Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2632: Witch

Mei Haiqing stared at Qin Ying and asked, he was quite relieved about Qin Ying. On the one hand, Qin Ying felt sober, and there was no sign of madness. Instead it gives people a very wise feeling. On the other hand, Qin Ying's body exudes a strong enchantment, which is stronger than the enchantment on them, which makes him believe that Qin Shuang is their same family. As for Qin Ying, she said that she also has a human status, and he thinks it is a joke. So, he asked his question frankly, and if Qin Ying could answer his question frankly, he would trust Qin Ying more.

"Me?" Qin Ying smiled proudly: "Because my identity is different."

"Different identities?"

Qin Ying looked at Mei Haiqing with an idiot's eyes: "Did I just say that? I have three identities, first of all, I am the Lord. My wisdom and understanding are comparable to you. ?

What you cannot comprehend, I may not comprehend. "

"Do you think we'll believe it?" A demon Da Tianzun said coldly.

"You ca n’t believe that I ca n’t help it, and in fact, I ’m not a complete Lord, I just have a part of the Lord ’s heritage. I do n’t need to conceal you either. When the Qin Shuang was still weak, I was teaching Qin Shuang the magic. At the same time, quietly left a demon seed on Qin Shuang's body. The demon seed has a part of the demon master's inheritance. At that time, I thought that when my body recovered, I could swallow the Qin Shuang and re-integrate. However, I didn't think of Qin Shuang actually has many means to seal the monster that has just sprouted, that is, I have sealed it. "

Mei Haiqing's eight heavenly respects glanced at each other, some in their hearts. After all, in their hearts, they felt that the entire demon world, and only the demon master would have a stronger magical power than them.

What are the other magics?

"Dao You, since you say that you are only a demon species, and only part of the demon's inheritance, I think this is not enough to make you ignore the law of chaos?"

Qin Ying was silent for a moment, and nodded calmly: "According to the analysis of the inheritance I got, let alone me, even if the Lord is resurrected, he may not be able to fully understand the laws of chaos, and then perfectly modify the laws of chaos. Maybe he will be crazy in the end. Now. "

"then you?"

"I said that I have not only the identity of the demon, I also have the blood of the blood demon. Do you know the blood demon?"

"Know more. It's said that the Gore can devour everything."

"Good!" There was a hint of pride in Qin Shuang's face, and the pupils of both eyes became blood red: "The law of the blood demon is the law of devour, and he can devour everything, including the law of chaos."

Looking at the blood red in Qin Ying's eyes, it was the heart of Da Haizun's Mei Haiqing. Unconsciously, the honorific title was used.

"Is it for this reason that you can devour the laws of chaos without losing your mind?"

"Not all!" Qin Shuang proudly said, "don't forget my third identity."

"Qin Shuang? That Terran? Will she be useful?"


Without warning, Qin Ying released a magical power, blasted Mei Haiqing out, then stretched out his hand, a law of chaos tied the volley of Mei Haiqing like a chain. With a bang, he pulled back and dropped Mei Haiqing on the ground.

Mei Haiqing's rules agitated, but the laws that had not waited for his release to burst out of power, and the chains of chaos that bound him had disappeared. There was a hint of regret in Qin Ying's eyes, and he waved his hand frankly:

"It's a pity that I can control the law of chaos very shallowly now, and I can only maintain it for a while."

Mei Haiqing's mind was stunned, and he was able to say his deficiencies so frankly. There is only one possibility for such a monk, that is, self-confidence. Even if you are so confident that you know her weaknesses, there is nothing you can do. One more thought, Qin Ying devoured the three Great Celestial Masters and merged the understanding of the three Great Celestial Masters. I am afraid that I am not really Qin Ying's opponent now ...

Not afraid!

It's not an opponent, but it has already been tested.

"Do you know?" Qin Ying looked at Mei Haiqing: "I am Qin Shuang's shadow, do you know what a shadow is? Shadow is darkness, nothingness. You look up at the sky."

Mei Haiqing could not help looking up at the sky.

"What did you see?" Qin Ying asked.

At this point, the cracks in the sky have disappeared, the broken laws have fallen to the ground, and the white clouds are converging.

"I see blue sky and white clouds."

"Look farther away," Qin Shuang said lightly.

"Darkness and nothingness!"

"Yes, the biggest thing in the entire universe is not the stars, but the darkness and nothingness that tolerates them, so darkness and nothingness are eternity.

And I, Qin Ying, the shadow of Qin Shuang, have no body, and some are darkness and nothingness. If the Lord gave me wisdom, the blood demon gave me devour, Qin Shuang's shadow gave me Tolerance is all-inclusive, and the law of chaos is naturally within tolerance.

So I won't go crazy.

Just give me time, just give me enough devour, and I will be the strongest being in this world. "

Qin Ying burst into laughter as he looked at the eight celestial beings who turned pale around.

"Hahaha ..."

With a full smile for half a quarter of an hour, she glanced at the eight big deities:

"Don't worry, I won't devour you. On the one hand, you have no use for me. I have swallowed you, and I don't get much. On the other hand, I also need some men. From now on, I am this demon world. Lord, who is in favour and who is against? "

The eyes of the eight demons exchanged their eyes, but they made a decision only momentarily.

The Mozu needs a holy master monk, and now it seems that the Qin Ying in front has this potential. On the other hand, they dare not refuse. The eight of them may not be afraid of Qin Ying, but they cannot keep it. Will they have been together since then?

Once the order is placed, Qin Ying will easily devour them.

So, what are you waiting for?

Immediately, the eight deities came to Qin Ying, bowing and saluting:

"Meet the Lord."

"Hahaha ..." Qin Ying laughed loudly, and turned into a shadow to leave her instantly, leaving her voice in the air:

"Build a magic palace for me, and I'm looking for the object to swallow!"

The eight celestial deities looked at each other halfway, and Ai Ai said during the period of celestial enlightenment: "She won't devour the demons?

Forget the mountains

The towering giant trees form an endless forest.

The rumbling sound of the water is a large white waterfall that flows down from the cliffs of thousands of feet. Like white horses, it seems to fall from the sky, and flows into a lake in a huge valley.


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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