Little Talk was furious: "Woooo It

opened its bloody mouth and screamed.

Ji Forty-nine glared: "Sister Lu, it's so fierce, you slaughtered it, I'll refrigerate it for you!" "

Wow, you dare."

Lu Xingchen hurriedly stopped the little talker and said to Ji Forty-nine: "Its meat is not delicious, come, I'll give you something delicious."

She gave the remaining cherries to Ji Forty-Nine.

Forty-nine ate a few cherries and nodded repeatedly: "Delicious, so delicious, Sister Lu, what are you going to do?"

Lu Xingchen was worried that he couldn't find Master Lei Jin's home, so he just asked Twenty-Three, so he roughly explained the matter, and finally said: "Twenty-three, do you know Master Lei Jin's home?"

Ji Twenty-three took a deep look at the doll: "Go to Master Lei Jin's house?" Why are you going east, isn't his house in the west? Aren't you going farther and farther when you go this way?

Lu Xingchen was stunned: "Huh?

She looked back at the doll: "Doll, did you remember the wrong way?"

Ji Forty-nine stuffed cherries in his mouth and said vaguely: "How can she remember the wrong way, she is not stupid."

Lu Xingchen stared at the doll: "Doll, what's going on?"

The doll nervous: "I, I may remember wrong, then, sister, let's go back."

Lu Xingchen asked, "Then let's go back, how long will it take to get home?"

The doll's eyes rolled and turned: "Well..." Ji

Forty-Nine's eyes lit up: "You can get on my boat, and I'll send you home in minutes." Lu

Xingchen was happy, yes, Ji Forty-nine can teleport, she was just about to agree, the doll was not happy: "I won't go with them." Until

now, Lu Xingchen still couldn't see anything, she looked at the doll in silence.

The doll blinked, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Woo, sister, you sent me home, and then I will leave, right?" I don't want you to go, although I know you're not my sister..."

The doll saw that she always diverted from the topic just now, and Lu Xingchen should have thought of it.

Lu Xingchen sighed: "I will watch you often."

The doll just shook her head.

Ji Twenty-three said faintly: "Since you saved her, send her back as soon as possible, otherwise, the old man Lei Jin will think too much, moreover, you can't be too intimate with her, otherwise, the old man Lei Jin will still think too much."

Lu Xingchen: "Huh? Ji

Twenty-three: "Master Lei Jin has a very strange temper, which is difficult to deal with."

Lu Xingchen made a decision in an instant and said to the doll: "Let's go back, I remember the location of your home, and I will often come to see you in the future, how about it?"

The doll nodded in disappointment, sat on the boat with her mouth pursed, and stopped talking.

Lu Xingchen hugged her, and was just about to jump on Ji Forty-Nine's wooden boat, when suddenly, she felt like her body was bound and couldn't move.

Moreover, she felt a strong suction force.

"Ugh!" She screamed, her head dizzy, and with a "bang", she was thrown on the snow.

"Phew!" Hei San let go of his hand, galloped over, and shouted to Hei Jiu: "Catch them and wait for me to run another lap!" The

voice faded away, leaving a snowy mist.

Lu Xingchen held the doll, as if his body was tied by five flowers, and he couldn't move at all.

Hei Jiu stood in front of her, very angry: "You actually stole my kitchen, you actually stole my kitchen?" "

Lu Xingchen: ......

Lu Xingchen: "You listen to my explanation."

Hei Jiu: "Shut up, I'm angry, I lent you my precious kitchen, you actually stole my kitchen, and also stole my treasure!"

He pointed to the doll.

Hei San passed by and cursed: "Fools, watch them, I'll run another lap!" A

large snow mist rose up around Lu Xingchen.

In the mist, Lu Xingchen saw Hei San's legs and feet, all swollen, so terrible.

Just now, I don't know what means Hei San used to capture her back.

Lu Xingchen looked at the time, Hei San had been running for an hour and a half minute, and he was about to stop.

She had to hurry.

She moved her arm and was able to move, Lu Xingchen was overjoyed, and immediately jumped to the side, and her heart was bitter.

Just now when she was caught, she didn't have time to collect the hovercraft and the little talk.

Now, she can't run if she wants to.

Lu Xingchen released Lan Lan: "Quick, take us to fly!"

Lan Lanqing snorted, instantly getting bigger, and Lu Xingchen jumped onto its back: "Run, run!" "

Blue and blue soared into the air and flew towards the sea.

Hei San came back, stopped, looked at Lan Lan and Lu Xingchen in the sky, and cursed.

Lu Xingchen sat on Lan Lan's back and asked the doll: "Okay, can you show the way now?"

Doll: "Sister, it's not that I don't show the way, in the air, I really can't point ah, or let's return to the ship?" "

Where are the ships!

The hovercraft was carrying small talkers, and I didn't know where to drift.

Moreover, I don't know how long Lan Lan can fly, in case she can't fly on the vast sea, she will fall into the sea.

She can still swim, what about the doll?

Forget it, go back to the raft.

Go back and think about it in the long run, anyway, Black Three Black Nine can't sneak up on her raft.

Lu Xingchen spoke to her grandmother and asked her grandmother to summon her.

She put Lan Lan into her pet bag and fell from the sky with the doll in her arms.

[Lin Ying wants to summon you to her side, do you agree?]

Lu Xingchen: "Yes!"

With a click, she returned to the raft.

The doll is also in her arms.

Seeing the beautiful raft, the doll was pleasantly surprised, she was very surprised, one moment to touch the sea devil vine, the other to touch the panda cub, and the other to get on the swing chair.

Grandma looked at the cute doll and pulled Lu Xingchen: "Xingxing, where are you kidnapping the little doll?"

Lu Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry and said the matter again.

The doll is very cute, she runs around on the raft, and after a while, she follows her grandmother to ask questions about the east, but it is very pleasing to the old man.

Lu Xingchen rested for a while.

She must send the doll back quickly, after all, Twenty-three has said, it is late to send it back, and Master Lei Jin will be suspicious.

Moreover, the master is strange.

After watching the doll play for a while, Lu Xingchen beckoned: "Doll, you come to show the way, my sister drove this big boat to your house."

Upon hearing this, the originally elated doll immediately faded.

She looked down and thought for a while, tears fell on the deck, and finally raised her head and sobbed: "Sister, can't you let me play here for a day?"

Lu Xingchen was worried: "But your father is very anxious, so, let's see your father, talk to him, and then come back, okay?" "

You have to tell the master that someone is with her."

The doll shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, then I won't be able to come out, sister beg you, let me play for a day..."

The doll cried loudly.

There was a stalemate, and suddenly, a hovercraft floated on the sea, and there was a small talk on board.

There was also a small boat behind, and it was Ji Forty-nine who rocked the boat.

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