Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2966: Burst

Barbaric continent.

The situation of the war is at a stalemate. In the past ten years, the Hundred Races Alliance has not concentrated on destroying a continent as Qin Shuang and the others guessed it. Instead, the Hundred Clan was divided into seven cultivators and attacked seven continents respectively. Moreover, although the number of monks invested was a lot, every monk army surpassed the continent they were attacking. However, this is not the true strength of the Hundred Races Alliance.

Nearly a hundred races, maybe in the field of law monks, their combined number will not be much more than the six sacred places, but the monks of the law, nearly a hundred races combined, are less than the law of the seven continents. There are too many monks, most of them more than ten times.

Now it can be said that the number of monks who follow the rules of the Hundred Clan Alliance is about one-fifth. At the beginning, the seven continents of the Holy Land Alliance were very vigilant, but as time passed, this vigilance gradually loosened, because everyone knew very well that the battlefield that really decided the victory or defeat was not on the ground. And in the starry sky, on the battlefield of those law monks. Maybe the Hundred Races Alliance just has a tempered mentality, honing itself in the war, and then constantly breaking through, once breaking through to the law monk, it will go to the battlefield of the starry sky.

Starry sky.

Densely dense void flying boats were flying quietly, and countless void flying boats flew out from every continent of the Hundred Clan Alliance, converging in the direction of Barbaric Continent, and finally gathered on a star not far from Barbaric Continent. When the Void Flying Boat on the last continent arrived, all the Void Flying Boats rose into the sky and flew towards the Barbaric Continent.

The Hundred Races Alliance is preparing to kill the Barbaric Continent first. The persimmon picks up softly, who makes the Barbaric continent the weakest among the seven continents of the Holy Land Alliance?

Destroying the Barbaric Continent will deal a heavy blow to the Holy Land Alliance, and this blow will directly affect the Starry Sky Battlefield. Therefore, the number of monks they sent this time exceeded five times that of the Barbaric Continent.

In the past ten years of war, the Hundred Races Alliance has collected a large amount of intelligence, and has a relatively accurate estimate of the number of monks in the Barbaric Continent, and a relatively accurate estimate of the strength of the Barbaric Continent, and they know that the Barbaric Continent will Suppress their cultivation. Fortunately, only one level is suppressed. They are five times as many as the monks in the Barbarian Continent. Together with the monks fighting on the Barbarian Continent at this time, they are nearly seven times as many as the cultivators on the Barbarian Continent. They can definitely be in the other six in the Holy Land Alliance. Before this continent reacted, it completely wiped out the barbaric continent.

This is also the reason why they are the first to attack the Barbaric Continent. The other six continents are really the Holy Land Continent, and even the strength of the monks is very powerful. Although they have the confidence to use several times the number of Holy Land, it is possible to destroy a Holy Land continent. However, it cannot be as fast as the Barbarian Continent is destroyed. It is very likely that the Holy Land Continent cannot be destroyed before the other six continents of the Holy Land Alliance react and send monks to assist.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Barbarian Continent is full of turmoil, the sky and the ground are full of battlefields. After ten years of war, the monks of Barbarian Continent have grown up. Facing the monks of the Hundred Clan Alliance, they no longer feel timid, and their strength and experience are qualitative. leap. At home, he was familiar with the terrain, and was able to suppress the opponent's level of cultivation. In the past ten years, the Barbaric Continent wiped out the cultivators of the tens of thousands of race alliances, and they only lost more than three million. Even with tens of thousands of cultivation bases breaking through to the cultivators of the law, they were transported to the starry sky battlefield.

The sky suddenly became dark, and the cultivators on both sides who were fighting couldn't help but look up.

"what is that?"

The monks stared into the sky in amazement, and the densely densely packed void flying boats that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky, completely shielding the sun from the sun, like black clouds.

There are thirty-six monks on each of the nine altars. These thirty-six monks have been hidden here ten years ago. The altar’s spontaneous formation covers the entire altar, making it impossible to see the altar. The situation within. Seven years ago, the monks of the Hundred Races Alliance had attacked the altar, but they could only see it as a natural formation. They didn't know what was in this natural formation. I have also probed, but I have found nothing, lost in the formation. Therefore, no one knows that thirty-six monks are hidden in each altar.

The thirty-six monks in each altar are Qin Shuang who arranged for them to wait here. The people who control the big formation are all trusted elites of the Skywalker. At this moment, they raised their heads and looked at the sky, and there was panic in their eyes, but they were more eager to try.

"They really came!"

Each monk smiled, and on each altar, nine monks stood up. One of the monks took out a formation flag and inserted it on the altar. Nine monks stood in a circle around the formation flag and looked up at the sky.

The cultivation level of every monk in the altar is not high, none of them are law monks, but they are all immortal formation masters. They are waiting for the monks of the hundred races to attack the Barbaric Continent.


The cloud-like void boat continued to fall, and then floated in mid-air. The crowded monks jumped out of the void boat and swooped toward the ground like rain.

On the ground, the monks of the Barbaric Continent became solemn, and even many monks showed fear in their eyes.


But the cultivators of the Hundred Races Alliance became excited, screaming and killing the cultivators of the Barbaric Continent.

On the nine altars, on each altar, nine people began to jointly create a series of formation patterns and penetrate into the huge formation flag.

These people are not law monks. Qin Shuang alone can inspire nine altars, but they can't. They need to work together, and each altar requires nine people.


The nine altars lit up, and the nine altars shot out a thick beam of light, straight into the sky, and then centered on the nine altars, a circle of patterns lit up, and the thirty-six people on each altar raised their heads into the air. A smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly countless beams of light appeared in the sky without warning. The light beams cut like a sharp blade, and saw that the void boats were cut and began to shatter. Although they were not completely dismembered, they fell like weightless stones to the ground. Rumbled to the ground, like a meteor shower.

Those beams of light were not cut in a straight line, but some straight lines and some arcs. They were avoiding the cultivators of the Barbarian Mainland who possessed the luck of the Barbarian Mainland in their bodies, and they were killing the monks from other continents.

This big formation already has a big formation that surpasses the great master, isn't it a group that finds that the monks can resist it?


Thanks a lot to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (2900) and book friend 20200621054231510 (200) for their rewards!



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