Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2716: Excited Tianzun

Zhen Lao crushed another Vientiane fruit in his stomach, and Qin Shuang's body collapsed more and more, and his bones were exposed. But she was still moving towards the depths, and gradually, her bones began to develop fissures. The Vientiane fruit was repaired quickly, and then destroyed.

Qin Shuang stopped and began to practice jade body hardening tactics.

A month.

Two months.

Three months.

Half a year.

"Buzz ..."

From the body of Qin Shuang, the buzz of Hong Zhong Da Lu came out, and the vibration spread rapidly in all directions around Qin Shuang and set off waves.

Qin Shuang's body broke through to Tianzun.

"Booming ..."

The monk who was catching the law locks and law chains above the river suddenly looked down, and he saw the river below boil, and waves rose into the sky.

In the depths of the river, a raised rock was struck by violent shock. The raised rock suddenly moved. The rock seemed to be lifted up, revealing a lying person from inside. His eyes were still a little bit. Confused, but soon became clear, with a wave of his hand, it turned out that it was not a rock, but a cloak covering the person. At that time, the person tied the cloak and walked toward the center of the violent fluctuation. The river water from the fragments of that law seemed to have no resistance to him.

"Booming ..."

The waves calmed down gradually, and those immortals in the air withdrew their gazes, and looked again at the laws of the air. Now there is nothing more important than catching the chain of laws. Maybe something happened deep in the river, but these immortal venerables have been here for more than a hundred years. There are really no treasures found. There are only endless laws. They had also encountered a sudden mutation in a place in their lost eyes, and went to excitement, but were suddenly erupted, just as injured by the law of volcanic eruption, and even fell.

Therefore, at this time, they only had precautions against the changes in Dahe, but they did not have the heart to explore. After the river has returned to calm, it will relax and collect the law locks and chains again.

Qin Shuang in the deep river has stopped. After her body broke through to the first floor of Tianzun, she felt that the pressure here was not enough to make her more refined.


Qin Shuang suddenly turned his head and looked down the river. I saw the dense fragments of the law separate, and a figure forced up against the current and walked towards her.

"Monk!" The man's eyes suddenly brightened, his expression became excited, and he sniffed his nose again: "Fresh monk!"

Then he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang was startled!

Fresh monk?

What do you mean?

Is this going to eat me?


Qin Shuang bombarded the past without thinking, and she was the strongest in the world.

I saw that the monk stretched out a big hand carelessly and pinched toward the world.


The big grinding disc broke that day, and then at that moment when Qin Shuang was too late to respond, he rushed over and hugged Qin Shuang tightly.

"Fresh monk! Hahaha ... Fresh monk!"

The man's voice was shaking, as if the child was suppressed and helpless for a long time, and his emotions broke out at this moment.

Qin Shuang was inexplicable at this moment, but he also felt that the other party was not malicious. But being held by a man like an octopus, she was also very ashamed. I want to fly this person out, but I think Fang Cai, who has lightly crushed his own world, is afraid of angering the other party. With the strength of the other party, at this time holding his arms and legs, I am afraid So he broke himself.

Qin Shuang had to stand there in shame, and the man held Qin Shuang, as if his emotions were out of control, and no longer spoke, but greedily sucked in the breath of Qin Shuang, and the two of them fell silent for a time.

Like two lovers who have reunited for a long time, hug quietly!

As time passed, the man's trembling body gradually calmed down.

"Can you let go?" Qin Shuang saw that the man had calmed down before speaking, with a tone of shame in his tone.


The man let go of his arm and stood opposite Qin Shuang. Both of them were looking at each other.

In the eyes of Qin Shuang, the man opposite looks like a young man, and he is still very handsome, but his body exudes a simple atmosphere, just like the objects buried in the ancient tomb, just unearthed. Her heart couldn't help but jump:

"Is he the last monk who lost his eyes opened and came in?"

"Lost eyes opened again?" The monk said.

Qin Shuang's heart was a fierce jump: "Are you really the last monk who entered the lost eye?"

"Well!" The young man did not hide, but nodded gently.

Qin Shuang understood the young man's actions before being excited. Anyone who has been sealed in his lost eyes, I do n’t know how many thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, will it be crazy to see new people come in, right?

And looking at him, it seems that a turtle shrank in this Hanoi and dared not move. This is even more painful. If his lost eyes were closed and he could walk freely here, he was not too lonely. But it can only shrink under a cloak ...

Do not!

It's not shrinking, it should be self-sealing, fall into a deep sleep?

It should be the shock of his breakthrough that awakened him.

In other words, his own ontological strength is already at the level of Tianzun, and he can't break away from the other party's embrace. What is the strength of the other party?

and also……

Qin Shuang looked at the young man in front of him. Although he was a young man's face, he must be getting older.

At this time, the monk's long-term depression caused Fang Cai's emotions to erupt and hugged Qin Shuang, but he gradually recovered his mood. A young man's face also revealed a hint of redness.

He is really embarrassed now, how to say, he is also hundreds of thousands of years old, and is still a peak of Tianzun ...


It ’s not now, but it ’s the mid-day of Tianzun.

If you are so old, how can you cultivate yourself well, not to mention being decent, but also a gesture of elders.

But ... but ...

Just like an octopus, I hugged this girl ...


He took a closer look and was more certain that this was a girl in front of him, definitely not more than six hundred years old.

This is embarrassing ...

At this time, Qin Shuang saw that the other party was not inclined to hug herself, and was still a little embarrassed. She was relieved in her heart. She was really afraid that the other party was excited again, and then hugged herself. I can forgive the other person for one gaffe, but not forgive twice ...


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