Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2947: Helpless

"Don't feel it?" Wanhuan ancestor said with a smile.

Fairy Bing Lian's profound knowledge spread out quickly, his face began to become ugly, then he was delighted, and finally admired.

"Wan Huan, you are really talented.

Turn the virtual into reality!

Turn the virtual into reality...

This is exactly what I need. If my realm has the vitality, and then can turn the imaginary into the real, maybe it can really be holy. "

"Me too!" Wanhuan said: "If I add vitality to the illusion into reality, maybe I can also walk the way to the holy.

Of course, it may be an empty joy. Therefore, we need the Tao of Qin Shuang even more. "

The two looked at each other, with excitement gleaming in their eyes.

Wanhuan City.

Before Qin Shuang reached the gate of the city, there was a tumult from the city wall.

"She is coming!"

"Qin Shuang is here!"

"Terran Qin Shuang is here!"

Qin Shuang looked at the head of the city, and saw that there were many monks standing there, and not all of them were from the Wanhuan race, but there were other monks of a hundred races. Qin Shuang has become accustomed to it. In recent years, as her fame has spread, every challenge will attract many onlookers.

She took the road of challenge handed down from ancient times. This road of challenge has unspoken rules and will not be besieged. Everyone who is challenged will deal with it individually. And her challenge is true. There has never been someone breaking the rules when challenging. Only after the challenge was over, I had encountered several monks who wanted to besiege myself, but this had nothing to do with the challenge.

So, at the very least, Qin Shuang is at ease about challenging this process.

Stepped into the Wanhua City.

The moment Qin Shuang stepped into the Wanhua City, Qin Shuang felt in his heart and looked up to the left. On a mountain peak over there, the ancestor of Wanhuan stood alone with his hands, looking at the Qin Shuang who had just entered the city gate.

Seeing Qin Shuang's movements, the crowd of onlookers all raised their heads and looked in that direction. It was vaguely visible that there was a person on the mountain. Before they could discuss, Qin Shuang stepped forward, disappearing at the gate of the city. On the top of the mountain, I saw a middle-aged person looking at her with a smile, and he bowed his hands and said:

"Qin Shuang has met fellow Taoist Wanhuan."

The ancestor Wanhuan looked up and down the Qin Shuang, and his eyes showed a curious look: "It's really the fourth floor of Tianzun, can you tell the old man, how can you escape from Fairy Ice Lotus?"

Qin Shuang smiled indifferently: "It's not too difficult. Fellow Daoists should also know that I am a non-attribute spiritual root. This is originally close to Fairy Ice Lotus in terms of true strength. Fellow Daoist Wanhua wants to know how I escaped, not as good as us. Let's discuss it."

Wan Huan smiled: "Life and death?"

"Of course!" Qin Shuang said earnestly, "How can I comprehend life and death?"

"Okay!" Wan Huan nodded cheerfully: "I haven't done anything for tens of thousands of years. I hope you can surprise me."


As soon as the voice fell, he suddenly patted eight palms from all directions and patted Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang took a step, his figure disappeared in the space, the next moment he appeared in front of Wan Huan, and struck the past with a punch.


Wan Huan's body shattered, and Qin Shuang's heart was stunned.


Before challenging the ancestor of Wanhuan, she also knew about the ancestor of Wanhuan. The phantom body is a special skill of the ancestors of the illusion. The person who is transformed is as real as it is, but it is impossible to distinguish the profound knowledge.


The eight big hands that were thrown behind her were like someone dexterously controlling. Seeing that Qin Shuang rushed out of the eight big hands, the eight big hands changed directions smoothly in the air, chasing them towards Qin Shuang.

"Is this a phantom?"

Qin Shuang's fists quickly blasted out and collided with the eight big hands in the air. The space burst out with a shock of distance. A series of roars let Qin Shuang know that these eight big hands were real big hands.


How can eight hands appear at the same time, eight real big hands?

Wasn't Wanhuan ancestor an eight-handed monster?

However, each of the eight hands gave Qin Shuang a very real feeling.


Around Qin Shuang, different big hands appeared, some were palms, some were fists, and some were referring to various attacks, and there was even a foot kicking towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang also sinked his heart, the consciousness of spirit and soul spread out, and his fists kept blasting out, while fighting, he probed the hands or feet that suddenly appeared in the air. There was a constant collision in the air, and gradually Qin Shuang began to feel a little embarrassed.

"What a wonderful way of fighting!"

Qin Shuang couldn't help but admire at this time. So far, except after seeing the ancestor of Wanhuan when he fell on the mountain, the ancestor of Wanhuan disappeared. Qin Shuang never saw the ancestor of Wanhuan again, all he saw was constant The hands and feet that suddenly appeared were constantly attacking him.


Qin Shuang collided with a fist that appeared suddenly, but this fist did not have the slightest strength, like a phantom. This caused Qin Shuang's full power to hit a gap, and his shoulders couldn't help but sway forward. Only this shaking revealed a flaw. The body swept by a palm caused Qin Shuang to roll out. The inner palace vibrated, blood surged, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Shuang, who was tumbling in the air, glanced around and saw several hands appearing from her front, back, up, down, left, and right, attacking her.

Qin's body is in the air, kicking or kicking, or hitting or hitting, intercepting those suddenly appearing hands.

However, there are always one or two hands that are empty, letting the full power of Qin Shuang hit empty. Moreover, Qin Shuang couldn't tell which was virtual and which was real. This made Qin Shuang more and more embarrassed.


Qin's feet landed on the ground, and she simply stopped fighting back. She was helpless now. I couldn't find the ancestor of Wanhuan, just attacking the Taoism released by the ancestor of Wanhuan, this would never hurt the ancestor of Wanhuan, on the contrary, he was beaten into embarrassment.


Qin Shuang released the Human Emperor Pagoda, a pagoda enveloped Qin Shuang's body, and the mysterious Dao patterns on the tower flowed.

"Boom boom boom..."

All the attacks were real, none of them were imaginary, and the bombardment caused the Human Emperor Tower to shake violently. Qin Shuang's divine consciousness spread quickly, covering every trace of space. She finally found the ancestor of Wanhuan, right on her head, about a hundred meters away from her, just a very faint shadow, which made Qin Shuang suspect that this was the real ancestor of Wanhuan?

However, the actions of the ancestor Wanhuan convinced her that this was the real ancestor of Wanhuan, and she saw the extremely faint shadow in the air clenching a fist with one hand and smashed it down towards Qin Shuang. A huge fist appeared in the air, like a big hammer, bombarding the Human Emperor Tower.



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