One branch snaked to the raft, climbed the fence, spread along the fence, and stretched more than ten meters in a blink of an eye, and the other branch climbed up the roof along the window lattice and continued to extend on the ridge.

Another one passed through the house and crawled over the lintel of the wooden boat....

In just a minute, sea devil vines climbed all over the fence and wooden boat.

Its round green leaves are very verdant, clustered.

Lu Xingchen looked at the green eyes and was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

It's so beautiful! Eye-pleasing color.

However, the Sea Devil Vine was still changing, and its vines slowly bulged out small, cluster buds, and then the buds opened and bloomed small, colorful flowers.

Although those flowers are small, each flower has more than a dozen petals, and the yellow stamen trembles.

A clear fragrance of flowers wafted out.

More...... It's prettier.

Lu Xingchen's eyes were not enough.

Now, her raft is a garden full of flowers.

It's that the flowers are too colorful, too flower....

Looking at it a little hurt

, she frowned slightly, what kind of plant is this, the color of the flowers is so rich, it is unheard of.

"Hee-hee, does it look good?" A young girl's voice came.

"Who?" Lu Xingchen was taken aback.

"Hee-hee, I'm Xiaoteng, master, do you think I'm beautiful?" Lu Xingchen's wrist itched, and a green vine full of flowers rolled up on her wrist and climbed up her arm.

"Are you the Sea Demon Vine?" Lu Xingchen instantly woke up.

"Yes, yes, I am Xiaoteng, master, thank you for feeding me the nutrient solution, I have grown up!" The Sea Devil Vine cheered, and the vine came out of Lu Xingchen's arm and dangled in front of her eyes.

Lu Xingchen: "Oh... How big are you? Sea

Devil Vine: "I'm three years old!"

Lu Xingchen: "... Well, that's big enough! "

It turns out that the bottle of nutrient solution did not let the Sea Devil Vine reach maturity.

Only three years old... So small!

The Sea Demon Vine was so small, Lu Xingchen didn't want to hurt her little heart, so he thought for a long time and asked, "Little Vine, why are your flowers so beautiful?" Sea

Demon Vine: "Hee-hee, looks good, right?" Master, I can bloom flowers of any color, you see, red..." Lu

Xingchen watched as a multicolored flower turned red.

Sea Devil Vine: "Green, yellow, purple, pink, blue..."

She changed seven or eight colors in one breath, and

Lu Xingchen watched her raft change color again and again, like a marquee. She was dizzy, and quickly said: "Stop, stop, Xiaoteng, you are really powerful!"

Sea Devil Vine: "Hee-hee, of course, I'm the most powerful plant!"

Lu Xingchen: "Well, hmm!

She thought for a while: "That..., little vine, can you change the color of the flower to purple and pink, you are a little princess, purple and pink are the colors of the little princess, very suitable for you..."

With a click, the color of the flowers on the Sea Devil Vine turned purple and pink.

It's beautiful.

The Sea Demon Vine let out a childish cheer: "Wow, it's really beautiful, I like it!"

Lu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

She rarely dealt with children, but her brother had a son, less than five years old, who was very skinny and didn't have to speak carefully.

It was a little difficult for her to deal with a little girl like Sea Devil Vine, who was only three years old.

Seeing that the time was not early, she decided to go on an expedition to the island.

Armed with spears, daggers, fine iron axes, iron pickaxes, shovels and water, Lu Xingchen set off.

After getting to the island, she walked past the places she had been before, and after crossing them, she walked to the other part.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday she had already walked most of it, only the northeast part, which was higher, and after she climbed it, she saw a few trees.

[Purple teak: can be used as flooring, can be used as furniture, moisture-proof, mothproof, insect-proof, ant-proof, is a rare good wood, can be cut! ]

Lu Xingchen took out a fine iron axe and began to cut down the tree.

The fine iron axe really worked, she felt that it was much less labor, and soon, she cut down a purple teak tree.

There were only six purple teak trees here, and Lu Xingchen finished cutting them in a while, and continued his exploration with a spear.

As she walked, she tripped under her feet and almost tripped over, and when she looked down, it turned out to be several vines, with round leaves on them.

Lu Xingchen raised her foot to leave, but suddenly stopped, she bent down to observe carefully.

It's a lot like sweet potato leaves.

She pulled the vine, pinched another leaf, sniffed it, and was almost sure.

Her grandparents loved to grow sweet potatoes, and in the fall, she would go back to help the elderly collect sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are a good thing, can be steamed, can be boiled, can be made into sweet potato balls, sweet potato cakes, sweet potato porridge, can also be made into shredded sweet potatoes, eating a variety of ways, nutritious is also rich.

Sweet potato leaves have the effect of improving immunity, stopping bleeding and lowering sugar, and can be eaten simply by boiling and stir-frying.

Now, everyone has been eating bread steamed buns for several days, and they have long wanted to eat green vegetables.

You can also exchange supplies!

Lu Xingchen squatted down and pulled the sweet potato vine apart, revealing the root of the sweet potato, and she took out a shovel and carefully dug down.

After digging for a while, purple-skinned sweet potatoes were revealed.

A big hole was dug, and as soon as she pulled the root, a large bunch of sweet potatoes were pulled out, large and small, less than a dozen.

Putting the sweet potato and sweet potato vine into the storage backpack together, Lu Xingchen looked nearby again.

Unfortunately, she only found another sweet potato, dug up three or four sweet potatoes, and the rest could not be found again.

These are enough, Lu Xingchen has the Taoyuan Holy Realm, and planting sweet potatoes in the Taoyuan Holy Realm is estimated to be harvested in a month.

After collecting the sweet potatoes, Lu Xingchen continued to walk, and after cutting down a few more purple teak trees, she saw a small piece of flat ground.

There are many green grasses and wildflowers on the ground, as well as willow trees.

"Moo~" A cow came out from behind Willow.

The cow was black, its coat was shiny black, only its two horns and limbs were white, and it flicked its tail, which looked average.

However, its body is very strong, and its limbs look strong and powerful, especially a pair of horns, the tip of the horn flashes a little silver light, it is sharp when it looks at it, and Lu Xingchen does not dare to underestimate it.

But she needed the cow.

She remembered that making a horn bow required horns and tendon, and she had to kill this cow.

Lu Xingchen had never really fought, at that time, the silver black rat was still killed by catching nets, this cow was so big, she was a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, she asked Wei Lin: "How do you kill a cow?"

Wei Lin: "Did you meet a cow on the island?"

Lu Xingchen: "Yes!" The

image of her cow was described.

Wei Lin: "That's bison, fiercer than ordinary cattle, you don't have enough force, it's not easy to kill, give up!"

He lamented: "If only I were there!"

Lu Xingchen silently glanced at the cow, it would be good if she had a bow and arrow, but unfortunately, if you want to make a bow and arrow, you must obtain the ox tendon and horns, and if you want to obtain the cow tendon and horn, you must kill the cow.

It's stuck in an endless loop.

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