Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2630: escape

This team has four immortals, which is considered to be a relatively strong team. But with the lowest realm, Xu Kaiyun has the strongest combat power.

But what about the barbarians now?

The Wuman River is already half-respected, and they don't know that Wumanshan is already the first-level.

Two quarters later, Xu Kaiyun stopped and looked around the terrain:

"Let's get everyone together into a circle and take a break."


Although Xu Kaiyun was just the beginning of an immortal emperor, the powerful fighting power displayed on the way made the remaining four immortals consciously obey Xu Kaiyun's orders, so that there was only one voice in this team.

The crowds gathered quickly, and Xu Kaiyun threw dozens of array flags and set up a formation to hide the crowds.

With such a sense of security among the people, Xu Kaiyun sent several scout squads around, and the rest began to take the elixir and adjust the interest.

The sky was gradually approaching dusk, and it slowly faded.

Xu Kaiyun sat with the four immortals, wearing a white robe with a clean law, still as white as snow, with a hint of worry on his cheeky face.

Several young and beautiful women, holding the fruits just picked, ran over, and one of the beautiful women who ran in front shouted.

"Brother Xu's family, I found a spiritual fruit tree and picked some. It tastes sweet and you try it."

"Sisi, where did you pick the wild fruits? There is also a chaotic law here. The chaotic law is not completely decomposed, and it is not known whether it is poisonous."

A beautiful young girl holding a jade pot in her hand and saw a few young girls holding wild fruits, her face changed slightly.

"I have already eaten first, naturally it will not be poisonous." The girl holding the wild fruit rolled her eyes.

"You haven't poisoned it after eating it?" The girl holding the pot frowned. "It's only been a while before? Who knows if it can lurk in the body?"

The four immortals looked at Xu Kaiyun with amusement. Seeing Xu Kaiyun as if he had not heard a quarrel, he was still sitting there, his eyes locked with anxiety, An Youtian whispered softly:

"Kaiyun, are you still worried about Master Qin?"

"It's a bit!" Xu Kaiyun nodded. "Although I know that my boss is a big blessing, I am still worried. After all, the danger in the fairy world is not comparable to the spirit world."

"Don't worry!" An Youtian said mildly: "I don't know how Qin Zong is the master, but I know Qin Zong is powerful. She will be fine."

"Yes, I hope so too." Xu Kaiyun smiled reluctantly.

"Yeah!" An Youtian said: "This is the first time you have come to the barbarian continent. I do n’t know what the barbarian continent looked like before the lord Suqin came. After the lord Suqin came, earth-shaking changes have occurred. The second beast tide, and the fall of the big star, Qin Zongzhu is safe and sound, and Qin Zongzhu and Tianxing Zong become more and more powerful. "

A trace of worship appeared in An Youtian's eyes. At this time, the girl holding the wild fruit came to the left side of Xu Kaiyun and sat on her knees, handing a washed wild fruit path:

"Brother Xu, you eat one."

Xu Kaiyun took a wild fruit with a smile and took a bite. "Thank you, it tastes good."

The girl looked happy, then glanced proudly at the girl holding the pot. The girl sat on the other side of Xu Kaiyun kneeling and handed the jade pot to Xu Kaiyun:

"Brother Xu, this is the mountain spring water I hit. Take a sip."

Xu Kaiyun also took the jade pot with a smile, took a sip, and returned the jade pot to the girl, saying to the two girls:

"You may rest and get back to your condition as soon as possible."

The two girls stood up, bowed slightly to Xu Kaiyun, and then left. As they left, the eyes of the two girls collided in the air. But looking back at Xu Kaiyun's exhausted back, both were silent again.

The camp gradually became silent, and everyone was practicing and recovering. About half an hour later, Xu Kaiyun restored his cultivation to its peak, opened his eyes, and looked at a grass on the ground, as if the grass was What a rare herb in general.

An Youtian's four immortal emperors also ended their cultivation. They opened their eyes and looked at Xu Kaiyun's look gazing at the grass. The four immortal emperors looked at each other and did not have the heart to disturb him. Landed on the ground in front of him.

I don't know how long after that, the sky has completely darkened, the moon is hanging on the sky, and the temperature around it has obviously dropped. Xu Kaiyun only slightly recovered.

Seeing Xu Kaiyun returning to God, An Youtian lowered his voice and said:

"Kaiyun, in fact, you don't need to worry about dealing with those girls. You are now the leader of this team, and every mind should not be wasted."

"It's okay." Xu Kaiyun smiled reluctantly. "Actually, they didn't waste my mind."

"You ..." An Youtian sighed. "You are still worried about Master Qin."

Xu Kaiyun hesitated, and smiled reluctantly: "You don't know the current situation of the boss, and those immortals who entered the cracks in the space with the boss will definitely try to kill the boss.

Even if she can finally escape from the crack in that space, she still has to face the assassination of hundreds of people. "

"Why?" An Youtian's four immortal emperors froze.

"Because the Hundreds don't want another strong person to emerge from the human race. Especially one who has the opportunity to become a holy monk."

"Master Qin ..." The faces of the four immortal emperors were all shocked: "Will they become ... Holy Master Monks?"

Xu Kaiyun was silent. He recalled the first meeting with Qin Shuang, which was in an archaic space. At that time, the warrior continent was a wild land in the eyes of the reckless monk, Qin Shuang was still very weak. However, Qin Shuang still emitted the dazzling light belonging to her in Taigu space.

Later in the spiritual world, Xu Kaiyun never looked down on Qin Shuang, admired Qin Shuang, and willingly called Qin Shuang the boss.

In his mind, Qin Shuang was more reliable than the family.


Today Qin Shuang is uncertain.

Five people stopped talking, and there was silence in the whole array.

Deep in the devil world.

The large black snow fell from the air one after another, piled up on the ground, layer upon layer, showing no sign of melting.

It wasn't black snow, but broken pieces of law that fell all over the ground. The earth was full of gullies and rubble everywhere.

Nine figures stood on this doomsday ruin.

There is a figure standing in the middle, surrounded by eight figures.


Many thanks to seaphay (100), blue magic stone (100), dreams at the beginning (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for the reward!



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