Following the treasure hunting bead, Wan Jinbao led people into the small courtyard of Ba XIII.

One of the deputy gang masters, surnamed Guo, was also the one who had sacrificed the lamb before, and he whispered: "Gang master, didn't we go through it just now?"

Yang Feixue: "You are stupid, who is the baby on the bright side."

Wan Jinbao smiled with a smile on his face: "Yes, Yang Feixue is right."

Vice Gang Master Guo rolled his eyes and stepped back, if there was anything else, he wouldn't run forward.

The treasure hunting bead arrived on Ba XIII's bed, and the "whoosh" disappeared.

Wan Jinbao's eyes lit up: "Dismantle the bed board!" "

The people carefully searched the cover of Ba XIII, and dismantled it to pieces, and found nothing.

I smashed the bed board inch by inch, but I still found nothing.

They even smashed the polished and beautifully carved bed and harvested a pile of wood chips.


Yang Feixue stared at the wooden floor: "Or, dig and dig and see?"

Wan Jinbao nodded: "Dig dig dig!"

Yang Feixue stepped back, and Vice Gang Master Guo snorted secretly, and also stepped back, giving up his position.

The rest of the deputy gang masters rushed up, demolished the floor, dug the foundation, dug the earth, and then the iron pickaxe touched the stone slab.

"Gang master, there you have it!" One exclaimed.

Wan Jinbao probed the probe: "Not bad, it seems that the baby is here, everyone dig!" Wan

Jinbao stepped back and stood next to him, and Yang Feixue followed behind him and whispered quietly.

Deputy Guo stepped back again, pretending to flip over the tables and chairs, and lifted the curtain.

He also learned to be lazy.

The rest dug for a long time, "poofed" and fell in.

A hole appeared.

The deputy gang masters swarmed in, and ran out with a scream: "Spider, what a big spider!" "

It's three sixth-order mutated spiders.

At this time, Wan Jinbao and Yang Feixue both had to join the battle group.

Of course, Yang Feixue is still lazy.

After some hard fighting, they finally killed one spider and drove away two.

They entered the cave and found a wooden box.

Wan Jinbao happily opened the wooden box, and it was empty.

A group of embarrassed deputy gang leaders were stunned, they began tossing and turning since last night, looking and digging and killing, tossing for more than ten hours, and only harvested an empty box.

One of the deputy gang leaders stammered: "This... This, helpmaster, the treasure hunting orb will not be fake, right?

Wan Jinbao was also stunned: "How come?" "

I haven't encountered a fake treasure orb!

They are at an impasse.

At this time, it was more than 9 o'clock in the morning, and Lu Xingchen still finished breakfast beautifully.

Yang Feixue has been communicating with her, so she knows the progress of Wan Jinbao's side.

Originally, she still felt sorry that Wan Jinbao found the treasure so smoothly, I was afraid that she would not be able to meet the Babu.

Unexpectedly, the treasure was gone.

Yang Feixue: "Everyone is faint, don't know what to do?" When I killed the spider just now, I don't know how many defense cards I used, and I suffered heavy losses! He

also quietly posted a screenshot.

Lu Xingchen saw the scene of chaos.

The yard of Ba XIII's house was already rotten, and there was a pile of earth, wood chips, and cloth on the ground.

On the mound sat a dozen dull-looking people, covered in dirt and mixed with blood.

One of the fat men was the funniest, his clothes were torn, his face was still swollen, and he looked desperate.

It is Wan Jinbao.

Lu Xingchen: "Didn't find the immortal Yulu?" "

It's troublesome.

In less than three hours, the Báb was coming back, and their time was running out.

Wan Jinbao is too wasteful!

She had to figure it out.

Lu Xingchen closed his eyes, thought carefully for a while, and suddenly his heart moved.

Ji Forty-nine said that on the island, there are three places, and the Babu has set up surveillance, one is a small building, one is a mulberry grove, and the other is a stone cave.

So, the immortal Yulu may be in these three places.

