Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 929: a group of fierce people

"I don't care!"

The student broke a sigh, and a sword stabbed, and a huge sword screamed.

Qin's footsteps are wrong, giving a step-by-step footstep. This step is called a flashing step. Qinshuang's past life has realized several kinds of footwork, boxing, and artistic conception, and he has also realized the ten major and perfect realms. It was only that the understanding of the sword meaning was worse, but he realized the three swords.

However, today's Qin double did not make the sword meaning, nor did it make the mood of the flashing step, even the situation did not make it out, the footsteps were wrong, it flashed the sword of the other side, while a sword stabbed Go out. There is a hint of joy in the eyes.

His flashing thunder, which had not made a move, successfully flashed the other's sword. It was because of her prejudgment that the sword of the other side would be defeated before the other sword was about to start.

It's easier to dodge each other's swords, but it's hard to predict the other's sword-like weaknesses.


A sword is so irritating that the swords released by the piano double hit the other's long sword, but there is still a distance from the other's weakness. However, there is no disappointment in the heart of Qin double, but it is even more exciting. Although this match did not make the double double success, but the previous match has won a lot.

The first confrontation, the double sword of the piano doubled to the other side without any suspense crushing, and this time confrontation, the double sword of the piano is not broken, but the other side of the sword hit a side.

The other side's eyebrows wrinkled, and the eyes flashed a bit of surprise. He could feel that the other's martial arts repairs did not improve at all, but they smashed their swords to the side.


The other party screamed, and the huge sword was like a windmill, sweeping over the piano.


It is also a huge sword, and the double is a step ahead, and the other's sword is deflected. This time, it is a step closer to the weakness of the other side.


The two sides fought fiercely together, and the time flies, the figures are flying, and the swords are swaying. In the eyes of everyone, the piano doubles at this time are completely in the downwind, and they are forced to wander around.

"She is going to be defeated!" Some of the warriors whispered, and the surrounding warriors nodded.

However, Godsend, Blue Moon and other people are very calm, although they do not know what the piano is doing, but they know that the piano double phoenix dance has not been displayed, which means that the piano has more strength, still hidden With your own strength.

It took about a quarter of an hour, and the other nine people on the platform actually defeated each other and boarded the central steps. But they did not leave, but they stood on the steps and looked at the battle. In the middle of the piano double, one face shows a strange color, they do not know why the piano double has to fight with each other for so long.

"Is that a piano double?" A martial artist on the lower steps whispered.

"Yeah!" The warrior around him nodded.

"So why doesn't she use sound? If she uses sound, she has already won?"

"She doesn't have to use sound!"

"Ah?" The warrior glanced: "Abandoning your own advantage, isn't that stupid?"

Above the platform.

Qin double's mouth is upturned, and her face has a smile. She used to be at the footwork, and her identity has reached the level of micro-invasion. Even when the spiritual power has reached the level of micro-intelligence, she has cultivated the spiritual and silky environment. Now It also brought the vision to a subtle level.

This is not right!

It should be made by the condensation of the gods, and the power of the soul has reached the level of micro-invasion.

That is to say, with the help of her powerful soul power, she can achieve this realm of seeing the other side's swordsmanship. If she is allowed to take back the power of the soul, she will lose her ability to enter the micro.


The roar of a sword and a slam, the sword of the swordsman smashed out by the warrior of the Imperial Army, but the sword of the double is intact. This result is too surprising, and the look of the warrior is one of them. Just between this, Qin Shuang’s complete sword was reversed, and his body was swept out with a sword.



All the warriors around looked at the piano doubles. Until now, they didn't understand why the Qinshuang could crush the other's swords and suddenly turned defeat into victory!

Didn't she always be in a disadvantage and was chased and killed by the disciples of the Imperial Army?

The disciple of the Imperial Military Academy also lost somehow, and looked unrecognly to the piano. Qin double did not care for him, and there was a delight in his heart, and his footsteps lightly stepped on the middle of the road leading to the peak.

"Congratulations!" Yue Qingqing and others smiled and said to Qin.

"Tongxi!" Qin double also responded with a smile. Then he turned and looked at the platform below.

At this time, Tianci, Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou, Dan Hong, Qin Jiaoyue, Huo Zhonglian, Huozhong Yu, Qin Xian and Zheng Tong also jumped onto the platform and stood in the ten emperors. In front of the students. After the ten warriors met each other, they soon smothered. Tianci and Qin Lie, these people almost beat each other in a face-to-face manner, so that those who have not seen the fight are stunned, that is, the disciples of the Imperial College, who are waiting on the left and right sides, also look blank, one by one:

"Where is such a group of fierce people?"

When they saw the gods who came up, everyone looked at each other and turned and walked toward the peak.

There is no background in the piano, but although I know the difference in the practice, I don’t know how much disparity, just now I can find out how much the three golden dragons can reach. Seeing Qin Lie, his eyes brightened, Qin Lie as the prince of the empire, the source of family studies, should be very understanding, then went to Qin Lie's side:

"Qin brother, how much can a person who cultivates a heavenly practice compare with a common warrior?"

Qin Lie smiled and said: "It is divided into four grades, that is, the lower grades, the middle grades, the top grades and the best grades. You already know that, in theory, the lower grades can condense three golden dragons, and the middle grades. The Gong method can condense six golden dans, the top grade martial arts can condense nine golden dans, and the best heavenly martial arts can condense ten golden dans.

However, this is theoretically, but it is not. It is not easy to want to condense the theoretical number of Jindan, it should be very difficult, and there are many accidental factors. Therefore, each of the warriors who can condense the theoretical number of Jindan has the elements of luck. Even if you are prepared for everything, you have met all the conditions, and you may fail because of a trivial accidental factor.

Therefore, the warrior who cultivates the next-class martial arts is also likely to condense only two golden dans, or even one golden dan. The warrior who cultivates the intermediate-level exercises is also likely to condense five, four, or even three golden dragons. Those who cultivate the top-level exercises will probably only condense eight, seven, or even six. Jin Dan, the person who cultivates the best heavenly exercises is also likely to condense nine, eight golden Jindan. ”

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