Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2695: Fancy make up stone

You know that this is the fairy world, not the spiritual world.

In the spirit world, Qin Shuang can also tear through the space and travel. But when she came to the fairy world, she couldn't do much even if she was the pinnacle of the human race now. And she now knows that even Tianzun Peak can't do much.

In Immortal Realm, only Saint-level priests can tear through the space and travel.

But what does she see now?

It is impossible for the Tibetan people to have a holy class monk, otherwise it will not be so strenuous. As long as the holy class monk comes forward, the Butian Temple is a native chicken.

But how did the Tibetans do it?

How can we travel through space.

It is impossible for such a large puppet to make up the sky, and it is impossible to fly openly in the direction of the city, otherwise, it might be discovered just after appearing on the surface.

And using this space shuttle will have a sudden!

But how did they do it?

Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly and looked towards the huge crack. She saw traces of formation and runes.

"This is the fusion of battle lines and runes!"

"It's really amazing!"


When he saw the giant Skystone, he raised his big foot and stomped towards the moat. At that moment, the moat was stomped out of a large hole. Then I saw the giant giant Skystone, his hands protruding into the hole in the large array, his hands grasping the sides of the crack, and tearing towards the sides.

"Booming ..."

The whole battle was torn apart!


Only then did the Tibetan monks who attacked the large array fall towards Butian City like a storm. Only in an instant, the monks in Butian City fell.

The three figures swooped down from the Butian Temple, but in an instant, they came to the three directions around the Giant Sky Stone Giant and launched an attack towards the Giant Sky Stone Giant.

It is Puguang Tianzun three.

on the ground.

Qin Shuang could no longer watch Puguang Tianzun besieging the giant Tianshi giant, because countless Tibetan monks were spreading like tide.


From the 108 holes in Qin Shuang, the warm, star-shaped sword gas erupted, shining with starlight, like a real 108-handed fairy sword, which will rush to himself and Sun Xing, Yao Cao. The Tibetans strangled.

"Qiangqiang ..."

One hundred and eight sword spirits crisscrossed the three people of Qin Shuang, strangling Tibetans layer by layer. At this time, Qin Shuang had time to look up into the air.


As soon as the sky exploded, I saw three Great Heavenly Kings fly out. Although it only flew less than ten miles, he rushed to the Giant Sky Stone Giant again, but Qin Shuang's heart had determined that there was no way for the three Great Heavenly Venerable to take the Giant Sky Stone Giant. At most it is just interception, not letting the giant Sky Stone Giant fall into the Heaven Sky City to wreak havoc, but there is no way to repel the Giant Sky Stone Giant, let alone hurt the Giant Sky Stone Giant.

The Tiantian Stone is too hard and full of avenues. The strength of Datianzun is simply not enough, unless there are more than a dozen, or more than two dozen such Tiantianzun attacking the giant Skystone at the same time.

However, although the Tiangong Temple is very strong, it is a holy place, and there are only a few people at its peak. There is no threat to the giant Skystone.

Qin Shuang's heart is turning!

She now has two ways to help Puguang Tianzun. One is the transmission of metaphysics, telling Pu Guangtianzun where he is, and then giving him the token entrusted by Lin Suifeng. But he had seen the power of Minghao token, and the token power of Lin Suifeng could not be worse. The Holy Strike can definitely crush the Giant Sky Stone Giant.

The other is Zhuxian Crossbow!

One Zhuxian array will not work, and ten will not work. But what about thirty? How about fifty?

Qin Shuang left thirty-six Zhuxian crossbows to Zongmen, and there were more than one hundred in her storage ring.

She took a fancy to the giant Skystone, but actually it was her.

No matter whether it is a token or a Zhuxian crossbow, the giant Sky Stone Giant will be broken, which means that it is impossible to keep the complete Sky Stone Giant.

However, make up stone is very good!

Bringing these make-up stones back to the sect gate will definitely create a holy place for cultivation. Bu Tian Shi is naturally capable of attracting Tian Di Avenue, and practicing on Bu Tian Shi is definitely a great place to break through.

Tian Xingzong is now full of immortal vitality, and its richness is not weaker than that of Taixu Zong. What is lacking is the rule of law, which assists the monks to break through. And Tiantianshi is undoubtedly the best assistant.

However, if a token is used, it is the Puguang Tianzun's smashed supplementary stone giant. If you ask for it yourself, there is a great possibility that Puguang Tianzun will give her. After all, he sent Lin Suifeng's jade slips and tokens. However, Qin Shuang resisted in his heart.

If Qin Shuang himself smashed the giant Sky Stone, then Sky Stone is his loot, and Qin Shuang can justly ask for it.

Qin Shuang gazed at the surroundings, and then whistled away with the 108 swords around his body, killing the Tibetan people facing each other, and then shouted:

"Close to me!"

In this kind of dangerous situation, each monk actually has a little panic in his heart. Especially at this time, the monks around Qin Shuang are alchemists, lacking practical experience, and eager for a leader to stand up Just do it. Therefore, when Qin Shuang showed his strength and strangled the surrounding Tibetan Tibetans, they instinctively followed Qin Shuang's orders and gathered towards Qin Shuang.

One hundred and eight handle swords are like dragons, traversing all directions, strangling the Tibetan monks one by one. A group of monks who gathered beside her looked at Qin Shuang admirably.

"Everyone!" Qin Shuangning said: "The outcome of the war does not depend on us, but depends on it!"

Qin pointed his finger at the giant Skystone in the sky, and all the monks looked up. His face turned pale in an instant. Ten giants could see clearly because of the power of the giant Tianshishi and the helplessness of the three great heavenly venerable giants. If the victory or defeat of the war depends on there, they all seem to see the defeat of the war. These alchemists, either killed or arrested, were kept in the dark underground and practiced alchemy for the Tibetans every day.

"I need forty-nine monks to be as high as possible."

"I am a respecter!"

"I am the peak of the fairy emperor!"


One monk squeezed beside Qin Shuang, and at this time, a monk exclaimed. Qin Shuang turned his head and saw a Tianzun who made up Tiantian Palace. He was beheaded by a Tibetan Zongzun, and then rushed towards Qinshuang wildly. He saw that Qin Shuang had gathered a group of alchemists, and Qin Shuang's 108-handed sword spirit was indeed swayed, and he was arrogant all the way. Any monk who blocked him on the road was slapped by him with a slap. The monks around Qin Shuang had pale faces. They had no doubt that the Tibetan Tibetan Tianzun could slap them as a slap. The reason why I didn't take a slap in the distance was that I wanted to catch them.


Thank you very much seaphay (100) for the reward!



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