Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2756: Farewell

Does n’t that Xianzun are tens of thousands of years old?

Sister is only more than 600 years old, right?

"Sister ... Are you already a respecter?"

Qin Shuang looked at Qin Jingyun in front of her, and her eyes moved slightly. She noticed her actions just now and gave Jingyun a lot of pressure, or that she was strong, so that Qin Jingyun felt her weakness. When you feel your weakness, your heart will feel insecure. If you have never been separated from Jingyun, family will solve all this. Jingyun will not only feel uneasy, but also feel safe because of her sister's strength. However, the two of them have been separated for too long, and it is a bit strange for a long time, which takes time to recover.

Qin Shuang had condensed his breath, and then the anger of Zong Ting's five people who dared to kill his brother completely disappeared. The gray chaos around him calmed down, no longer boiled, and flowed slowly.

"I'm a Di Zun now. I built a Tianxing Sect in the Manchurian Continent. They are all there. I have some things to visit Starlight Continent this time. You follow me. When I finish my work, I will return to the Tianxing Sect together. Right. "

"Good!" Qin Jingyun nodded immediately.

"Do you have any unresolved thoughts here?"

Qin Jingyun shook his head, and then said, "Go and see Brother Wu Yuzi. He has taken good care of me over the years and will always say goodbye to him."

"Okay, as we go, you will tell me about the warrior continent and the spirit world."

The two were not moving fast, but because of the presence of Qin Shuang, there is no need to worry about any chaotic race and move straight ahead. So it didn't take two quarters of a minute, they heard the sound of fighting, and walked another hundred meters, they saw three monks fighting around a huge moth, that is a chaos, equivalent to human Fairy emperor.

"Sister Seven, that black robe monk is Brother Wu Yuzi!" Qin Jingyun said.

Qin Shuang nodded and paused. The mullet roe among the three was a late Emperor Emperor, and the other two monks were also the peaks of the Immortal Emperor. In their small team, Qin Jingyun, the Immortal Emperor, was trained on the fourth floor lowest. However, in Qin Shuang's view, the three people of mullet roe were enough to hunt the moth, so they didn't shoot. At this time, the three people also saw Qin Jingyun and Qin Shuang. Blackfish roared in his heart, because he couldn't see through Qin Shuang's cultivation behavior. On the front line, it's not just Chaos, but also humans. However, after seeing Qin Jingyun look safe, the awe-inspiring heart relaxed slightly. Immediately increased the attack on moths.

Anyway, get rid of this moth first, otherwise you will get enemies.

The moth suddenly opened its big mouth. At first it was only the size of a washbasin. Just in a breath, it opened like a huge hole. There were barbs creeping in the big mouth, which was vaguely visible. A blood vessel and a slimy liquid.

A huge suction is generated from the huge mouth, so that the three people of the black roe can't stabilize their bodies, and their feet are off the ground, rushing towards the giant mouth of the moth. The three mullet roared with shock in their hearts and continuously released Taoism and Immortals to the moth, hitting the moth's huge mouth with blood, but they could not stop their fate being swallowed by the moth.

"Seven sisters!" Qin Jingyun exclaimed.


With a sound of sword, a sword blast was shot from a hole in Qin Shuang, traversing the gray sky and chopping the body of the moth.


The moth's body was cut in half by Qin Shuang and fell to the ground.

"Boom! Boom ..."

The body of the three mullet roe lost their suction power and fell to the ground. He hurriedly got up from the ground, bowed to the piano and politely said:

"Thank you senior!"

Qin Shuang nodded, but said nothing. Qin Jingyun introduced Qin Shuang to the warrior continent and the spirit world along the way, and then recovered the kind and kind of brother feeling that followed Qin Shuang's ass. At this time, he lifted his chin slightly, with a proud expression on his face:

"Brother, this is my sister!"

In the eyes of the three people, Wuyuzi showed envy, but he didn't expect that his little teacher still had such a powerful sister. They couldn't see the practice of Qin Shuang, but they knew absolutely that Qin Shuang was the worst person. Otherwise, the moth will not be so easily killed.

"I want to take my younger brother out of the Starlight Continent, and I won't go to your Qingyun Sect. This matter will bother Udo friends to return to Qingyun Sect."

"Yes, the juniors must return to the Zongzong door as quickly as possible."

Wuyuzi secretly wiped a cold sweat in his heart. Fortunately, he has never been so disgusted with Qin Jingyun, and he has taken care of it more or less. Otherwise, seeing this sister's murderous nature, he would kill himself without hesitation.

Qin glanced at the weapons of three people, all of which were fairy swords, Wuyuzi was a middle-grade sword, and the other two were lower-grade swords. So he took out the three-handed superb fairy sword from his storage ring and floated in front of the three people:

"Jing Yun said, you haven't taken care of him in recent years, you will accept these three swords."

The eyes of the three mullet roe all fell off.

This is a superb fairy!

The squid throat is creeping and wants to pick it up, but it is also a little scared, stuttering: "Senior ... It's too expensive."

"Brother, you just accept it." Qin Jingyun said: "My sister will refining herself."

Hearing Qin Jingyun also spoke, the mullet roe no longer politely reached out and grabbed the Need for Immortal Sword floating in front of him. The other two monks also excitedly caught the flying sword floating in front of him. Before waiting for the three of them to carefully measure, they saw three jade bottles floating in front of them.

"There are one hundred immortals in each jade bottle. It is estimated that it should be able to improve your cultivation. Take it."

This time the mullet roe no longer hesitated and immediately grabbed the jade bottle in their hands. But he did not dare to watch it immediately. Qin Shuang took out three more jade symbols and waved them to the front of three people:

"This jade rune belongs to the defensive jade rune. You can wear it on your body to block Tianzun's later blow."

Qin Shuang spent eight years on the way from the lost continent to the Starlight Continent. At the beginning of these eight years, she made a charm and a refiner in the town demon tower, allowing Hua Taixiang to fly with the town demon tower. Now her talismans and refiners have reached the state of great perfection. The fairy symbol she made now can withstand the mid-range peak blow of Tianzun. If we now build a furen from these fusi, the strength is already very close to the peak of Tianzun.

Qin Shuang took out another fairy symbol separately, and handed it to Wuyuzi said: "You take care of Jingyun the most, I will send you another symbolic trap, this is an attack symbolic trap, which is equivalent to the mid-level peak strike of Tianzun . "

The mullet roe took the Xianfu somewhat numbly, and then looked up, Qin Shuang and Qin Jingyun had disappeared.


Thank you so much for the cool ice king (500), purple smoke like a dream (200), and seaphay (100)!



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