentice was dumbfounded.

He was very young, only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he could see that he came to make it to the final.

These people are generally younger.

Ji Lao smiled: "Okay, the auction begins, 100,000 gold coins, please bid!" "

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