As everyone stepped into the forest, dust flew everywhere.

As they entered, the brutal hunting competition officially began.

In front of the stands, thick fog spread, covering the entire stand.

In the center of the fog, the scene in the forest emerged clearly, and every angle was in sight.


In the forest

Jiang Rubei hid in a thick tree, her back pressed against the trunk, breathing heavily.

She thought to herself: I must find a way to go back. These crazy guys will never stop until they are killed.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps. Before a slave hiding under a tree could react, he was instantly shot dead by a flying arrow.

Jiang Rubei's pupils dilated, and she subconsciously covered her mouth, fearing that she would make any sound.

The man walked over and checked his "results".

Jiang Rubei just breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't expect him to suddenly look up and shout, "I saw you!"

Jiang Rubei's heart tightened, and she jumped down from the tree without hesitation, kicked the man's shoulder hard.

The man didn't expect that she would not only not run away, but also dare to attack actively. He was kicked unexpectedly, staggered, and almost fell.

Jiang Rubei quickly pulled off a branch, and the spiritual power in her hand surged, and the branch instantly turned into a sharp sword.

She didn't hesitate, and swung the sword towards the man fiercely.

Seeing this, the man smiled contemptuously, "Your trick is interesting", and said, he drew his sword to meet him.

Before being noticed by other Tianjiao, Jiang Rubei's eyes flashed with determination, and her spiritual power suddenly surged. She shouted and slashed at the man's neck with all her strength.

The man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

He subconsciously touched his neck, his hands were covered with blood, and then his eyes gradually became empty, his consciousness blurred, and his body fell to the ground with a bang.

The movement just now was too loud, and soon attracted several other Tianjiao.

Jiang Rubei quickly displayed her magical power, and her body changed like water, and instantly merged with the big tree beside her.

Other Tianjiao appeared in a hurry, and they were all stunned when they saw the body of the man on the ground.

One of them was shocked, "Dead?"

"Who else can kill him except that one in the Divine Power Realm?"

"There is still one person alive."

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, someone threw a corpse on the ground, "Okay, now there is only that one in the Divine Power Realm."

"Find her! We must torture her when we find her!" One person gritted his teeth and said, waving his weapon with a whirring sound.

Jiang Rubei stood quietly behind these people, holding her breath and not daring to breathe.

Watching them leave cursing, she breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: Although this inheritance is only half, it is still quite useful.

But just when she thought of this, her body suddenly stiffened and she secretly said that it was not good.

Her spiritual power was already very little, not enough to support her to change back to human form. She could only keep the tree form. If she went out like this, it would be more conspicuous than going out in human form.


On the stands

Nan Xunran stared at Jiang Rubei in the picture with interest, thinking to himself that this inheritance was interesting.

He saw Jiang Rubei remained motionless in the shape of a tree, and slowly stood up.

Seeing this, Xi Huajin hurried forward and asked, "Godson Xunran, do you want to go down?"

Nan Xunran nodded slightly.


In the forest

Jiang Rubei was worried and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Nan Xunran suddenly appeared in front of her without any warning.

She was startled. He should not be able to see her, but she had a strong intuition that he was staring at her.

Nan Xunran slowly raised his hand, which was as white as jade and gently covered her head.

In an instant, a warm current flowed in from the top of her head, and her figure began to change involuntarily.

Jiang Rubei touched herself in disbelief, her face full of surprise, and shouted excitedly: "Recovered!"

[The favorability of Jiang Rubei, the daughter of destiny, increased by 15 points]

[Current favorability: 80 points]

She quickly bent down, bowed, and said in a clear voice: "Thank you, Lord Son of God!"

Hearing the movement here, other geniuses rushed over quickly.

When they saw Nan Xunran, they all said respectfully in unison: "Xunran Son of God."

Nan Xunran nodded indifferently.


Their eyes then fell on Jiang Rubei who had returned to her original appearance, and they looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Why is there suddenly one more person?"

Jiang Rubei glared at him, "I will tell my father what you did when I get back!"

"? Isn't the hunting competition known to everyone?" Someone scratched his head in confusion.

Jiang Rubei stomped her foot on the ground and shouted, "I'm talking about you kidnapping me!"

"Who are you?" One person stepped forward and looked her up and down carefully.

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