Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2597: Pseudo world

Qin Shuang knew very well that this was just a good wish. It was really difficult, almost impossible, to cross this threshold. Otherwise, it is impossible for fairy Binglian and Wanhuan ancestors to have not crossed that threshold for hundreds of thousands of years.

Of course, if Qin Shuang is truly holy, she will look back and study the Array Dao and Fu Dao. Based on her knowledge of Array Dao and Fu Dao, she will have a qualitative improvement in a very short time.

The big formation she wants to set up is a kind of big formation she comprehended when she was retreating and comprehending the transition from reality to reality. When she deduced the conversion from reality to reality, she once thought about the city of Wanhuan ancestors.

In the original Wanhuan City, Wanhuan's ancestor suddenly put away the world in order to trap her. The entire Wanhuan City was closed like a scroll, which shocked Qin Shuang very much. That is to say, at the moment when she thought of the Myriad Fantasy City, she suddenly felt a flash of light in her heart. She couldn't make the transition from reality to reality now, so that her realm would cover the Barbarian Continent...

Do not!

Even if it is covering Tianxingzong, it will not be as natural as the ancestor of Wanhuan. It will still be perceived by other monks. However, can a large formation be deployed in the entire Barbarian Continent, treating the entire Barbarian Continent as a realm?

The real world is essentially different from the real world.

After all, the real world is real and real. And the world is fake and illusory.

Therefore, the real world can give birth to life and possess the natural laws of heaven and earth. It is precisely because of the natural laws of heaven and earth that monks can only use the power of heaven and earth, but cannot control the real world.

The world is different.

The realm is cultivated by monks. Compared with the real world, it is false. Therefore, life cannot be born, and it does not possess the natural laws of heaven and earth. The laws in the realm are also woven by monks. Therefore, Wei Neng is too far from the real Tiandi Weili, and there is an essential gap.

However, it is precisely because the laws in the realm are all cultivated by the monks. In the realm, the monks are the real masters of this false world, and exist like gods. In his own world, the master can do whatever he wants. Therefore, a monk of the same realm, once one party is shrouded in the other's realm, it will be suppressed and eventually beheaded by the other party.

Just like the Qin Shuang back then, if it weren't for her body that could explode the power of the holy rank, she wouldn't even want to escape from the world of Wanhuan Ancestor.

The world is a pseudo-world to the real world.

Qin Shuang's idea is to turn the real world into a pseudo-world. In other words, through a large formation, the Barbaric Continent can be transformed into a world-like existence, and then the monks can use the large formation to achieve the effect of the world.

It took a long time for Qin Shuang to derive this big formation into a framework, and it was precisely because of this that she realized that the formation out of thin air.

It's just a frame, it's like having bones, and it needs flesh and blood. Qin Shuang began to derive the flesh and blood of this great formation in the town demon tower.

More than three hundred years have passed in the town demon tower, but the outside world has only been more than three months.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, where his gaze was, the space was rippling, unexpectedly forming a formation. Although the rank of these formations has just reached the master level, more than ten breaths of time quietly disappeared. But there is no need for array flag deployment.

The lines in the eyes flowed and quietly disappeared into his eyes. Qin Shuang's face showed a bright smile.

For more than three hundred years, Qin Shuang finally perfected the array, and it also brought her an unexpected surprise.

After the formation of the pseudo-world, not only was it able to suppress the enemy's strength after the formation was opened, but it also had the effect of suppressing Qi Yun, converging immortal vitality and heaven.

In fact, every continent, or every real world, has luck. In the continent with good luck, precious herbal ores can be seen everywhere, and monks can do more with less when they practice. Continents without luck, or continents with too much luck, will be very barren, and then form a world of doom.

In fact, the air luck in each world does not exist forever, either it is gathering air luck, or it is passing away. This is a cycle, starting from gathering air luck, reaching a peak, then air luck will begin to flow. When the luck is gone, it will form a barren planet.

This is the destruction of the world!

Then with the passage of time, the barren planet slowly recovered, forming a trend of gathering luck, and finally turned into a prosperous world.

And Qin Shuang's large formation is to suppress Qi Luck. Qi Luck is a very illusory thing. Qin Shuang did not comprehend the true core, but he also has a deeper understanding. She can refining altars and setting up pseudo-worlds to suppress luck.

In fact, Barbarian Continent has struck down all the Chaos Laws because of the destruction of the Chaos Clan. At this time, the Qi Luck has reached its peak, otherwise such Immortal Venerable will not be born. Xianzun was born, but the fairy king, the fairy emperor, and the fairy emperor have increased dozens of times.

In this way, the next time is the period of time when the Qi Luck of the Barbaric Continent begins to elapse, and the pseudo-world that Qin Shuang sets up has the effect of suppressing the Qi Luck. It is impossible to completely block the flow of air transport, but it can delay the flow of air transport.

Similar to this, there are immortal vitality and laws, etc., which will pass by with the passage of time. And this pseudo-world set up by Qin Shuang can also delay the passing speed. And the delay is very strong. If there is no pseudo-world set up by Qin Shuang, the Barbaric Continent may become a world of apocalypse after hundreds of millions of years, but with this pseudo-world, it can last for billions of years.

This is the basic function of this pseudo-world, and there are additional functions.

Every monk cultivates from the basics to all levels. In fact, these monks are stealing the world's luck, immortal vitality and laws. In other words, every monk himself has luck. If this monk dies, his luck will return to the world.

Imagine that when the Hundred Clan Wars began, countless Hundred Clan monks poured into the Barbaric Continent. Although they were not law monks, they came to the Barbaric Continent with their own immortal power and luck, and then died in the Barbaric Continent. mainland. Where did their own celestial strength and luck return?

Naturally, he returned to the Barbarian Continent and became a part of the Barbarian Continent. Then he was suppressed by the Puppet World in the Barbaric Continent.

In other words, in this battle, the Barbaric Continent will not only have no luck and immortality flow, but will also greatly increase. The more monks that fell on the Barbarian Continent, the more Qi Luck the Barbarian Continent grew.

This is not the fall of the monks of the Barbaric Continent. If only the monks of the Barbaric Continent have fallen, the Qi Luck of the Barbaric Continent is only restored, not increased, because the Qi for those monks in the process of cultivation are all from the Barbaric Continent. Stealing during transport, after the fall, it is just returning to the Barbaric Continent. Therefore, the luck of the Barbarian Continent will not increase, but will only recover.


Thanks a lot to Taixu Zongzhen Xu Ziyan (2000) for your reward!



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