Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 813: Celebration (I wish the comrades a happy Spring Festival, all the best)



The warrior continent is the world of martial arts. Only the martial arts are authentic, and the rest are all side-by-side, all aids. 『w.』2

Do you want to kill it?

The dragon line seems to love the piano pair...

Wu Chuanlie had some uncertain ideas and his eyes kept flashing.

Han Liuyun couldn't help but grab the head like a child. Originally, he wanted to pass the clothes to the piano pair. Now, looking at the crazy look of Kongcheng, he will definitely fight with him.

"This piano pair is really... a problem! Why are you so good! Isn't the special mind tattoo bad?"

"Double children, let's not rush back, we should go to the bet now." Blue Mighty suddenly eyes brightened.

"Yes! We can send it now, pay 50, ah, hahaha..." Everyone laughed excitedly, even if they were all people with backgrounds, they were very excited when they thought of bets, because that would be Not a small amount of money! Even if the piano double is only 30 million two, it has become 1.5 billion at this time, let alone the piano has dropped 500 million?

The crowd immediately turned around and went to the Great Wilderness. When they came to the front of the Great Wilderness gambler, the gambling house owner who saw them came to cry.

This time he really stayed with him, and his savings for several years had to be lost.

But does he dare to pay?

Don't dare!

Don't look at who are these bets?

Even the most scornful before him, the piano with the least background, has now become the Eight Masters, the Seven Shadow Masters, not to mention the Wulong Temple, the Lord of the Golden Dragon, and the great Qin Qinren.

Forced to squeeze a smile, the heart in the blood to pay the bet, watching the piano and other people happily left, sitting on the ground.

At this time, the piano double is completely relieved, watching the piano dive like a child, and his face is also showing a happy smile. To know that Qin Qiang has pressed 500 million, and the money earned by the hard-working hunting of this string month mercenary group has been put up, fifty times the payout, that is 25 billion. Before the Qinshuang left, they will leave them with a large amount of medicinal herbs. After that, the string servants will concentrate on their experience and don’t have to waste time to make money.

All the people smiled happily toward the string month mercenary group, Qin double, flower Jinxiu, Li Dieer, Yue Qingqing and others also laughed happily, Qin double occasionally glanced across the corner of the street, looks like a Change, she saw some graffiti in the corner, as if the child was randomly engraved on it, but she knew that it was not a child's random graffiti, which is a way of general communication by the monks, which means that after three days, Will meet at the strange mountain village.

Qin double began to pay attention to the corner of a house, and I saw a lot of such messages.

Do the monks meet in the Great Wilderness?

Will there be monks from the other side of the sea?

Qin double knows that many people on the other side of the sea have come to the mainland of the war. The last time she came back from the innocent desert, she also killed three. Moreover, the ink that met in the green kingdom is free, and she absolutely believes that she is from the other side of the sea, because it is impossible to repair such a high monk in the mainland of the warrior.

Do you want to see it yourself?

The piano pair returned to the station of the Jiuyi Mercenary Regiment with this tangled mood, and everyone entered the lobby, and the piano dive greeted the banquet.

He is now a rich man, and he has sprinkled a lot of money, letting the mercenaries of the mercenary group go out to purchase, and all the mercenary groups of the mercenary group celebrated and feasted, not drunk.

A car and food were shipped back, and more than 200 tables were placed in the entire yard. The hired cooks had not finished the dishes, and a group of people came to visit.

Qin double went out to meet and saw that it was the head of the five hundred small mercenary regiments. They can't wait to come back tomorrow, but they remember that they didn't give a good face to the piano. At this time, they didn't hurry to hug their thighs, leaving a good impression in the heart of Qin Double. What are you waiting for?

I really have to wait until the piano pair has a view on them, and then send them to the most dangerous place when the animal tide comes.

Seeing that the piano double walked out of the gate, the heads of the five hundred small mercenary regiments immediately came up and prayed to Qin Qin, each with a happy smile on his face.

"Congratulations to Master Qin, Master He Xiqin."

"I am waiting for the honor!"

"This is our blessing!"

"Yeah, with such a powerful piano master, such a powerful string month mercenary group leads us, we will certainly have more gains in the beast."


Looking at the 500-member head who changed his face so fast, there was a smile on the face of the piano. As she said before in the Tianfeng Mercenary, she will not blame them, this is their way of survival. And if she changes a position, she may not believe that a martial artist will play an Emperor.

They have nothing to do with them, and they did not maintain their reasons at the beginning.


They are all their own teammates in the future, the robe of their own, in the face of the animal tide, they are indisputably standing in the same camp. Therefore, the face of the piano double smile, please enter the mercenary group, and ask the head of the Tianyu Mercenary Corps Luo Shiyi to be responsible for these people.

Those who saw the piano double let Luo Shiyi be responsible, one by one regretted that the intestines were green. How did you say a few words to Qinqin?

After everyone attended the meeting, they eagerly talked and waited for the wine to come up.

"Qin Shimei!" Yue Qingqing looked excitedly at the Qin Double Road: "I didn't think you were already a Seven Shadow Master. No wonder I could point me to be a shadow master."

Two days ago, under the guidance of Qin Shuang, Yue Qingqing had successfully entered a shadow master. Qin double smiles:

"That is also your deep foundation, otherwise it is impossible to step into a realm of masters in just two days."

"If there is no point for you, I don't know how long it will take to take that step. Qin Shimei, will you not be a ten-time master in a long time? In that case, you can stand in the sound master. Oh."

Qin double smiled and shook his head: "Where it will be so easy!"

On the side of the Golden Dragon line slightly frowned, and sincerely looked at the Qin double, said in a sincere tone:

"Double children, the sound is only the side of the door, the martial art is authentic. You can not delay the martial arts cultivation because of the lack of business."

Qin double looked at the sincere eyes of Jin Longxing, listening to his sincere tone, and his heart was a little bit dumbfounding.

Why am I not doing business?

On the side of the music, Qing Qingqing was unwilling to listen, and immediately refuted: "How is sound work a side door? How is sound work not doing business?"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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