

Qin double closed the courtyard door and his face was very unsightly. Everyone is fascinated by her spiritual stone. Do you think that you are a soft persimmon?

Entering the room and visiting the place where I lived, the piano began to boil water and thought about the plan for the next three months.

It is a difficult thing to improve your cultivation. How can you improve your combat strength in a short time?

Sword Canyon!

The piano has a heart in the heart.

Now she is already an eight-sword, and only two different ones can grasp the sword to the extreme. There is a sword canyon here, and it has its own fruit in December. It should be realized in a few days.

After taking a shower, I changed my clothes and looked at the sky. It was already in the night.

The piano double opened the door and flew away toward the Jianyi Canyon in the night.

In the heart of a jump, the power of a soul is traced. From the fluctuation of the soul, she suddenly recognizes that the old and the old who belonged with one arm.

"It seems that I am still the focus of their doubts!"

The double body of the piano kept coming and soon came to the Jianyi Canyon. Just sitting down, I saw a figure flying over, and then stopped in front of the piano double.

"Two children!"

"Pang Shixiong!" Qin double looked up, but it was a godsend: "How come you?"

"This is an opportunity. I don't know if I have a chance to come in the future. So I will come." Tianci laughed.

Qin double smiled and nodded: "Then we begin to comprehend."

"Good!" Godsend gave a voice and flew away toward the back.

The piano looked around in both directions. When I saw eight people are comprehending, no one noticed her, and they sat down on the knees and entered into comprehension.

eleven days.

With the help of eleven times of comprehension, Qin double took eleven days to comprehend the sword to ten. Looking up and looking back, without seeing the godsend figure, I know that Godsend has not yet entered the Ten Swords area. Squinting and looking up at the sun in the sky, a smile on his face.

Ten swords, even if you don't activate the fire phoenix body, can you fight with Wu Jinsong?

Once in a long form, he flew toward the Imperial Court.


The shape of the piano double fell in front of his own courtyard, the eyebrows were a wrinkle, and dozens of sheets of paper were attached to her door, and the eyes were swept away, all of which were challenge books.


I saw a few figures hurried away, Qin double looked at them, they saw that they all flew over the mountain peaks, a little thought, and the heart would be amazed. It must be that the core disciples in the core disciples know that they have 100,000 spiritual stones, and they are killing themselves by the challenge and robbing the 100,000 spiritual stones. Only when they came, they were comprehending the sword in the Jianyi Canyon, so they left the challenge book. And there are still a few people who are monitoring their homes and will challenge themselves when they return.

Qin has a slap in the face, she is naturally not interested in accepting their challenges, even those who challenge themselves at this time, the strength is stronger than their own, can easily defeat themselves. I just cultivated it without coming up, but it is not lacking in experience and skill. I immediately took out a large piece of paper and wrote three words on that big piece of paper:

Not interested in!

Did not open the door, but flew directly from the fence, pushed open the door and came to the bedroom. When the Lingshi was taken out, the gathering of the spirits began. Just after setting up the Gathering Array, I heard someone shouting outside:

"Piano double, come out, I want to fight with you."

"Piano double, come out, I want to fight with you."

"Qin double, you are a weak person, not worthy of being a warrior."


Qin double is too lazy to take care of them. She knows that the Imperial Military Academy has regulations that do not allow private residences of others, so they do not care about them coming in. After entering the Gathering, he began to cultivate. However, she only practiced for a quarter of an hour, and her face was full of anger. Because the people outside the door did not leave at all, they kept yelling outside, and more and more people were yelling, and there were dozens of them.

Qin double was irritated by the fact that they were too noisy to practice in the room. In fact, the people outside were also very angry. They heard that Qin double came back, for fear that they would be robbed by others. By the time, 100,000 Lingshi fell into the hands of others, and they all arrived at the fastest speed. But did not expect that not only did not see the shadow of the piano double, but also saw a large piece of paper on the door, posted on their challenge books, only three characters:

Not interested in!

This is simply a shame to these people. They are all proud people, and they all think that they are the arrogance in the Imperial Court.

Do not!

It is the arrogance of the Daqin Empire!

Do not!

It is the arrogance of the entire warrior continent!

It is her privilege to qualify for the double duel of the piano. She dared to say that she was not interested!

At this time, they did not think that it was a question of ten thousand Lingshi, but a matter of dignity and honor. Therefore, they have already thought about it, and they are determined not to leave. They are constantly squatting outside. They don’t believe that a girl’s face will be so thick and she can’t stand it.

Qinqin was really upset by their quarrel. They took out a few jade pieces and sharp gold knives and began to engrave. In less than two quarters of an hour, she carved six jade pieces and then broke into the six around them. In one direction, a soundproof array was set up, and the duck-like noise disappeared instantly. The face of the piano pair showed a smile.

"Call, shout, don't stop, shouting dumb, scorpion, I can't hear it anyway. Hehe..."

Qin double swallowed a Wen Wang Dan and began to cultivate. Lingshi and heaven and earth aura frantically poured into her body, and then divided into four, 90% into the power of the soul, opened by the deep **** of the soul, and kept sucking. The remaining four points were absorbed by ten golden dragons, three points were absorbed by Haoran, and three points were absorbed by the sea.

Every quarter of an hour, Qin double swallowed a lower product Wen Wang Dan, she changed a lot in points in the Great Wilderness City. Ling Petrochemical became a powder, and immediately replaced a group of Lingshi. The repair of one is slowly ascending.

Three days passed.

Thousands of people have gathered outside, and of course there are only a few dozen people who want to challenge the piano. They have already heard that Qinqin has defeated Sun Jixian and Jinyue to join forces, so people who are not confident can't come to challenge the piano. These dozens of people even have nine Jindan, Wuwang. The core disciple of the nine-layer late peak.


At this point their faces are very ugly, as if constipation. Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to continue to groan, but found that his voice was hoarse, and the scorpion was a little bit painful. Whoever squats for three consecutive days, the scorpion can't stand it! This is because they are all martial arts kings. If they change to ordinary people, they will not be able to make a sound.

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