Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2677: war

Qin Shuang is not surprised. From the names of the two holy places, she can see that these are two hostile forces. Both the dark holy land and the light holy land are indigenous forces on the light continent. This is the civil war of the light continent, and they are fighting for the dominance of the light continent. For monks who want to withdraw from the bright mainland, they are happy to see their success and will not interfere. So their battlefield must be far from the channel.

Qin Shuang explored Xuanzhi into the jade slips given to her by Minghao, and checked the map to determine the direction of the Holy Light. He jumped on Hua Taixiang's back and sent the map to Hua Taixiang. Hua Taixiang vacated and flew towards the bright holy land.

A few days later, Qin Shuang looked down and saw a fight on the ground from time to time, one in white and the other in black.

Needless to say, white is the holy place of light, and black is the holy place of darkness.

The fighting between the two sides is extremely fierce, and sometimes there are fighting in the air. As long as Qin Shuang let Hua Taixiang fly higher, he avoided the battlefield one by one. Qin Shuang even replaced a white dress with a red dress. Therefore, occasionally the monks of the light holy land and the dark holy land saw her and ignored it.

However, as she got closer to the Holy Land of Light, the battlefield became denser, and the scale of the war continued to increase, the level of battle also became higher, and the monk's morale became stronger.

Two months later, she had already seen a large-scale fight between immortal emperors. Only along the way, she has not seen the battle of the Xianzun level. This made her worry instead.

It is not normal for such a large-scale war to never encounter a human respect. The only explanation is that the Light Holy Land and the Dark Holy Land should have started the decisive battle, that is to say, the Dark Holy Land has attacked the Light Holy Land's old nest. All Immortal Venerables gathered there.

"Isn't the Light Holy Land destroyed like this?"

Qin Shuang sighed, so who did his jade jade and token give to?

Seven days passed.

"Booming ..."

A huge roar came from the front. Although he could not see the battlefield, Qin Shuang could already clearly sense the violent fluctuations in space.

"Be careful." Qin Shuang told the flowers to be too fragrant.

Hua Taixiang kept flying forward, but the whole spirit was highly concentrated, ready to take the piano pair away from the battlefield.

At the speed of flowers too fragrant, about half a day later, Qin Shuang finally came to the beach and stood on the beach, and could see a cloud of mushrooms rising deep in the ocean. But the battlefield is still not visible.

"Sister!" Hua Taixiang turned her head and looked at Qin Shuang.

"Go and see!"

Hua Taixiang flew into the sky again, without using space magical power, and flew in the direction of the mushroom cloud at a speed slower than normal. Qin looked at the sea in both directions and saw a body floating. But no monster in the sea ate those corpses. The monsters in the sea have long been frightened to escape far away by the power that erupted from afar.

After about another hour and a half, Qin Shuang saw a big island. It was a very huge island, which could not be seen at a glance. At this time this big island has become a battlefield.

On the ground and in the air, there are fights everywhere, and the place where the mushroom cloud rises most densely is still far away from Qin Shuang, in the center of this big island.

"Fly higher and go directly to the center of the island." Qin Shuang patted the head of the flower too fragrant.

Hua Taixiang flew towards the sky, and then flew from the sky towards the center of the Big Island. Qin Shuang sat on Hua Taixiang's back and looked down.

Below is almost a black and white world. A large number of monks dressed in white and black are fighting together. There are battlefields everywhere. The more they fly to the center of the big island, the more intense the fluctuation of energy, the more the monk ’s state. high.

Fortunately, no monk flew to a high air fight on purpose. Qin Shuang did not encounter a monk who fought, flying all the way from the wind layer to the center of the big island.

After about two hours, Qin Shuang saw a ruin. Qin Shuang didn't know if the building was beautiful before. Because most of them have been destroyed, Qin Shuang knew that it must have been very prosperous here because of the ruins and dense construction. And although the big formation is broken, Qin Shuang can see the former formation.

In other words, there should have been a large mountain protection array. Looking away from the broken formation, Qin Shuang knew that the quality of this large formation was not as good as that of Tian Xingzong's protection. However, it is not easy to break through this large array. I don't know what method was used in the Dark Holy Land.

This made her start to worry about the protection of her patriarch, and she felt awe in her heart.

You can't underestimate the world!

"Booming ..."

Dense and grand roar sounded, and mushroom clouds continued to rise, and the space was covered with fine cracks.

The entire mountain array of the shrine of light was shattered, and the defensive array of buildings was shattered. The once beautiful buildings became ruins. The ground and the sky were full of battlefields. fly.

Among the ruins of this bright holy place are all the Immortal Venerables, from Human Respects to Heavenly Respects, various Dao Laws broke out, and heaven and earth are like the end.

Qin Shuang's eyes were searching everywhere, and she was looking for Dari Tianzun.

In a jade jade book given to her by Minghao, there are not only maps, but also images of Dayi Tianzun. She came to the Holy Land to give a jade jade and a token to Dayi Tianzun.

Soon, she saw Dari Tianzun.

Because she knows that Day Sun Tianzun is the pinnacle of Tianzun, she only needs to find the most powerful battlefield. The peak of Tianzun who was at war, that is, seven pairs, gazing across the seven battlefields in the air, locked a tall monk, just like the image that Minghao gave her, it was Dari Tianzun.

At this time, Dari Tianzun and his opponent were very tragic. The two Datianzun, at this time, were covered in blood. This was impossible in the past. At this time, the two men were completely fighting. The bones of both sides were exposed. Every move and every type of power can move mountains and fill the sea.

"That's ... the law of darkness!"

Qin Shuang, who lives high in the wind layer of the sky, focused his eyes on the black-clothed Tianzun. There was a sudden in my heart.

The law of light and the law of darkness are inherently hostile. These two holy places do not know how many years they have opposed the enemy. When they meet, they are definitely the kind of life and death.


Qin Shuang frowned and fell into thought.

How could the Dark Holy Land attack the Light Holy Land so much?

Where is their guts?

Fighting has hit this share. The strongest person in the dark holy place is the peak of Heavenly Venerable, and there is a holy class monk in the light holy place. Although Minghao is not at home, what about the deterrent of the holy class?


Thank you very much seaphay (100), djp1123 (100) for the reward!



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