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Qin Xizhi grabbed his sleeve tightly, with a firm look in his eyes, "No! I want to go with you!"

Shen Tan sighed helplessly, reached out and held her hand, "Okay."

The head of the Qin family looked at the two of them with a complicated expression on his face, and his lips moved, but in the end it just turned into a heavy sigh: "..."


Qin's main hall

Wei Yan sat leisurely on the main seat and looked at his hands. The jade-like fingers looked particularly slender and slender in the light and shadow.

Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came, breaking the silence in the room.

She immediately turned her eyes to the door and saw Shen Tan and others slowly walking into view.

The head of the Qin family smiled with a smile on his face, bent extremely low, and said in a flattering tone: "Young Master Wei."

Wei Yan raised her eyes slightly and said "hmm" casually.

Shen Tan endured the pain, stepped forward with a few strides, pointed his finger at Wei Yan unceremoniously, and asked angrily: "What do you want!"

Wei Yan chuckled, "What do you want? Of course, it is to remove obstacles for your sweetheart."

Shen Tan's brows knitted into a knot, and his face was full of confusion, "What?"

Wei Yan crossed his hands on his chest and said in a cold tone: "You are in the way of A Ran, so I will get rid of you for A Ran."

At this time, Qin Xizhi suddenly said: "Aran? Is he the Son of God Xunran?"

Shen Tan quickly turned to look at Qin Xizhi, his eyes full of surprise, "Xizhi, how do you know who Aran she is talking about?"

Qin Xizhi lowered his voice slightly and said with some aversion in his eyes, "On the day of the Young Master Wei family's succession ceremony, the news about the unusual relationship between the Son of God Xunran and Young Master Wei had already spread throughout the Holy Land."

When Wei Yan heard this, she couldn't help but laugh. There was a clear sense of complacency hidden in that smile, "Really?"

She knew very well in her heart that she deliberately spread this rumor in order to let the entire sanctuary know that the relationship between her and A Ran was unusual.


Department of Dead Souls

Nan Shuang's face was pale, and she was dealing with the wounds on her body with quick movements, especially the hideous wound that penetrated her arm. Blood kept seeping out, dyeing half of her sleeves bright red.

Her brows were only slightly furrowed, and her clenched teeth showed that she was suffering silently.

"Hey, brother, you are so seriously injured?" came a joking voice.

Nan Shuang instantly raised his head and looked at Nan Wan who walked in. His eyes seemed to freeze people instantly.

When she saw Nan Xunran next to Nan Wang, her eyes softened a bit for an instant, and she called softly: "Xunran?"

Nan Wang was quite dissatisfied and shouted: "Hey! Why do you only see Xiao Xunran and not me?"

Nan Shuang just glanced at him coldly and ignored him.

Nan Wan: “…………”

Nan Shuang forced himself to stand up, his injured hand hanging casually, blood drops falling one after another, spreading blood flowers on the ground, but his other hand directly pulled Nan Xunran to sit down.

Seeing Nan Xunran's eyes fall on her injured hand, she subconsciously covered it with her other hand, and her tone was no longer so cold: "Don't look."

Nan Xunran put his hand on Nan Shuang's arm, and the light flashed away in an instant. The originally stinging wound gradually became numb, and the pain eased little by little.

The hideous wound that penetrated the arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin returned to its original state, smooth and delicate.

Nan Shuang moved his wrist slightly, and it was already moving freely. A faint smile appeared on his face. He looked at Nan Xunran and said, "Xunran, why are you here?"

When Nan Wang saw this, he couldn't help but jump to his feet and said, "There's me too!"

Nan Shuang flicked his wrist, and a short knife flew out instantly, and said calmly: "Shut up."

Then she turned her head and looked back at Nan Xunran, as if nothing happened just now.

Nan Wan turned sideways to avoid the short knife and said with a smile: "I heard that your whereabouts were exposed, so I came with Xiao Xunran to see you."

Nan Shuang then took back the dagger and softened his tone slightly: "I did something personal."


Qin family

A dark figure came forward quietly, and then lowered his voice in Wei Yan's ear and said, "Young Master, the spies have sent news that they have seen the Nan family member."

Wei Yan's eyes suddenly condensed and asked: "Where is Aran now?"

"At the door of Qin's house, there are also poisonous young master Nanwan and Yaji Nanshuang."

Wei Yan nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "I understand, please step back."

The man bowed quickly, and disappeared without a trace in an instant like a shadow.

Wei Yan straightened her clothes, and then hurried to the door, her skirt swinging a little messily because of her eagerness.

When she saw the figure she had been thinking about, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she soon regained her composure and called softly: "Xunran Godson."

Nan Xunran just nodded lightly, still as cold and elegant as before.

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