Maybe it's the three caves of the rabbit!

Lu Xingchen immediately told Yang Feixue his guess.

These three places, less than a last resort, she doesn't plan to go, just let Wan Jinbao go to the thunder!

Yang Feixue said thoughtfully: "Gang master, just now I saw that one of the two spiders went to that side and the other went to the direction where the mulberry forest was, so I guess the treasure should be in those two places." "

Deputy Gang Master Guo was annoyed, he killed the spider just now, and he almost scratched his eyes by the spider, and it was particularly unpleasant to see Yang Feixue at this time.

He said impatiently: "The spider ran casually, Yang Feixue, how did you know that it went to the mulberry forest?"

Yang Feixue: "Intuition! Deputy

Gang Master Guo: "Bah, you still said to follow the treasure hunting orb?" Found the baby?

Yang Feixue: "Is it okay to hunt for treasure orbs?" Who let us run away from the two spiders?

Deputy Guo Gang Master gritted his teeth: "So, why don't you use it?"

Wan Jinbao was annoyed: "Shut up, what's the noise?" Yang Feixue is a think tank, not a fighter, okay, let's split into two groups, one to look for it, and the other to follow me to the mulberry forest. "

Wan Jinbao is more depressed than anyone.

He has already lost a lot.

Under normal circumstances, he would not lose his temper with his subordinates, but he has been too unhappy recently.

This task of Master Rekin was his last straw, so he was a little more impatient.

Deputy Gang Master Guo's face sank, and he stopped talking.

So, a group of people divided into two groups and acted separately.

Lu Xingchen knew that they had divided into batches, and also knew that Yang Feixue followed Wan Jinbao, and immediately let Lan Lan set off, following another team led by Deputy Gang Master Guo.

She is still waiting for news in the red woods.

After tossing for more than an hour, Wan Jinbao turned the mulberry forest upside down, still empty-handed.

Fortunately, Lu Xingchen instructed Yang Feixue not to spoil the mulberry tree.

Another group of deputy gang masters Guo led the group to find a cave and finally had a clue.

Wan Jinbao rushed to the stone cave, and after another fight, found the treasure - a wooden box.

Lu Xingchen also rushed to the vicinity, preparing to take the treasure.

She wants to take treasure outside the surveillance area.

Wan Jinbao saw the virtual image of the standing Babu, and the Babu danced the big hammer: "Who dares to touch my treasure?" I'm going to kill you, oh, it's you again, Riku... Land...... Huh, isn't it?

Babu: "Where did the ugly fat man come from?" Lu Xingchen, have you changed your appearance? Wan

Jinbao immediately took a defensive card for himself.

Yang Feixue shouted: "Ten thousand gang master, he is not afraid of fake, our Green Dragon Gang is invincible!" Deputy

Gang Master Guo: "Wan Jinbao, Wan Jinbao, let's run!"

Babu yelled: "Oh, you are Wan Jinbao, Wan Jinbao, I will kill you!" The

rest of the deputy gang leaders nervously gathered around him, only Deputy Gang Master Guo secretly took two steps back.

The scene was chaotic, and Wan Jinbao couldn't care about which stupid fork called his name.

Soon, however, they discover that the Bab is just a phantom.

Wan Jinbao gritted his teeth: "Don't care, open the box, go!"

He couldn't trust anyone else, stepped forward and opened the treasure chest.

[Open the treasure chest and get Immortal Jade Dew X1.] It

turned out to be really the immortal Yulu!

Wan Jinbao was excited, and the day's hard work finally paid off.

Strangely, this time, the immortal Yulu did not automatically enter the storage backpack.

[There are living creatures in the immortal jade dew that cannot enter the backpack, so please keep it properly.] There

are living creatures?

Wan Jinbao had to pick it up and hold it in his hand.

He was just about to take a closer look, when he suddenly heard a loud roar: "Who stole my treasure?" Oh, it's you, Wan Jinbao!

When the Báb arrived, he shouted, "Wan Jinbao, I'm going to kill you!" "

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