The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

A strange beast appeared, with a deer head and a snake body, a single eye like a fireball, and a fiery red body.

It spread its huge wings that covered the sky and flew down, and the moment it landed, the earth trembled.

The beast landed steadily under the bamboo where Nan Xunran was, and the beasts that had originally besieged Yao Nian also stopped their actions and looked up at Nan Xunran.

Yao Nian was horrified and exclaimed, "A beast in the Saint realm?!"

She looked up suddenly, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief, and shouted at Nan Xunran, "What is your cultivation level!"

The sound of the flute did not stop, and it was still melodious. Another strong aura rushed from afar, and the air around became heavy and oppressive.

Yao Nian's heart trembled and she flew away.

Nan Xunran's eyes fell on her gently like water, and the sound of the flute suddenly became a little more urgent.

In an instant, the space seemed to be torn apart by an invisible giant hand. Yao Nian was unprepared and rushed into it directly.

The next moment, she appeared in front of Nan Xunran again.

She quickly turned her head and looked at Nan Xunran, only to see him lowering his eyes to look at the beasts, playing the flute by himself, as if nothing in the world could attract his attention.

At this moment, for Yao Nian, it should be the easiest time to get away. She hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to turn around and run away.

Nan Xunran frowned slightly, and the movement of his hands did not stop at all. The sound waves turned into sharp blades and slashed around. Wherever they went, the space was broken and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

In an instant, countless space cracks appeared like dense spider webs, surrounding Yao Nian.

Yao Nian looked at Nan Xunran deeply, and a trace of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes. She knew that there was no way to escape, and she had to fight to the death.

Behind her, a tall and majestic shadow slowly emerged, like a demon from the underworld.

The shadow was shrouded in light, and in the light, countless hands stretched out, each hand was strong and powerful.

Those hands swung forward suddenly, and in an instant, countless short knives flew out and flew towards Nan Xunran.

The short knives passed through the air, making a sharp whistling sound, which was frightening.

At the same time, the melodious flute sound continued to linger.

A transparent barrier suddenly rose in front of Nan Xunran, with flowing light, blocking all the daggers that were shot at him.

The daggers hit the barrier, making a clanging sound.

The beasts that had been quietly looking at Nan Xunran, as if they had been summoned by something, all let out a deafening roar, waved their claws, and pounced on Yao Nian.

At this time, another more terrifying aura appeared. With heavy footsteps, a beast slowly appeared from a distance.

Its head was like a lion, with flying mane, and the tail extending from behind was a dragon, swaying.

Its claws were hard and powerful, and every step it took, the ground could not bear its weight, leaving deep pits and raising clouds of dust.

Yao Nian was completely stunned, and his voice became trembling: "Supreme Saint Realm Beast?!"

These two beasts with terrifying auras should not have appeared in this small bamboo forest.

Obviously, they were manipulated by the flute sound, but Yao Nian had no idea where the flute sound could spread to.

Yao Nian's body was tense, her eyes turned red, and she stared at the beast rushing towards her. Her momentum suddenly surged, with a determination to perish together with the enemy.

The short knife flew back quickly, shining with cold light, and its power increased dramatically. In the moment of crossing, it killed several beasts in succession.

However, the aura of the only two beasts left at this moment was extremely terrifying. She pulled out a sharp blade with her jade hand, and rushed towards the beast in the holy realm with a gust of wind.

In the ethereal and graceful flute sound, her posture was like a sword dance, with a sad beauty in the sharpness.

The beast roared angrily, shaking the whole field, and a huge claw slapped Yao Nian fiercely.

Given the huge gap in realm, she had no time to react at all, and was slapped away and fell directly in front of another beast.

The beast opened its bloody mouth, and a strong wind suddenly blew up, and Yao Nian was blown away in an instant.

At this moment, she was covered with wounds, her clothes were torn, and she gritted her teeth, relying on the power of the strong wind, and used up her last bit of strength to send herself in front of Nan Xunran, swinging her knife and slashing at him.

The sound of the flute stopped, and Nan Xunran waved his hand lightly to block it. There was only a crisp collision sound, and the short knife hit the Seven Killing Flute directly.

His expression was still calm, without any ripples, and a majestic pressure came from him.

The flute surged and spread, touching Yao Nian's hand holding the knife.

Then, her arm was twisted beyond recognition, and only bones and a layer of crumbling flesh remained at the broken part.

Yao Nian was already dying, and even the faint cry of pain was choked in her throat and could not be heard.

Her face was as pale as frost and snow, and her delicate body fell straight from the air, hitting the ground heavily, raising a cloud of dust.

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